Behar: Romney Only Patriot On The Right, Rest Are Trash — Patriots Destroy Her

Joy Behar is making the wild accusation that everyone on “the right” is trash except for Senator Mitt Romney. According to her, Mitt is the only patriot left on the right and anyone supporting President Donald Trump is trash. Well, immediately poor Joy didn’t know what hit her as patriots destroyed her. You’ll love this.

Joy Behar (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Joy Behar contradicts herself all the time. This time it’s her newfound respect for Mitt Romney which stems from the Utah senator’s vote to impeach President Trump. Behar is too clueless to imagine Romney’s motives could be anything but patriotic. Joy’s too ignorant to realize Romeny is motivated by his own ego and hatred of the president.

Behar said, “The only patriot on the right, right now to me, is Romney. He’s the only one who stuck his neck out. The rest of them are trash.”

Patriotism or doing his duty was the last thing on Romney’s mind. Mitt loves the limelight and being accepted by the leftist media. So, his drama-queen performance during the impeachment vote was met with disgust by the entire Republican Party.

“Behar’s view of Romney today stands in stark contrast to just one year ago, when she slammed the Utah Republican for ‘groveling’ to Trump,” Washington Examiner reports. 

“After Trump won, he was at the White House, I believe, begging for a job as secretary of state. Groveling,” Behar said in January 2019, casting doubt on whether Romney was expressing his true feelings when he wrote a critical opinion piece about Trump.

Back in 2012, when Mitt was running for president, Behar said Romney’s “statements are so ridiculous and they sound so stupid to the average American person.”

“I mean, I’d like to see [Romney’s] house burn, one of his million houses burning down, who is he going to call, the Mormon fire patrol?” Behar told Mediate in 2012.

Americans gave Joy Behar a huge reality check over her newfound respect for Mitt Romney. 

“Lies of convenience and lies of huge magnitude are the lifeblood of Behar and the left. Romney is the least patriotic person on the right. He is a sniveling, backstabbing man of low character. He has compromised his integrity and his values for petty personal reasons,” posted Joe Peace on Facebook.

“How do you recognize Trash without being Trash? I just wish people could see you for what you are. You have so much hatred for Trump that I think it controls your every thought. Do you ever talk about anything good on your program?” posted Jean Newman.

“And I’m the only patriot on the left, Joy. I voted for Trump in 2016 and I’m taking my whole democratic family to vote for him in November, rhetoric like yours is driving us away in droves,” posted Carol Lowry Null.

“What gives her the right to judge. Maybe she needs to judge herself before judging others. If anything is ‘Trash’ its that show and what it represents,” posted Gayla Guillory.

“There can’t be that many stupid, ignorant and badly educated people watching this horrid tv show to keep it on air. Why is all America wrong and these women are right?” posted Vada Askew.

“I am sick of [Joy’s] face and idiotic comments. The show and the elites that are on it need to go. Seriously, who would listen or take anything these dopes have to say. Their inability to be fair should shut them down,” posted Mary Ahlstrom.

The View started out being “apolitical” according to founder Barabara Walters. 

“One, as a member of ABC News, I do not give my political opinions,” Walters said during the 2012 presidential race. “I don’t think most people know what party I’m from.”

“Joy will be respectful,” Walters said firmly, directing her remarks to then-candidate Mitt Romney who claimed he did not think the ABC talk show was a good fit for him.

“I will — but I’m holding my tongue until he gets here, and then I have to question him,” Behar warned.

“All we do is ask questions here. That’s all we do,” Behar simpered. “When we have a guest, we just ask questions.”

Now, fast forward to 2020.

Walters has retired. The View has become a comedy of errors where a bunch of leftwing nutjobs promote some of the biggest lies and misconceptions to an eager audience of Trump haters. No one takes the ABC talk show seriously. It’s a daily dose of vile rants by ignorant women suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.