Bette Midler is back to spread another anti-Trump message. This time, the elderly Broadway actress is claiming the president doesn’t care he is killing off his own voters, which Midler says are “old white men and women.” Well, poor Bette got torched for making such a ridiculous statement. You’ll love this.

Bette Midler is accusing President Donald Trump of killing his voter base of “older white men and women,” adding that the president doesn’t care about the fate of the elderly.
The Beaches star made the allegation despite the fact that President Trump has stated that he wants special care given to senior citizens as states move to re-open their economies in the wake of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
Bette Mider, who is white and 74, tweeted her bizarre claim late Monday in what appeared to be a reference to President Trump’s efforts to re-start the U.S. economy after many states have successfully seen the number of coronavirus cases flatten in recent days.
“Trump is killing his own base, older white men and women! It is beyond belief. And he doesn’t care!!” Midler said.
Trump is killing his own base, older white men and women! It is beyond belief. And he doesn’t care!!
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) May 5, 2020
Midler omitted the fact that President Trump has emphasized that he wants states to safely re-open businesses and schools, with special attention paid to the well-being of the elderly.
“States are safely coming back. Our Country is starting to OPEN FOR BUSINESS again,” Trump tweeted last month. “Special care is, and always will be, given to our beloved seniors (except me!). Their lives will be better than ever…WE LOVE YOU ALL!”
States are safely coming back. Our Country is starting to OPEN FOR BUSINESS again. Special care is, and always will be, given to our beloved seniors (except me!). Their lives will be better than ever…WE LOVE YOU ALL!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
Along with a growing list of other celebrities, Bette Midler has blamed President Trump for U.S. coronavirus deaths, claiming last month that the president has “30,000 corpses” on his hands.
“Every single day you cause death, destruction, and untold suffering. Four more years of your incompetence and we won’t have a country left!” Midler tweeted, adding the hashtags #TrumpOwnsEveryDeath and #Loser.
There is so much misinformation out there about the risks of re-opening America. It’s really disgraceful that the Democrats have turned this pandemic into a political weapon hoping to destroy Trump. In fact, if the coronavirus was not politicized, American cities would already be back in business.
How do we know? Now that the virus has been around for a few months, scientists have enough data to make recommendations based on the evidence.
Sadly, this new information will not be reported in the mainstream media.
For example, Dr. Muge Cevik, who is a noted infectious disease expert working as a “virology clinician and researcher,” commented on a recent study on how COVID-19 is transmitted. You are more likely to be infected inside your home, not going out in public. Cevik pointed to the Lancet Journal of Medicine which concluded that “close and prolonged exposure is required for transmission.”
There are multiple studies that now have come to the same conclusion. The Democrats are hell-bent on Americans staying in the dark about the latest data that proves re-opening this country is a good idea. Making matters worse, we have uneducated leftwing losers like Bette Midler spewing misinformation.
Americans torched ole Bette on social media.
“Bette Midler, lying idiotic windbag. If this were true why would NY, NY be hardest hit? It’s clearly a liberal bastion of stupidity like hers! Oh wait… she’ll now flip the script and say he’s killing off liberals to steal the election. Yep she’s an IDIOT,” tweeted “Trump2020.”
Bette Midler, lying idiotic windbag. If this were true why would NY, NY be hardest hit? It's clearly a liberal bastion of stupidity like hers! Oh wait… she'll now flip the script and say he's killing off liberals to steal the election. Yep she's an IDIOT
— Trump2020 (@DJT2020POTUS) May 5, 2020
“It’s very clear! @BetteMidler is INSANE!!! I’m glad TRUE AMERICANS are writing these ‘people’ OFF!!” tweeted Twitter user “Chris.”
It’s very clear! @BetteMidler is INSANE!!! I’m glad TRUE AMERICANS are writing these “people” OFF!!
— Chris 🦍💨 (@DraftingBeasts) May 5, 2020
“This is exactly the mindless rhetoric that I don’t understand. No one is forced to gather in large crowds, unprotected. If you’re vulnerable, stay home, there is no law against it! smh” tweeted Tory Shelby.
This is exactly the mindless rhetoric that I don't understand. No one is forced to gather in large crowds, unprotected. If you're vulnerable, stay home, there is no law against it! smh
— Tory Shelby (@ToryShelby) May 5, 2020
“He isn’t killing anyone. Wow. Get a grip,” tweeted Twitter user “Julie.”
He isn't killing anyone. Wow. Get a grip.
— Julie (@JulieLvsPACKERS) May 5, 2020
This new study, and those like it, explain why New York’s nursing homes were ravaged by COVID. Living in close quarters is the biggest way to transmit the virus. It takes “prolonged” exposure to COVID-19 to become infected.
In fact, New York just released a so-called “new finding.”
“New York state is now reporting more than 1,700 previously undisclosed deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities as the state faces scrutiny over how it’s protected vulnerable residents during the coronavirus pandemic,” TIME reports.
At least 4,813 residents with confirmed or presumed cases of COVID-19 have died at 351 of New York’s 613 nursing homes since March 1, according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration’s new list.
Many of those nursing home deaths could have been avoided, but Cuomo failed to take the advice of medical experts and nursing administration. Cuomo made it mandatory that any nursing home residents who were hospitalized for COVID must be returned to their nursing homes.
What Cuomo did was make those nursing homes virulent carriers of the virus. Hospitals would “stabilize” patients and, with the need for empty beds, discharge them home. That meant the nursing home patients went back to their facility and were still infectious. Cuomo could have easily discharged them to the Navy ship or at the Javitz Center.
“The media never asked the governor about an order mandating that nursing homes admit and readmit patients who tested positive for the coronavirus, despite the extraordinary number of deaths among the elderly,” New York Post reports.
Where’s all the outrage at Cuomo? Why isn’t Bette Midler posting insults at her own governor? Midler fails epically at being an informed citizen. She spews lies and utters nonsense to her 1.9 million Twitter followers. History won’t be kind to those like Midler who made this pandemic much worse than it ever had to be.