Bette Midler Tells Biden ‘Kick Trump In The Nuts’ At 1st Debate, Gets Torched

Bette Midler is feeling really good about Joe Biden’s upcoming debate on Tuesday night. In fact, the 74-year-old leftwing actress gave the former vice president some advice. “You will be going toe to toe with a stupid, but wily street fighter,” Midler said. “My advice is kick him in the nuts! And then do it again for the 200,000 people he murdered!” Well, that’s when poor Bette got torched by patriotic Americans. You’ll love this.

Bette Midler (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Far-left actress Bette Midler has urged Democratic nominee Joe Biden to kick President Donald Trump “in the nuts” during the first presidential debate, and Midler says Biden should pummel the president on behalf of the 200,000 people she says he “murdered.”

“I have to say this to #VicePresidentBiden, who is much more conservative than I ‘Sir, on Tuesday night you will be going toe to toe with a stupid, but wily street fighter,'” Midler wrote on Twitter. “My advice is ‘KICK HIM IN THE NUTS!’ And then do it again for the 200,000 people he murdered!”

President Donald Trump is not really worried about the debate. However, he does want a fair fight. The president noticed during the Democrat primaries Joe’s debate performance was all over the place.

When the field of Democrat candidates was large, and there were 10 candidates on stage, Biden really screwed up. He lost his train of thought, made numerous gaffes, and just came off as if he did not where he was or what he was doing.

Then, when it was all on the line and Biden had to take on Bernie Sanders head to head, it was as if Biden had a miraculous recovery. The president insinuated that it was very probable the Biden handlers gave ole Joe some type of drug to enhance his performance.

Trump made it clear he would submit to a “drug test” before the debate and urged Biden to do the same. Well, the Biden people quickly nixed that idea.

“Joe Biden just announced that he will not agree to a Drug Test. Gee, I wonder why?” Trump tweeted on Monday morning.

Insiders at the Trump campaign are also saying they want the Democrat candidate to be checked for earplugs and other devices. The truth is many Americans believe Joe Biden is suffering from alleged cognitive issues and needs a teleprompter to do a simple interview.

The Biden campaign is a joke. At least Hillary Clinton could somewhat draw a crowd. The Biden staffers are hiding behind the COVID crisis to claim their candidate is so worried about Americans spreading the virus, he keeps his campaign events to a minimum.

Over the weekend, Joe stayed in his bunker basement, while Jill Biden held an event in Nebraska that was pathetic: “Photo of Jill Biden event in Nebraska this afternoon. Wtaf is happening???” tweeted “Lisa.”

Americans also torched Bette Midler for advising Joe to “kick Trump in the nuts” at the first debate. 

“This is funny I guess she doesn’t realize that Old Joe cannot pick up his legs to barely walk. There’s no way he could even get close enough or fast enough to get Donald that man moves like grease lightning that’s why he’s the man for the job sorry Joe Hollywood can’t help,” tweeted Kimberly Scale.

“Ummmm, does she know what that phrase means? Cause telling someone to kick someone else in the nuts isn’t going high at all. Oh, that’s right! They’re all hypocrites. I forgot,” tweeted Leah Volpe.

“Maybe she’s going to write down the phrases for his teleprompter,” tweeted “Pimetabilis Anus Outrem.”

“Bette’s people might want to shelter her from reality, it appears Bette might be experiencing an early onset of dementia. She used to be a great singer, and mediocre actress, although she was never equipped for actual thought!” tweeted Steve Neves.

“@BetteMidler When Dems like U disagree w/someone U ‘go low.’ Ur hatred of DT is very clear, & U r showing how childish U are. Why don’t U compare DT’s support of the black community to JB’s? Do U know how may things DT has done for America? JB’s Delaware ppl can’t even name 1 of his,” tweeted Kira Sutter.

The Biden campaign reportedly is also in panic mode ahead of the first debate. Joe’s handlers called a “lid” on his campaign all last week which caused high-ranking Democrats to meltdown.

“Joe Biden called a lid — the arcane term reporters use when a politician is done for the day — at 1:02 p.m. Friday; 9:20 a.m. Thursday; 9:22 a.m. Tuesday and 8:34 a.m. Saturday. Biden’s early turn-ins provoked the Twitter set, professionally nervous Democrats (OK, bedwetters) and, notably, Donald Trump to scratch their heads or rain down ridicule,” Politico reports. 

Bette Midler is also pumping the other Democrat narrative that the president “killed 200,000 Americans.”

Of course, Midler is referring to the coronavirus crisis. The big problem is no one thinks the president is personally responsible for a pandemic that started in China. In fact, the Democrats and their cohorts love to push the panic while ignoring the facts.

The up-to-date coronavirus survival rates by age group are a real eye-opener especially if you buy into the Democrats talking points. According to the Centers for Disease Control, ages 0-19 have a survival rate of 99.997 percent.

Ages 20-49 survival rate is 99.98 percent. Those who are 50-69 years of age have a survival rate of 99.5 percent, and 70 plus comes in at 94.6 percent.

So, the “Divine Miss M”  doesn’t seem to have a clue about coronavirus death rates. We also know average Americans aren’t buying the lies from the left, and poor Bette is in for a rude awakening on debate night.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.