PA Officials Reject Court Order, Trump’s People: See Ya At Supreme Court!

High stakes shenanigans are going on in Pennsylvania. With literally the presidency on the line, the Trump campaign scored a massive victory in Pennsylvania when they got a court order halting voting until their poll watchers had “meaningful access.” That’s when the PA officials fought back, and an NBC News staffer helped them out with bogus reporting. You don’t want to miss this.

Trump surrogates standoff with PA Democrat officials (Photo Credit: Twitter/Screenshots)

The Trump team sent out surrogates to several key swing states to file court orders to halt voting until GOP poll watchers could have access to view the vote count. They also are actively looking into voter fraud claims by many Americans in those same states.

Press conferences held in Philadelphia and Clark County Nevada on Thursday morning by the Trump surrogates also featured voters who recounted going to the polls only to find their vote had been cast. This alleged massive voter fraud caused the Trump campaign to open a website for Americans to report suspected cases of fraud.

“Website and number to report any vote related fraud…” posted Trump advisor Steve Cortes.

A “Mexican standoff” then took place in Philadelphia when the PA officials didn’t want to comply with the court order. 

Trump surrogates Corey Lewandowski and Pam Bondi flanked by the Trump campaign attorney confronted the Philly election official. The Philly Democrats are playing games claiming they are having their “attorneys” look into the court order.

“I don’t understand why eight attorneys need to evaluate this order,” the GOP attorney asserted. “I did it all by myself. It says that no later than 10:30 [a.m.] today, you are to follow the election code and my people, my clients, representatives are to be within six feet of the process.”

There is nothing to “look into.” It’s a court order. Halt voting until they have the GOP poll watchers within six feet of the vote tabulation.

“BREAKING: Republican observers barred from entering Philly vote-counting center even after receiving court order,” tweeted Jack Posobiec along with the video of the confrontation:

But that’s not all. 

Democrat officials in Pennsylvania are “privately” speaking to the Biden campaign about potential margins of victory for the former vice president in the battleground state as counting remains underway, according to reports.

According to Politico’s Josh Bresnahan, these Democrat officials have told the Biden campaign that they believe the presidential hopeful will win the state by anywhere from 100,000 to 200,000 votes after all the counting is completed:

Mainstream media adds to the confusion. 

Then, we have an NBC News staffer claiming that the Pennslyvania Supreme Court overruled the victory the Trump team got in court that morning.

Maura Barrett falsely reported that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has overruled the Commonwealth Court ruling favoring the Trump campaign on overseeing the mail-in ballot count in Philadelphia.

“NBC News campaign reporter Maura Barrett propagated the false reporting, tagging her colleague NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell for credit of the court reversal coverage. In a since-deleted tweet, Political Polls copy-pasted the circulating post verbatim,” The Post Millennial reports.  

In response, Trump campaign spokesperson Jason Miller shot back that they would take this to the Supreme Court.

“This crooked system is so rigged. They were literally waiting to jump to Biden’s defense. Pennsylvania Democrats literally oppose the observation of ballots being counted. I wonder why? See you at the U.S. Supreme Court!!!” he posted.

Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski told supporters and members of the media that in defiance of the court order, Democrats still won’t allow Republican monitors to observe the count, The National Pulse‘s editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam reported from outside the Philadelphia Convention Center.

The county sheriff has also reportedly refused to enforce the order. “This is a banana republic,” Kassam wrote.

Kassam also alerted Americans to further shenanigans after one Trump supporter reported: “BREAKING: PA Secretary of State now says they have 369,000 mail-in ballots to count.”

Kassam responded: “A magic number they just invented when they saw how much Biden is down by.”

Trump advisor Ric Grenell was caught in a similar stalemate in Nevada. After they also got a court order, the Democrat officials in Clark County refused to comply.

“Clark County is refusing to allow us to check signatures from the recklessly mailed out ballots,” Grenell posted.

Georgia isn’t much better. 

“Former Obama speechwriter turned Democratic operative tweets openly about illegally harvesting ballots in Georgia AFTER the election is over, and @Twitter censors @seanmdav for simply pointing it out. Complete with pop up, and all. Incredible,” tweeted “People’s Pundit,” who is Richard Baris, a conservative analyst who got the 2016 election right.

This election has become one huge clown show. There is no way Americans will stand down and allow the Democrats and their media comrades to steal it right from under us.

Stay tuned. Patriots are organizing “protests” in every single one of those swing states still up for grabs. The level of shady dealings going on will go down in our history books as one of the darkest times in this great nation. The fight is just getting started, and we must remain confident and sober-minded. This is the battle for keeping America great or allowing it to become just another Banana Republic.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.