Pelosi Freaks, Claims ‘Russia’ In Control Of Impeachment Trial, Gets Destroyed

Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind. The Speaker finally had no choice but to turn over the articles of impeachment to the GOP-held Senate. However, she is freaked out knowing the case is dead on arrival, and she is making wild accusations in a last-ditch effort to get the president removed from office. Pelosi is claiming “Russia” is in control of the upcoming trial. Well, poor Pelosi got an epic smackdown she won’t ever forget. You’ll love this.

Nancy Pelosi, President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

When will the Democrats and their cohorts stop with their crazy conspiracy theories about Russia and President Donald Trump? With nothing left, Nancy Pelosi is playing this “Russia” card as she hopes to sway Americans into believing Trump is owned by Russia, and therefore, the 2020 election is already tainted and he must be impeached.

But that’s not all. Pelosi is really embarrassing herself claiming Russia is controlling the Senate trial.  

There have been countless investigations into Russia and the 2016 election, and nothing was found. Well, now the Speaker is stating Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is in charge of the Senate impeachment trial, is beholden to Russia.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) continued to play up claims that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) is beholden to Russian interests during a caucus meeting Tuesday,” National Review reports.

Pelosi told Democratic colleagues during a meeting on impeachment that “sometimes she wonders whether McConnell has Russian connections,” CNN’s Manu Raju reported Tuesday.

Pelosi made similar comments on Sunday to ABC’s George Stephanopolous after he asked about the integrity of the 2020 election, citing a report that Russia could be “more brazen” in 2020 than in 2016.

Pelosi slammed Trump for being in “complete denial” of Russia’s interference, then she pivoted to McConnell.

“Sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell too,” Pelosi said. “What’s he — why is he an accomplice to all of that? He has resisted sources going in a manner commensurate with the threat for state agencies, whichever they are in a state, could be the secretary of state or whatever, to protect our infrastructure, our critical infrastructure of elections.”

McConnell rightly blocked a bogus Democrat bill called the FIRE Act, which targeted Trump and his campaign by claiming “Russia interfered in the 2016 election.” By blocking it, McConnell was nixing this crazed idea that Russia had infiltrated and changed votes to Trump in 2016. The Mueller Report cleared that up, but Pelosi is using it to call McConnell: “Moscow Mitch.”

Poor Pelosi got an epic smackdown from Fox News’ Brit Hume and from several other media outlets.

“McConnell was doing his job, and now Pelosi needs to do hers. She might disapprove of McConnell’s decision to block the election security bills, but she can do so without questioning his loyalty. It is indeed possible to dislike a person without labeling them a Russian ‘accomplice.’ Pelosi would be wise to keep that in mind,” Washington Examiner reports. 

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to do to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell what the rest of the Democratic Party did to President Trump in 2016: discredit and dismiss him as a Russian ‘accomplice,'” Washington Examiner adds.

“Nancy Pelosi is trying really hard to pretend the House did their job when working on the articles of impeachment around Trump, but anyone who has been paying any attention to this mess knows this is a bunch of malarky. From whining about McConnell not allowing an unbiased trial (funny, right?) to babbling nonstop about how the Senate should call more witnesses (that they chose not to), she’s really all-in on making it seem like it’s the Senate’s fault when Trump is acquitted,” Twitchy reports. 

Remember, she didn’t want to impeach Trump in the first place, but she gave in and now she’s having to “fix it” for the Democrats. As Brit Hume points out, this is not working in her favor:

“Since when has a ‘fair trial’ required that prosecutors be able to call witnesses whom they’ve never interviewed and thus have no idea what the witnesses will say? Witnesses, by the way, they declined to subpoena during their investigation,” Hume tweeted.

The Democrats are like rats on a sinking ship. 

As the impeachment trial looms large in the next few days, they see the writing on the wall. On one hand, the Democrats are whining they really have no case against the president and need the GOP-held Senate to help them out, by allowing them additional witnesses. On the other hand, Pelosi is claiming their case is so air-tight that a vote to exonerate Trump is going against the Constitution.

This isn’t about Russia, the Constitution, or even President Trump. This entire impeachment debacle was always about one thing: helping the Democrats win the 2020 election. Pelosi and her cohorts knew there was no chance to remove Trump from office.

Unfortunately, they decided to use impeachment as a political ploy hoping to dupe as many Americans as possible to believe Trump was dangerous and had to go. Now, as the end draws near, Pelosi is left with the same old tired slogan: “Russia, Russia Russia,” and only fools with tin foil hats are listening.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.