New Details About Tonight’s Debate Reveal Biden Handlers Are Likely Scared To Death

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. We are an opinion blog, not a traditional news outlet, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

On Monday, President Donald Trump informed the Biden campaign he would submit to a drug test prior to the debate and asked the former vice-president to do the same. Immediately, the Biden people declined. Now, a Fox News producer reveals behind the scenes details on ways the Biden campaign may be looking to get an advantage and how Trump is trying to stay one step ahead. You don’t want to miss this.

President Donald Trump, Joe Biden (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

There is no doubt that the Biden campaign is scared to death about Tuesday night’s debate. It’s no secret Joe Biden has been carefully managed by his handlers for months. They have made sure their candidate is handled by kid gloves by a friendly press, and he rarely comes out of his bunker basement.

Many pundits predicted the Biden campaign would try to wiggle out of the debates. Joe Biden’s frequent gaffes, confusion, and overall cognitive decline have been well documented by conservative reporters. The decision to go ahead with this first debate was probably made by his wife Jill, who knows Joe can regurgitate canned lines.

However, we now have new information from Fox News producer Pat Ward who has revealed behind the scenes debate negotiations between the Trump camp and Biden’s handlers.

“FOX News has learned new details about debate negotiations between the Biden and Trump campaigns ahead of tonight’s debate,” Ward tweeted. “The Trump campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters. The President has consented to this inspection, but Biden has not – so far.”

“The Biden campaign requested two breaks (one every thirty minutes) during tonight’s program, which was denied by their Trump counterparts, in negotiations over the last several weeks,” Ward added.

This tells us a lot about Joe Biden’s fitness to be president of the United States. 

Many Trump supporters have joked that Biden would be wearing an earplug. So, it’s pretty telling when the Biden campaign refuses a third party to inspect the ears of their candidate. Now, that joke about a Biden earplug is a joke no more.

Does the former vice-president need an earplug or an electronic device to debate? The fact the Biden campaign did not agree to the request for a third party inspection right away tells us all we need to know.

But what is also really concerning is this request by the Biden campaign for a “break” every 30 minutes. If Joe Biden can’t stand for 90 minutes on a debate stage, how in the hell can he take on one of the most demanding jobs in the world?

Would you trust a surgeon to operate on you who needs 30-minute breaks? Of course not. Then, how can the American people trust Biden to perform his duties as POTUS which requires energy and stamina above and beyond?

The president must be as sharp as a tack to receive that dreaded 2 am phone call and make decisions that could affect the lives of all Americans. Joe Biden needs a break every 30 minutes. This sure doesn’t sound like a guy who can be the leader of the free world.

Americans weighed in on Joe Biden and this behind the scenes information. 

“They absolutely need to check ears for earpieces — there’s no way Biden can do a 90min debate. And a break every 30 minutes? Please,” tweeted Twitter user “AMO.”

“When you have a fake candidate being propped up by a mass organization who’s losing his mind… and they are trying to fake out the world, it’s more like a Spider-Man Episode. – who will discover and expose the truth… ???” tweeted “TrishNes.”

“Biden must consent. If he has someone talking into his ear helping him out, he’s not fit to be President. We as the voting public have the right to know. The legacy media needs to stop giving passes to Biden, the public deserves answers to make an informed voting choice,” tweeted “Mbarrett.”

“@realDonaldTrump @RudyGiuliani should let Biden wear an earpiece then hammer him for being weak, slow and #UnfitToBePresident every time he has to pause to get an answer. #AngryJoe will get some mad he might want to fight,” tweeted Nick Pagnotta.

“Would be a shame if someone had a signal jammer,” tweeted “Nosaj Pepe.”

“Wait, he’s seriously asking for two breaks for a 90 minute debate?” tweeted “Josh.”

“If the other way round, this would be [New York Times] front page,” tweeted Nik Rok.

If this was the Trump campaign requesting 30-minute breaks and refusing to do a drug test or an inspection for electronic devices, you bet this would be the first story on every cable news show.

This is really damning information. It confirms that the Democrat candidate is frail and is possibly getting help with performance-enhancing drugs and possibly an earplug.

The other sad outcome is if Joe Biden can keep it together and if moderator Chris Wallace handles the former vice-president with kid gloves, the mainstream media will declare Joe the winner.

In other words, if Biden just stays standing for 90 minutes, the cable news pundits will say he was “masterful” and “knocked it out of the park” or it’s “game over for Trump.” That’s why it is so important We the People weigh-in and set the record straight. Biden has no business running for the highest office in the land, and everyone in America knows it.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.