General Calls To Invoke ‘Insurrection Act’; Trump Advisor Makes Cryptic Facebook Post

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney is making it known he believes President Donald Trump has no choice but to invoke the Insurrection Act. That was echoed by a Republican state senator in North Carolina. Also, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social Media for the White House made a cryptic post on Facebook. Don’t miss this.

President Donald Trump & First Lady Melania Trump (Screenshot: YouTube)

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis, chaired the hearing on Wednesday on “election irregularities.” He mentioned that in 2016, one poll showed 32 percent of Americans believed “Russia interfered in our election.” He then noted in 2020, “47 percent of American voters believe the election was stolen.”

So, what do you do when almost half of the voters believe the election was stolen?

According to retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney, you invoke the Insurrection Act. That’s what he told radio host John Fredericks.

“We are not talking about fraudulent voting acts,” McInerney said. “But what we are talking about John is treason. When you coordinate six to ten states using cyber warfare to change the outcome, these are treasonous acts.”

“They’re not dirty deeds or fraudulent voting,” he added. “They’re treasonous acts punishable by death. They are trying to take over our government. When you use cyber warfare as were as you’ve seen in the Dominion voting systems as well as the CIA rogue systems that they’ve used Hammer and Scorecard which we’ve talked about.”

The retired general then explained what he believes needs to happen: 

Now what I believe the president should do is he should declare today a national emergency and declare a state of emergency using his executive order dated September 12, 2018, declaring a national emergency if there’s foreign influence. Because we know there is Chinese, Russian, and Iranian influence on this election. And he should use that and he should suspend habeas corpus just as Lincoln and FDR did when they met national tragedies in emergencies like this.

And with that executive order that he’s got plus the Insurrection Act he has the authority to do this. This is very serious. People must understand what’s happened. This nation’s government is being stolen and it’s not through some small criminal acts. It’s through treasonous acts. And I would also declare Martial Law. It won’t affect the American people except for those people like Antifa and BLM that are going to start rioting once they know they’ve been had.

“The Founding Fathers had never heard of cyber-warfare but they had heard of the oath that we take to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. They knew about domestic enemies. And that’s what the president is facing,” McInerney explained.

Those exact sentiments were echoed by North Carolina state Senator Bob Steinburg (R) who reportedly called for the president to invoke the act and declare the results of the 2020 election invalid in a Facebook post paraphrasing retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, writing “President Trump must declare a national emergency” and adding that “Trump should also invoke the Insurrection Act.”

What’s going on with Dan Scavino?

Some are speculating that something is in the works at the White House that would also invalidate the election. Trump senior adviser Dan Scavino posted a cryptic statement along with a picture on Facebook.

“Historic moment in the Oval—will share what it was, one of these days, when I can…” Scavino posted along with a pic that has been identified as possibly happening in 2018. This is speculation, not 100% fact.

On September 12, 2018, President Trump signed the “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” Is this what Scavino is hinting at with his picture? We can’t be sure.

However, this is also the same executive order Gen. McInerney was talking about. DNI John Ratcliffe is already working on his election report as outlined in that executive order. That report is due December 18. However, Ratcliffe may keep a tight lid on it until January 6.

“DNI Ratcliffe’s Pending Report: ‘It’s Going To Blow The Mind Of Every Citizen Of The Country’: Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe said there might not be a Joe Biden administration,” Gellar Report posted.

“Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe suggested in a Sunday morning there might not be a Joe Biden administration,” Daily Mail reported on December 7, 2020. Attorney Sidney Powell has pointed to Ratcliffe’s report as the one that will vindicate her lawsuits.

DNI Ratcliffe will confirm nearly everything she has publicly discussed including the foreign interference, Powell claimed in an interview with the Epoch Times. 

President Trump has remained steadfast in not “giving up.” Not once since the November 3 election has he hinted at conceding to Joe Biden. You have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. Time after time in the past four years, Democrats claimed Trump was on his way out.

Americans are being given a wide array of hearings to watch that showcase the alleged fraud. However, we may not know the extent of the allegations that Trump’s top advisors are privy to, including but not limited to foreign interference. So stayed tuned. There is no doubt President Trump has something up his sleeve, and it’s about to heat up, once again.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.