Bette Midler: ‘Trump’s A Murderer… I Can’t Stop Crying’ – Gets Rude Awakening

Bette Midler is joining some of the other leftwing Hollywood activists by claiming President Donald Trump is “a murderer.” The 74-year-old Broadway star went on a bizarre rant. “Trump is a murderer. Stupid, callous uncaring; all in all the biggest catastrophe to ever befall our poor nation. I can’t stop crying,” she claimed. Well, that’s when poor Bette got a rude awakening. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump, Bette Midler (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Leftwing director Rob Reiner says President Donald Trump “is Murdering Americans.” Pop icon Cher says the president “kills Americans without thought.” You can add leftist actress Bette Midler to the growing list of leftist Hollywood luminaries calling the president a cold-blooded killer.

“#DonaldJTrump is a murderer. Stupid, callous uncaring; all in all the biggest catastrophe to ever befall our poor nation. I can’t stop crying,” Bette Midler said on Twitter over the weekend. Of course, she included an article from the “fake news” New York Times which is on a campaign to destroy Trump.

Midler’s screed links to a 4,600-word, five-person byline New York Times hit piece titled “Inside Trump’s Failure: The Rush to Abandon Leadership Role on the Virus.”

The nearly Times article mentions New York Governor Andrew Cuomo once and New Jersey once, even though those two states’ roughly 47,000 COVID-19 deaths account for about a third of the 142,000 coronavirus deaths in the United States.

In New York, according to the New York Post: “DOH figures on Tuesday showed 6,312 nursing-home deaths, slightly more than 25 percent of the state’s total 24,994 coronavirus fatalities.”

Gov. Cuomo has been under fire for issuing an order in March requiring all nursing homes to accept residents who tested positive for COVID-19. The move is widely considered the cause of thousands of patient and staff deaths at nursing homes and longterm care fatalities across the state.

In New Jersey, reports: “About 43% of New Jersey’s COVID-19 deaths have been either residents or staff members of nursing homes and other long-term care centers. There have been 6,815 confirmed deaths at those facilities.”

The facts just don’t matter to these Trump haters. If you took out the COVID deaths in New York (32,203) and New Jersey (15,715), the number of deaths in the U.S. would be very close to a really bad flu season at around 95,000 deaths nationwide.

To put this in perspective, the most populated state of California reports 7,764 deaths as of this writing. Florida, another heavily populated state which did not take draconian lockdowns, reports 5,071 deaths. The focus should be on New York and New Jersey, and why they put high-risk patients in nursing homes which caused their death toll to skyrocket over all other states.

The mainstream media and their Hollywood puppets want you to believe the COVID crisis is out of control hoping to ensure Trump does not get re-elected.

That’s why Americans gave Midler a rude awakening on social media. 

“The Leftists keep saying they’re educated but the way they all talk it sounds they are uneducated and brainless. Because every time they make a statement is preposterous,” tweeted “Mari@n.”

“PARENTS Please don’t let yr children worship these Morons. They are ALWAYS on the wrong side. Have zero facts but that never stops them. Their world is Epstein & Weinstein,” tweeted Twitter user “Bridget.”

“Wrong. @andrewcuomo is [a murderer] though. What a f**kin mutt. #MAGA @ChrisCuomo,” tweeted “Castrqvania.”


“Alternate Headline: Another Hollyweird Has-been Dribbles Liberal Gibberish Down Her Ever-flapping Chin…Again,” tweeted Doc McMurphy.

“So on Nov 4th after @POTUS wins BIG for his 2nd term, all of America will be looking for irrelevant Hollywood types like you guys to announce you are MOVING! GOOD RIDDANCE!!” tweeted Twitter user “Jim.”

The truth is COVID deaths are not dramatically going up. In fact, the death rate is going down. What is going up is the number of confirmed cases.

Of course, the number of confirmed cases is going to go up as we test more and more of the population.

If this wasn’t an election year, the mainstream media would not be twisting the truth about the pandemic. Polling showed Americans are really buying the lies that the press and the Democrats are selling. They never report on the death rate, or tell you the number of deaths per state.

Nope, that would highlight that this is a New York and New Jersey state problem and that the rest of the country is doing just fine. It’s almost as if Gov. Andrew Cuomo made that fatal error with populating the nursing homes with COVID patients knowing it would make this crisis seem out of control.

“Why does the Lamestream Fake News Media REFUSE to say that China Virus deaths are down 39%, and that we now have the lowest Fatality (Mortality) Rate in the World. They just can’t stand that we are doing so well for our Country!” Trump tweeted on July 6.

Numbers don’t lie, but the mainstream media does. It’s extremely important to get the facts out to the public. If Americans could do one thing to help the president, it would be making sure as many people as possible take a look at the mortality rate and the number of deaths per state.

The China virus numbers are also being padded, according to Dr. Scott Jensen.

“Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you’ll get paid $13,000,” he told Fox News. “If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000; three times as much. Nobody can tell me, after 35 years in the world of medicine, that sometimes those kinds of things [have] impact on what we do.”

So, not only is virus panic good for the Democrats, but it is also good for the medical centers. Stop the panic and make sure all your family and friends know all the facts. This is a great way to help Trump get re-elected.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.