Trump & Supporters Give Hollywood Crowd Celebrating ‘Impeachment’ Rude Awakening

The saying “elections have consequences” can also be said for impeaching President Donald Trump. Hollywood leftists Rob Reiner and Alyssa Milano are out “celebrating” impeachment day and making the wild claim that the president will be removed from office. Well, President Trump and his supporters gave them a rude awakening they won’t ever forget. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump, Alyssa Milano, Rob Reiner (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Leftwing activist Rob Reiner and his cohort Alyssa Milano held an “impeachment rally” in Los Angeles yesterday. The rally, sponsored by the left-wing and partisan Democrat organization MoveOn, was attended by approximately 500 protesters before Wednesday’s scheduled vote in the House of Representatives on articles of impeachment against Trump.

Reiner made the ridiculous promise that Trump would be removed from office.  

“We all care about the rule of law. We care about our Constitution. We care about our 243 years of self-rule, and we care about it. We will make sure that not only is he impeached, but he will be removed from office. Thank you. I love you all for coming. Thank you,” Reiner said.

Then, there’s Alyssa Milano who was really off her rocker talking about her menstrual cycle.

Alyssa Milano took the stage at the Los Angeles impeachment rally, declared that “we will vote them all out,” led the crowd in a “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE” chant, and announced that if President Donald Trump “thought Greta [Thunberg] was angry, he’s seen nothing yet — I’m premenopausal and I am angry.”

Meanwhile, on social media today, Democrats and their leftwing supporters are out in force celebrating impeachment with hashtags “Impeachment Day” and “Xmas Impeachment.” We all know these same radical leftists will be stunned and shocked on Election Day 2020.

So, President Trump and his supporters made sure those “celebrating” impeachment got a rude awakening. 

Gee thanks @Alyssa_Milano for confirming the age-old ‘patriarchy’ missive that women can’t be trusted to make right decisions because of hormones. You unmitigated dolt. THIS is precisely what’s wrong w/ the left— use feelings/emotions not facts. Mob rule,” tweeted Twitter user “Maggie.”

Dear @Alyssa_Milano, Get on some hormones like normal women do, and celebrate the glorious achievements @realDonaldTrump is bringing about, through God allowing him to be POTUS. Turn to God, and drop the anger. Your fury is hindering your thinking,” tweeted Ravan Tarsa.

Has anyone ever seen a happy smiling Democrat? Me either @robreiner @Alyssa_Milano they all look evil you can actually see satan instead of pupils in their eyes! Out of work losers,” tweeted “Hawaiian Style.”

Trump and his supporters also crashed the celebrations of impeachment happy Democrats on social media.

President Trump tweeted out the reality that he is beating every Democrats candidate running against him in 2020, proving this impeachment will have a day of reckoning come November 2020.

Nancy Pelosi’s do-nothing party simply can’t compete with President @realDonaldTrump‘s record,” Trump retweeted. 

“#MerryImpeachmas !Thank the #Democrats for the gift of the #Trump2020Landslide -Trump approval up 6 points in Gallup Poll!” tweeted GrrrGraphics Cartoons. 

They have no idea he’s not actually going anywhere. They have no idea his support among Independents has grown because of this circus. They have no idea they’re handing him another four years. #MerryImpeachmas indeed!” tweeted “The FOO.” 

There are a lot of people in these #ImpeachmentDay tweets who think that today’s impeachment vote = Trump’s removal from office, and that Mike Pence will soon be president. This highlights why we need better civics education in this country. #ImpeachAndRemove #MerryImpeachmas,” tweeted Blanche NeverHo. 

My #ImpeachmentDay prediction. The House will vote to impeach along party lines, the first time this has ever happened. The Left will be shocked that this does not mean Hillary is president. The Senate will point and laugh knowing this is dead in the water. #MerryImpeachmas,” tweeted “The FOO.” 

President Trump will win in the end. God is with him and We the people are with him. He has done so much for America so we have no choice but to help him in this fight! #ImpeachmentDay,” tweeted Terrence K. Williams. 

As we have previously reported, the Democrats have admitted they can’t find a crime for impeaching President Trump. 

“We don’t have to prove President Trump committed bribery or honest services fraud, or extortion—all things he really could be prosecuted for later,” Rep. Jamie Raskin said during Thursday’s Rules Committee hearing. “We simply have to allege the course of constitutional criminal conduct he was engaged in.”

What in the hell is “constitutional criminal conduct?” The Founding Fathers did not say impeachment would be a valid step when the president commits “constitutional criminal conduct.” They said “high crimes and misdemeanors,” period.

The Democrats did not include one real crime in their articles of impeachment. Why? Well, during a trial in Senate they would have to prove it, and they simply had nothing near a real crime. As for the leftwing nutjobs celebrating this impeachment the day of reckoning is coming.

“They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.”

The Democrats’ actions will have larger, more dire consequences than they could ever imagine. They have harmed our country in ways we can’t fully comprehend. Not only will they lose the 2020 election, but impeachment has now become something a party can do who are upset they lost an election. May the Democrat party fully self-destruct, and may they lose every seat in Congress in 2020. Only then will they realize the harm they have wrought with this foolish and illegal impeachment process.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.