Schiff Stops Hearing, Accuses Trump Of Intimidating Witness—Levin Destroys Him

During today’s impeachment hearing, Adam Schiff stopped the proceedings very dramatically to make the charge that “President Donald Trump is intimidating witness Marie Yovanovitch in real-time.” Schiff was referring to a tweet the president posted during the hearing. Well, it was such a ridiculous accusation considering the tweet that right away attorney and radio host Mark Levin destroyed Adam Schiff in real-time. You’ll love this.

Marie Yovanovitch, Adam Schiff, Mark Levin (Photo Credit: Youtube/Screenshots)

Adam Schiff’s second public hearing got off to another rocky start. His first witness is Marie Yovanovitch who Trump fired in May 2019 after it was discovered she was corrupt. Yovanovitch was the most senior U.S. official in Ukraine in 2016 when DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa colluded with Ukrainian officials to “dig up dirt” on then-candidate Donald Trump.

Yovanovitch helped facilitate election meddling to hurt the Trump campaign, either by looking the other way or by dereliction of duty. There are numerous reports on the Ukraine interference, and Chalupa also freely admitted to the scheme in 2017.

Yovanovitch has a laundry list of corrupt acts, but here are a few of the “cherries on top” that got her fired:

  • Yovanovitch gave taxpayer dollars to help aid a George Soros nonprofit called the Anti-Corruption Action Centre of Ukraine. According to John Solomon, “Anti-Corruption Action Centre of Ukraine was identified in a strategy document as critical to reshaping Ukraine to Mr. Soros’ vision.”
  • Back in May 2018, then-House Rules Committee chairman Pete Sessions wrote a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stating Yovanovitch made comments unflattering or unsupportive of the president and should be recalled.
  • Gave the Ukrainian Head Prosecutor a “do not prosecute” list of anti-Trump individuals including the Bidens and those Ukrainians who had interfered in the 2016 election

So, with that background of some of Yovanovitch’s greatest hits, it’s quite strange Adam Schiff would call her as a fact witness. She was fired in May 2019. She has zero knowledge of the issues surrounding the July 25 phone call. 

Schiff called her for one reason: she cried on the stand during the secret hearings over the big bad President Trump firing her. Most of the Democrat questioning of her today was about her “feelings” over the firing. It was boring and ridiculous at the same time.

Then, halfway through the morning session, Schiff stops everything and dramatically states the president just tweeted and is intimidating the witness.

Schiff said, “[W]e saw, today, witness intimidation in real-time by the president of the United States, once again, going after this dedicated and respected career public servant in an effort to not only chill her, but to chill others who may come forward. We take this kind of witness intimidation and obstruction of the inquiry very seriously.”

Trump tweeted this morning: “Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.”

“They call it ‘serving at the pleasure of the President.’ The U.S. now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy, much different than proceeding administrations. It is called, quite simply, America First! With all of that, however, I have done FAR more for Ukraine than O.”

Mark Levin weighed in and destroyed Shifty Schiff’s assertion that Trump was “intimidating” the witness. 

“I swear the media are not only vicious but they are nuts. But for the fact that Schiff read the presidents tweet to the witness during the course of the hearing, she would have not known about the tweet. How the hell is that witness tampering?” Mark Levin tweeted. “Furthermore, it clearly hasn’t changed the fact that the witness is testifying willingly and sticking to her script,” tweeted Mark Levin.

He added: “Intimidating witnesses? This is precious coming from the Dems & media — the Republicans cannot even get most of their witnesses approved to testify by Adam Schiff, meaning the entire process is fixed. The press really do need to get ahold of themselves & make at least a passing effort at reporting facts.”

He then sarcastically sums up Yovanovitch’s testimony: “The bizzaro hearing proceeds apace. Did you know bureaucrats at State supported Yovanovitch but the president did not!  And that the president, therefore, should not have removed her? But wasn’t she Obama’s ambassador when the State Department lined up behind Obama when he refused to provide needed military armaments to Ukraine?  Yes, she was.”

“And wasn’t she ambassador when the corrupt a Ukrainian government was working with the DNC, Clinton campaign, AND the beloved State Department to sabotage the Trump campaign, as Politico put it?  And what did this stellar 33-year public servant do about that?” Levin stated.

Adam Schiff also shut down Rep. Elise Stefanik from asking any questions. 

Schiff knows this witness is a nightmare waiting to happen if any of the GOP Congressmen get a chance to question her. Clearly, the plan was for Ranking Member Devin Nunes to turn over the questioning to Rep. Stefanik. When Nunes tried, Schiff shut him down.

Nunes, not prepared to question Yovanovitch, had to turn it over to the led-GOP counsel. The GOP plan was to have Stefanik lead the attack. It makes better optics to have a woman attacking another woman. Schiff pulled a dirty trick, and as the Chairman, the GOP had no recourse.

We hope all Americans see this for what it was. Marie Yovanovitch was an Obama-holdover who hated President Trump. She engaged in corrupt acts. She has no business being a witness in impeachment hearings and was only brought in to whine about getting fired. Article II of the Constitution gives the president sole power to fire and hire anyone he wants for any reason.

The Democrats want you to think he does not have that power. Marie Yovanovitch is corrupt, Adam Schiff is corrupt, and the entire impeachment is one big corrupt show trial. The Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.