Schiff Claims Whistleblower Won’t Testify, Trump & Levin Give Him Reality Check

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff admitted yesterday that his so-called whistleblower won’t testify in public or in a closed session. The whistleblower has now been allegedly identified, and we have uncovered his name and the many anti-Trump reasons he is refusing to go before Congress. This led to President Donald Trump and Mark Levin to blast Schiff and this entire impeachment farce, giving the California Democrat a huge reality check. Don’t miss this.

President Donald Trump, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Mark Levin (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff is grasping at straws with this impeachment scheme that has blown up in his face. As we reported last Friday, Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi got devastating news from the whistleblower’s attorneys last Thursday night, stating their client was finished and wanted to submit his testimony in writing instead of testifying in public or in a closed session.

“Lawyers for the CIA officer whose whistleblower complaint helped ignite an impeachment inquiry into President Trump have asked Congress whether their client could submit testimony in writing instead of appearing in person,” Wall Street Journal reported.

So, their partisan informant is saying he isn’t going on national TV to testify to anything. He’s out, thank you very much. Schiff knew this was never going to fly with Americans. You can’t really impeach the sitting president with “Dear Sir” letters. There’s no way to cross-examine him. It’s as ridiculous as the initial reason the Democrats brought his complaint, claiming Trump acted as a mafia boss in that Ukraine phone call.

So, poor Shifty Schiff reluctantly appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” where he pretended he really didn’t need the whistleblower to testify at all. “[W]e don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call. It may not be necessary to take steps that might reveal the whistleblower’s identity to do that. And we’re going to make sure we protect that whistleblower,” said Schiff.

The whistleblower has allegedly been identified as CIA agent Eric Ciaramella by Seamus Bruner, who is the Associate Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute (GAI). Bruner also works with Peter Schweizer, who wrote “Clinton Cash.”

Bruner puts Ciaramella smack dab in the middle of Joe Biden’s dirty deals with Ukraine. Ciaramella accompanied Joe Biden on his trips to Ukraine, where Joe’s son Hunter Biden received more than $100,000/month from Burisma, the gas firm. He also worked closely with Adam Schiff and his two aides during the Obama administration.

West Wing officials confirmed to investigative reporter Mike Cernovich that Eric Ciaramella, who worked closely with Susan Rice while at NSC, was promoted to be Trump’s former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster’s personal aide. Ciaramella had unfettered access to McMaster’s conversations with foreign leaders.

Ciaramella had gained a reputation as an inveterate leaker, which, he claimed, had resulted in “death threats” from “right-wingers.”  This was the reason he gave for leaving the NSC in 2017.

Is there any doubt why Ciaramella is refusing to be cross-examined by GOP Reps. Jim Jordan or Devin Nunes? 

This brings us to best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin, who excoriated Nancy Pelosi and her imploding impeachment clown show.

“This is the same House of Representatives now that is bringing up Ukraine — all of a sudden Ukraine. We go from Russia to Ukraine. How did that happen?” Levin asked rhetorically. “The Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, and six committee chairmen, I call them her politburo, are running roughshod or trying to, over the president of the United States, the executive branch, and so forth, issuing letters that they call subpoenas, and if the letters aren’t replied to in a certain given of time, they’re claiming that it is obstruction of justice.”

Of course, it can’t be obstruction of justice — they’re not at court. They mean obstruction of the House,” blasted Levin on his Sunday night TV show.

Levin went on to argue that the Democrats “don’t have anything” on Trump when it comes to Russia or Ukraine and questioned why House Democrats are treating Trump differently than presidents previously in impeachment inquiries.

“Adam Schiff now doesn’t seem to want the Whistleblower to testify,” President Trump tweeted. “NO! Must testify to explain why he got my Ukraine conversation sooo wrong, not even close. Did Schiff tell him to do that?”

“We must determine the Whistleblower’s identity to determine WHY this was done to the USA. Democrat’s game was foiled when we caught Schiff fraudulently making up my Ukraine conversation, when I released the exact conversation Transcript, and when Ukrainian President and the Foreign Minister said there was NO PRESSURE, very normal talk! A total Impeachment Scam!” Trump added.

It’s a safe bet that President Trump knows exactly who the partisan hack is who worked with Schiff to bring this ridiculous complaint. If it is indeed CIA agent Eric Ciaramella, then his background of helping Joe Biden with the Ukraine scandal proves he was politically motivated to set up Trump.

Schiff also is now claiming he should have been “much more clear” about the contact his committee had with the so-called whistleblower.

Meanwhile, Schiff is continuing his closed-door “impeachment” hearings on Capitol Hill. Speaker Pelosi and Shifty Schiff are hoping Americans won’t mind and just take their word that they held some hearings and found Trump guilty of impeachable offenses.

So what if the GOP has no power in those hearings? So what if their main witness, the whistleblower, doesn’t testify. They are calling their own partisan witnesses, and then they leak out to their buddies in the media all you need to know. Nothing to see here.

Well, we are pretty sure the vast majority of Americans aren’t going to buy this farce. It stinks to high heaven of the swamp where we have rogue Trump-hating actors all colluding to unseat the duly elected president of the United States. We have all seen this movie before, and we won’t be fooled, again.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.