Behar Dreams of Day When We All Say President Pelosi, Gets Rude Awakening

Joy Behar was thrilled to have House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a guest on The View. “I’m dreaming of the day when we all say ‘President Nancy Pelosi.’ I think that sounds really good,” the 78-year-old former comedian said. Joy speculated that Joe Biden would be robbed of the presidency on Election Day, and that would somehow make a Pelosi presidency possible. Well, that’s when poor Joy got a rude awakening she never saw coming. You’ll love this.

Nancy Pelosi, Joy Behar (Photo Credit: Twitter/Screenshot)

Joy Behar’s anxiety over the presidential election is out of control. The 78-year-old redhead has bought into this conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump with help from the Russians is somehow going to fix the election and rob Joe Biden of winning in a landslide.

“I’m dreaming of the day when we all say ‘President Nancy Pelosi.’ I think that sounds really good,” Behar said. “But the polls are showing that Biden is ahead in key swing states. It’s very encouraging in many ways, Pennsylvania, et cetera, but I’m still worried that they could steal this election.”

Joy believes the Russians are the true threat to the presidential election. 

“I know that the Russians are still involved,” Behar declared. “Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security just released a report warning that Russia is a key threat to the election. Now we knew this going into 2016 too, and we saw how that turned out. This is why I’m not counting my chickens at all.”

“I’m still nervous. People have to vote, and we have to win in a landslide. How concerned are you about that?” Behar asked Nancy Pelosi.

Joy dreams of Pelosi stepping in if it looks like Trump will win on Election Night. 

“Well, I’m concerned, but I don’t— my motto is we don’t agonize, we organize. I have no doubt that the president, in typical fashion, will lie, cheat, and steal to win this election,” Nancy said. “So we are prepared for that. I’m sorry to have to say that, by being speaker of the House and he’s president of the United States, but that is the reality.”

The 80-year-old Speaker isn’t worried about this so-called Russian threat. Russia, China, North Korea, and all our adversaries always attempt to interfere at some level, but it’s not a threat to really worry about. Instead, Pelosi wants Americans to believe the real threat is President Trump.

Americans gave Joy and Nancy a rude awakening on social media. 

“The View’s Joy Behar is one of the most DISGUSTING individuals on this planet. While President Trump is still recovering from the coronavirus, Behar joyfully pondered the possibility of his death. ‘I’m dreaming of the day when we say, President Nancy Pelosi’,” tweeted Francis Brennan.

“Speaker Pelosi is on her last legs being over 80, she has to go through a 5 hour hollywood makeup session just to make her look presentable, and she has mental issues. No, pelosi won’t be happening, this is close to her last year,” tweeted “Trump 2020 Landslide.”

“Joy’s been snorting something hallucinogenic in between not being able to keep her big trap shut,” tweeted “Nino 1976.”

“One person’s fantasy is everyone else’s nightmare. Or Everyone’s trash is another person’s treasure. You can have her as your Pres in whatever new country you and all your leftist America-hating loons finally go off like you all promised,” “Never A. Demmer.”

“They both seem to have the same ‘glazing stare’ about them? Perhaps they are sharing ‘grandpa’s sipping medicine’?? Inquiring minds can only speculate,” tweeted Twitter user “Mike.”

“She might as well say- I am dreaming for the demise of the United States as we know it! That’s what it would take for Pelosi to become President,” tweeted “JWalk.”

One social media user noted that The View’s glaring support for the Democrats should be considered an in-kind contribution to the Biden campaign. ABC should be required to post a warning to viewers that what they are watching is pure propaganda and the statements made should be considered as such.

Well, why not? Facebook and Twitter see fit to use so-called “fact-checkers” to censure posts that they deem as false. Conservative comedian Steven Crowder claimed Facebook censured a post that reported facts directly from the Centers for Disease Control.

“The good news [post] about COVID is what Facebook decided violated their community standards. How? I can’t know for certain since Facebook didn’t tell me. There was no way to appeal this removal,” Crowder wrote on his website.

He claimed that less than a month before the election Facebook was amping up their hit squad to “throttle down” conservative content makers who support President Trump.

“Less than one month out from a presidential election, Facebook is moving its queen in for a checkmate, targeting pages and groups it has deemed are ‘spreading misinformation,'” he added.

“Spreading misinformation” is almost anything that contradicts the Democrats’ claims about mail-in voting being fraud-free or anything that suggests the coronavirus is being handled well by the Trump administration.

Joy Behar’s loony claims about the “Russians” or President Trump “hijacking the election” are seen as just fine by the social media gods. That’s why we have to work extra hard to expose their lies.

The mainstream media and the Hollywood crowd can reach so many voters. We must out-work them by making sure all our family and friends get the truth. When they get the truth, they’ll realize the only viable choice is President Donald Trump.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.