Omar Attacks Ivanka & Promotes Open Borders During COVID-19 Crisis, Regrets It

Rep. Ilhan  Omar just cemented for Americans why Democrat policies would be an absolute disaster during this coronavirus crisis. Omar doesn’t understand that this is the time to pull together, not play politics. The Minnesota Congresswoman went on a tirade promoting open borders and attacked Ivanka Trump, who is actively helping Americans stuck at home with kids. Well, Americans instantly made her regret it. Don’t miss this.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, Ivanka Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

It’s at times like this that we find out who we can trust in a crisis. It’s also at times like this that we get surprised by who can rise above politics to help mankind.

Ilhan Omar has failed miserably. She is failing at her job, and she is failing as a human being. It all started after Ivanka Trump posted an uplifting tweet about managing at home with kids.

“Staying home today w/ kids?” Ivanka tweeted. “Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & ‘pack’ sandwiches, salads (S’mores optional) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart.” 

Rep. Omar responded to Ivanka’s post by tweeting: “Thinking of all the families separated forcefully by your father’s policies today. Share your ideas on how you plan to unite them. #TogetherApart.” 

Isn’t Omar a great example of one of our paid government officials advocating for Americans during a crisis and putting politics aside? Nope.

The mere fact that the Minnesota Congresswoman is advocating for illegal migrants at the border right now says all we need to know.  

Omar is on the record as a huge advocate for “open borders.” Now, we are facing a pandemic, and it’s time to close our borders and take care of American citizens. If the 38-year-old Somali refugee got her way, our borders would be wide open and all migrants being held would be free to enter the United States.

Instead of getting hordes of her followers to join in, Omar drew a host of Ivanka’s defenders who pointed out that now might not be the best time to be reminding Americans that Democrats stand for opening the country’s borders.

“Now? During the crisis? Free immigration now? Open borders? You’ve displayed your opportunistic political virtue signaling, lack of patriotism and blatant hypocrisy once again,” tweeted Tirza Schorr.

“Turn yourself in to immigration authorities, confess your crimes, do your time and get exiled back to Somalia. Thank you, America,” tweeted David Wohl.

“Thinking of all the families missing their military loved ones today, because the terrorists you sympathize with killed them. Share your ideas on why you think you shouldn’t be in jail for immigration fraud, campaign fraud, and bigamy,” tweeted Mindy Robinson.

“So families were not separated under Obama? Let me educate you sis! Ivanka isn’t separated from her family because she did not illegally enter someone else country All of the legal migrants are with their families as we speak and those who had a legit asylum claim U r a liar!” tweeted Brandon Tatum.

“Thinking of how much less our government has to help our own citizens when providing social services to non citizens, including free healthcare,” tweeted Casey E. Laws.

Hey @IlhanMN you should probably pipe down since you literally JUST broke up a family. Your new husband cheated on his wife who you knew about & his ex says he brought you to his marital home to meet her child while you 2 were sneaking around behind her back. You might wanna,” tweeted Robby Starbuck.

In a time of panic and crisis, we are finding out who is rising above it and who is making it worse. 

Most people know Tom Hanks and his wife tested positive for COVID-19, and most people know he is a huge Democrat. To his credit, Hanks posted only messages of hope and stayed clear of politics. Even more shocking, CNN’s Dana Bash praised President Trump’s handling of the pandemic, and she got a ton of backlash.

Meanwhile, Rob Reiner, Cher, and Bette Midler have been spreading lies and misinformation. Some people are surprisingly being good citizens and good human beings. It also should be noted that when Barack Obama faced the Swine flu pandemic, no one on “the right” even thought to politicize it.

Rep. Ilhan Omar is one of the losers who proves why she is one of the most hated members in Congress. We sure hope the good people of Minnesota rethink why they elected such a low-life. We know there are much better candidates running to represent them.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.