Dems Push New $500B Bailout To Extend Lockdown, Patriots Rise Up & Say No

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Blue State Governors need American taxpayer monies to keep their states in lockdown. Politicians on Capitol Hill are now proposing a new $500 billion “bailout.” Meanwhile, new economic numbers are shaping up to be “worse than the Great Depression.” Patriots are rising up and saying “no,” and all Americans need to understand what is exactly at stake. Don’t miss this.

Nancy Pelosi (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Conservatives and Trump supporters are warning Americans who care about ending the economic shutdown about a new bailout just proposed on Capitol Hill. 

“Comrades, senators within the United States government have proposed a terrific scheme to force taxpayers to fund their own confinement,” Conservative Treehouse reports. “According to the plan $500 billion will be provided to state and local officials in an effort to offset lost revenue as a result of keeping citizens under house arrest.  Under the remarkable plan, taxpayers will now be paying for their own confinement.”

Under the proposal as reported by Reuters, citizens who are not permitted to work; and who cannot leave the confinement of their homes or residence to earn a living; are now going to be compelled by the authority of the government to pay the continued salaries of government workers.

“State governors and local officials across the United States have been pleading for more federal aid to provide essential services, as Americans stay home and businesses have closed because of the coronavirus outbreak,” Reuters reports. 

Congressional leaders said they could vote on the latest bill, which would follow a $2.3 trillion aid package passed in March, as soon as this week. They have dubbed the new $500 billion bailout “COVID-4.”

“Meanwhile, in a brilliant twist to benefit the State, as a result of their dictatorial power, there is no currently functioning system of representation for any citizen to petition their unwarranted house-arrest. You just can’t make this stuff up folks… unfortunately,” CTH adds.

It’s time all Americans go back to work before it’s too late, not fund their own lockdown.

Kevin Hassett, Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump and former White House Council of Economic Advisers chairman, said Monday that the United States’ second-quarter GDP could experience one of the largest drops since the Great Depression due to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“I think that it’s quite likely that the second quarter is going to be one of the biggest negative numbers that we’ve ever seen, and it’s because we’ve basically stopped the economy,” Hassett said on Fox Business Network.

Hassett also held an impromptu press availability to discuss the current status of our economic situation and took questions about the budget shortfalls amid local and state governments.

“Let’s finish battling through the crisis so we can get quickly to the rebound,” Hassett said. About 22 million Americans filed claims for unemployment benefits over the past month or so as a sizable chunk of the U.S. economy was essentially shuttered amid the pandemic.

Americans against funding their own lockdown and bailing out the blue states sounded off on social media. 

“Senate Constructs $500 Billion State Bailout to Fund Coronavirus Lock Down – Irony: Taxpayers Pay for Their Confinement…,” tweeted the Last Refuge.

“Democrat controlled states with huge deficits will use this ‘crisis’ to get WTP to pay for all their previous profligate unfunded spending before the virus! If so, a financial and economic collapse will just be transferred from certain individual states to the country as a whole!” tweeted Twitter user “Bubby.”

OK. pure opinion on my part. But we’re going down folks. @POTUS stands up and says I don’t care if you don’t want to reelect me, but I’m going to reopen everything NOW to save America from dying. If you’re scared, then stay at home if you’re already wealthy enough to not work,” tweeted Donald Russo.

“Let’s go with a Hard No on this proposal. If State and local gov’ts have lost income, allow the good people to go back to work. Problem solved!” tweeted “N Cook.”

“What have state and local governments done to mitigate losses? Private sector forced to furlough or lay off employees. Have there been any public sector layoffs of employees not working?” tweeted “BeeLine.”

“I mean, who’s surprised by this? And when that runs out, taxes will be raised under threat of laying off teachers, cops and fireman. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.” tweeted Steve Maynard.

New testing from Stanford University, Massachusetts General Hospital, and California’s Santa Clara County prove many more Americans than any experts ever thought are positive for COVID-19 antibodies.

That’s clear evidence the virus hit the United States before January 2020. It also means that keeping Americans in lockdown is not a scientifically proven method of stemming the virus’s death-rate. Yes, Americans will die of COVID whether we open up the economy or not. But not in numbers like the Spanish flu.

However, the economy will be greatly damaged to a point of no return if we do not end the shutdown now. Many more Americans will die due to another Great Depression. So, let’s not become fools hiding in our homes. Let’s be what Americans are in times of trouble. Let’s use common sense guidelines and put Americans back to work and face the coming storm together.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.