Barbra Streisand: ‘20,000 Dead Because Of Donald Trump’ – Americans Torch Her

Barbra Streisand is making wild accusations against President Donald Trump. The leftwing singer claimed, “Trump is directly responsible for the more than 20,000 deaths in the United States due to coronavirus.” The accusatory tweet posted on Easter Sunday said that Trump is “unfit” to lead the country. However, Americans aren’t buying it, and that’s why poor Babs got utterly torched. You’ll love this.

Barbra Streisand (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Barbra Streisand, who endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, lashed out at President Trump in her vitriolic tweet by calling him incompetent and a liar.

“Now, with more than 20,000 people dead because of his incompetence and lies, he’s proven that he can’t handle the truth. He’s unfit to lead this nation… especially in a time of crisis,” the Oscar-winning actress wrote.

The Trump-hating actress has frequently expressed her antipathy for President Trump on social media.

The Hollywood star tweeted a violent photo last year depicting a bloodied President Trump being impaled by the heel of a shoe belonging to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). She tweeted earlier that year that President Trump should be the first “climate denier” to be removed from office.

Streisand recently voiced her support for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, declaring that she “wholeheartedly” endorses his run for the White House.

“I wholeheartedly endorse Joe Biden for President. Trump must be beaten in November before he does more damage to our democracy, environment, for our health and safety and standing in the world,” she wrote in March.

Americans utterly torched Babs for her ridiculous remarks on social media. 

“Out-of-control Barbra Streisand Can’t Stop Herself From Spreading Her Lies: She Ignores the Thousands of Lives Trump Likely Saved as She Falsely Claims That ‘20,000 Dead Because of Donald Trump’. Her lies have become dangerous, according to experts,” tweeted David, Ph.D.

The dumb uniformed Hollywood elite really think we care what they think. ROFL! Wait a minute- didn’t you say you were leaving the country if Trump was elected? @BarbraStreisand,” tweeted “DMW.”

“You’re the most disgraceful POS! You’d blame POTUS for your failed career! Wake up stupid, you’re not liked by AMERICA!” tweeted “Deplorable Doug.”

“Barbra Streisand: 20,000 Dead Because of Donald Trump/ 20k dead Barbra, because of lying Chinese Communists. 20k more would be dead at least, because Dems would be saving the Kennedy Center & other pet projects before the people,” tweeted Twitter user “Lynxlogic.”

“Yep Babs, he was so blinded by impeachment that he never set up a C19 task force or a travel block with China & EU. Spare me. Babs your buds were blind to all except their TDS. Now they want to stuff Stim Bills with pork. C19 is now their excuse for evil,” tweeted “He is Limitless.”

Barbra Streisand: 20,000 Dead Because of Donald Trump Original projections were up to 240,000 deaths, so Trump’s actions saved 220,000 people from death. Remember #ChinaLiedPeopleDie,” tweeted Bill Spencer.

Barbra Streisand is parroting the new Democrat talking points. 

Joel Pollack, Editor at Large for Breitbart, did some fact-checking into the Democrats’ latest tactic claiming Trump did not act fast enough:

CLAIM: The New York Times claims that President Donald Trump “could have seen what was coming” on coronavirus.

VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. The president considered the advice of experts and took some early, drastic actions.

The New York Times has published what could just as well be a Democratic National Committee oppo dump against Trump, claiming that he ought to have known what the coronavirus outbreak would mean, and acted to stop it from happening.

The article begins with an email on Jan. 28 — a day after the White House had already created its coronavirus task force, a day before President Trump was to chair a meeting of that task force, and three days before he banned travel with China.

It is true that President Trump moved from downplaying the threat of a coronavirus outbreak to waging “war” against it. But in doing so, he was also following the advice of scientists and career civil servants, who initially said the risk was low.

The Times also falsely assigns blame to the president for the failure of the test initially approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It claims “the administration had botched the rollout of testing,” but in fact it was a problem that had nothing to do with Trump or his administration. As Dr. Fauci later said, the failure of the initial wave of tests had been no one’s “fault” in particular, but the result of an ordinary technical “glitch,” and “certainly not the president’s fault.”

Amazingly, the Times acknowledges that impeachment might have constrained Trump’s ability to act. But the newspaper accepts no responsibility for its own role — or that of the media, or the opposition — in supporting the impeachment trial.

The president’s job was to weigh the risk of a pandemic against the risk of harming the economy. Initially, the chance of a pandemic seemed small. Ultimately, the risks to public health grew — and the president made decisions, accordingly.

Anyone politicizing this pandemic by claiming President Trump dropped the ball and allowed Americans to die is spreading lies and misinformation. No, the president is not perfect. However, the case can be made that Trump’s actions of initiating the China travel ban — against the wishes of so-called “experts” like Dr. Anthony Fauci — saved thousands and thousands of American lives.

Barbra Streisand’s expertise is singing and acting, and last time we checked, she was touting Adam Schiff as her pick to be a “great president of the United States.” That says it all about Babs.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.