VIDEO: Antifa Attempts Mayhem In Quiet Neighborhood, Residents Give Rude Awakening

Antifa has broadened its horizons when it comes to bringing riots and mayhem. When a pack of Antifa showed up in a quiet suburban neighborhood over the weekend, the residents gave them a rude awakening they won’t ever forget, and it was all captured on video. You’ll love this.

Antifa members pose a threat to residents in Fort Collins, Colorado neighborhood (left), Far-leftist radicals get pummeled (right) (Photo Credit: Twitter/Screenshots)

Residents of Fort Collins, Colorado planned a “Back the Blue” rally in their own neighborhood over the weekend. Just as the rally was getting started, a pack of Antifa activists showed up to start mayhem.

They immediately went after a pro-police protester in a wheelchair. 

Several dozen pro-police protesters were walking alongside the veteran in the wheelchair, who was carrying an American flag, as they then seemingly forced the Antifa activists out of the neighborhood.

Numerous people who were on the pro-police side said that the far-left radicals went after the man in the wheelchair, and suggested that was what ended up starting the fight.

Several people among the pro-police protesters stated repeatedly throughout the video that there was a kid’s birthday party in the area and suggested that Antifa had disturbed the event. At another point in the video, an unidentifiable man said to the far-left activists that “as soon as you guys step away from the f***ing houses, we’re going to leave.”

The man who recorded the video said, “So, we are currently marching the Antifa commie bas****s out of the neighborhood because nobody wants Antifa in the neighborhood. Nobody wants them here, so we’re marching them out.”

“F***ing communist scum,” another man yelled at the far-left radicals.

Moments later, a fight broke out as the protesters pushed the far-left activists out of the neighborhood, which ended up in a ditch with the residents significantly outnumbering the Antifa activists. The far-left activists then attack police officers and are arrested.

“Antifa commie scum get their a**es handed to them in Colorado by local residents,” tweeted Ian Miles Cheong along with a video of the event:

A spokesperson for Fort Collins Police Services said that numerous people had been arrested over “physical disturbances” that occurred.

“We respect everyone’s right to peacefully assemble to voice their concerns,” the spokesperson said. “For the safety of our community, acts of violence, destruction of property, and other unlawful behavior will not be tolerated.”

Antifa terrorists last month showed up to another pro-police rally and attacked Michelle Malkin and other patriots without provocation while police were ordered by their commander to “retreat.”

There were fears Antifa would try the same stunt at this rally over the weekend, but instead, they ended up in a ditch and several leftists were reportedly arrested.

The footage was captured by the on-the-ground activists at Major League Liberty:

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin also noted that Nick Rogers, the head of Denver’s police union, said police were given a “retreat order.” She speculated Denver police chief Paul Pazen, who marched with BLM thugs in June, may have been involved.

Malkin was attacked, but later tweeted out: “I’m ok, American is not.” 

Malkin added: “So @jaredpolis @DenverPolice Chief Pazen, are you ok with pro-police patriots being swarmed, targeted and assaulted in a clearly orchestrated attack??? I caught it all on video and recorded the faces of the brutal animals. Please @realDonaldTrump – we need LAW & ORDER!!! S.O.S!”

“@michellemalkin This is what Michelle dealt with today in Denver while at a #backtheblue rally. An antifa group came to cause premeditated violence and injuries. This antifa woman brandished a collapsible baton in front of Michelle,” tweeted “BMan.”

There seems to be a big change from the middle of July to the beginning of August. Regular American citizens are literally sending Antifa a message: if you come to my neighborhood, we will not tolerate your mayhem-making.

The mainstream media wants you to believe there is no such thing as Antifa radicals who are hellbent on anarchy. They refuse to call the protests anything but peaceful, but now that these leftwing radicals are so brazen as to enter a neighborhood where our children play, Americans see for themselves the danger.

The last time regular citizens on this continent took up arms, it was against the British in 1776. History tells us they defeated the mightiest military in the world. So, it’s safe to say in 2020, Antifa won’t know what hit them.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.