Joy Gets Slapped Hard By Dan Bongino After She Says Trump’s Trapped Like A Rat

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Joy Behar fancies herself an expert on the Robert Mueller investigation, and like a fortune teller, she is predicting the future. The 75-year-old former comedian said Trump’s trapped like a rat, and the leftist audience of The View clapped, thinking Behar is right. Enter former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who just slapped Joy hard with the truth. You’ll love this. 

Joy Behar (left), Dan Bongino (right) (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Joy Behar was celebrating on The View yesterday and today. The former HLN Network host can hardly contain her excitement over the latest developments of the bogus Robert Mueller investigation. 

Joy Behar said now that President Donald Trump is named as “Individual-1” by federal prosecutors, the establishment Republican Party will turn on him as more information is released.

“I want to quote Steve Bannon before we go. He says the president needs a team that can go to the mattresses. Don’t you love a mafia — that’s a mob phrase,” laughed Behar.

“He [Bannon] wrote this: ‘The president can’t trust the GOP there when it comes. They don’t feel any sense of duty or responsibility to stand with Trump,'” said bigmouth Behar. Then, she raises her voice, so excited, and says, “That’s his biggest problem — that the GOP is not going to back him as soon as more of this stuff comes out and that’s why he’s like a trapped rat at the White House!”

This Special Counsel has been quite an obsession for the former comedian. At the end of November, HuffPo reported, “Joy Behar celebrated her 20th anniversary as co-host of The View on Thursday, and she suggested that if that weren’t reason enough for President Donald Trump to resign (as a gift to her), his former lawyer Michael Cohen also pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about plans for a Trump Tower in Moscow.”

Then, just last week, Joy was threatening to “quit this damn show!” during a reportedly heated commercial break after Meghan McCain made it clear she was sick of the 75-year-old co-host’s rants. McCain was trying to compare her father’s passing to the death of former President George H.W. Bush, but Joy wanted to pontificate about climate change and Trump. 

Behar’s so pumped about President Trump’s demise, she can hardly contain herself. Well, that brings us to former Secret Service agent and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino. 

Bongino, who worked as a New York police officer before he got his gig as a Secret Service agent, knows a thing or two about how law enforcement in the swamp works. Frequently, Bongino mentions those like Behar, who he concludes are going to be dumbfounded when they learn the truth.

The former Secret Service agent has devoted the last year to studying, in depth, the Mueller investigation, which he calls the “cover-up” for the real crime: the FBI and CIA illegally spying on President Trump and his associates before the election and after. 

The Fox News contributor, explaining where the Mueller investigation is at right now, said, “Now, [Mueller’s] new theory is Trump obtained the presidency by fraud. This is amazing, folks. This started at treason, and now, they are saying there was a campaign finance violation … these allegations of payoffs to these women he [Trump] allegedly had relationships with.”

Bongino went on, “And the payoffs, altered the presidential election. Because if the public would have known about these relationships, then Hillary would have won. Please tell me you get this folks … this is their new theory. They [Mueller’s team] went from treason to collusion, to obstruction [of justice], to campaign finance laws. This is all they have now!”

Bongino then concluded, “They’ve got nothing left because you can’t invent facts. The left made up this case in conjunction with their media hack buddies … and now, they are embarrassed. They have got nothing left.”

Bongino is spot on. Remember, the original scope of the Special Counsel was made clear: Trump-Russia collusion during the campaign. Now, since Mueller couldn’t prove that happened, he is trying like hell to conjure up this so-called campaign finance violation.

The big problem is both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama committed violations against the same campaign finance laws. It’s not something people get excited about, and in Trump’s case, Mueller will be hard pressed to prove it. He’s grasping at straws.

Poor Joy Behar. The truth always comes out, and when it does in this case, Joy-less and her cohorts on The View are going to need a padded room and lots of therapy for their severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 1557 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.