Black Lives Matter leader Hawk Newsome made terroristic threats against the United States on Wednesday. “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it,” the BLM leader declared. Well, that’s when poor Hawk got an epic smackdown and found out the hard way you do not threaten the United States of America. You’ll love this.

Hawk Newsome, who identifies as the Black Lives Matter leader of New York, is getting ready to wage a war against the police and the citizens of the United States. In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail on June 3, Newsome declared BLM is “training our people to defend our communities.”
“We want liberation. We want the power to determine our own destiny,” Newsome said. “We want freedom from an oppressive government, and we want the immediate end of government-sanctioned murder by the police.”
“And we prepare to stop these government-sanctioned murders by any means necessary,” the BLM leader added. “We are preparing and training our people to defend our communities.”
Newsome also claimed BLM will create “Peace Officers” who will patrol black communities to challenge law enforcement and stop police brutality.
Newsome then doubled down on his violent rhetoric on Wednesday in an interview with Martha MacCallum on Fox News.
“What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?” MacCallum asked.
“Wow, it’s interesting that you would pose that question like that because this country is built upon violence,” Newsome claimed. “What was the American Revolution, what’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical.”
“I watched you talking on a bunch of different interviews today and you said, ‘burn it down,'” MacCallum declared. “You said, ‘burn it down, it’s time.’ That makes me think you want to burn it down.”
“I said If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally,” the BLM leader said. “The moment people start destroying property, now cops can be fired automatically. What is this country rewarding? What behavior is it listening to?”
Newsome added: “Jesus Christ was the first black radical revolutionary in history.”
Ryan Fournier shared the clip of Newsome on Twitter and posted: “This is the leader of Black Lives Matter… Talking about burning down this country if they don’t get the outcome they want. This is terrorism.”
This is the leader of Black Lives Matter…
Talking about burning down this country if they don’t get the outcome they want.
This is terrorism.
— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) June 25, 2020
Newsome got one thing right. It’s Democrat politicians, the Democrat mayors across America who have allowed this rioting and mayhem to continue. They are the ones rewarding bad behavior, and that has to stop. His threats are sedition and treasonous. He lies about African-Americans doing better after the 1960s civil unrest.
He sees himself as a god-like figure. He believes Jesus was for violence. He is dangerous for the exact reason he has powerful backers. However, it will not end well for Newsome. This BLM leader has just threatened the most powerful nation in the world.
Maybe Hawk needs a refresher course on what Our Lord said about violence. “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”
BLM is a militant neo-Marxist organization, and it threatens the United States of America. Newsome added he is taking his cues from the Black Panthers of the 1960s.
Well, poor Hawk got a rude awakening from Americans who aren’t willing to sit idly by and watch his thugs “burn it down.”
“Stand up, real citizens of this country, like this strong clear sovereign citizen, & take back your streets, businesses, homes, lives & livelihoods from these Pelosi-Squad led Dems & leftists who love Antifa & BLM promoting young Marxist Anarchists who want to ‘burn it down!” tweeted Bill Brunhofer.
Stand up, real citizens of this country, like this strong clear sovereign citizen, & take back your streets, businesses, homes, lives & livelihoods fm these Pelosi-Squad led Dems & leftists who love Antifa & BLM promoting young Marxist Anarchists who want to “burn it down!”
— Bill Brunhofer (@wbrunhofer) June 25, 2020
“Anyone who heard the BLM leader say, ‘if we don’t get what we want we will burn it down,’ should be appalled that they have supported this terror group. Time to label them domestic terrorists and go after them all. Follow the money. End them now!” tweeted Dick Moorman.
Anyone who heard the BLM leader say, “if we don’t get what we want we will burn it down,” should be appalled that they have supported this terror group. Time to label them domestic terrorists and go after them all. Follow the money. End them now!
— Dick Moorman (@DickMoorman) June 25, 2020
“BLM in New York City Mr. Newsome Stated if We don’t give them what they want they will burn it down. Calling American’s Racist & Ignorant. Dude hates America so he can pack his self righteous butt up&leave! Take Black Lives Matter with him! In AMERICA ALL LIVES MATTER BRO! USA #1,” tweeted Sean C. Leverson.
BLM in New York City Mr. Newsome Stated if We don't give them what they want they will burn it down. Calling American's Racist & Ignorant. Dude hates America so he can pack his self righteous butt up&leave! Take Black Lives Matter with him! In AMERICA ALL LIVES MATTER BRO! USA #1
— Sean C. Leverson (@LeversonSean) June 25, 2020
“So I say let’s get BLM out. Hawk Newsome has more plans very clear. Burn it down! This is a terrorist organization and we should all sit up and take notice. Who is going to be brave enuf to stand up to these thugs? Anarchists? These are people with such hate for Whites,” tweeted Deborah Jackson.
So I say let’s get BLM out. Hawk Newsome has more plans very clear. Burn it down! This is a terrorist organization and we should all sit up and take notice. Who is going to be brave enuf to stand up to these thugs? Anarchists? These are people with such hate for Whites.
— Deborah Jackson (@deborah27494439) June 25, 2020
” Just watched your piece on fox… love the hat… not for sale, because you already were bought. As far as burn it down… bring it big boy… your 15 minutes of fame is up… you are the racist and you know it @BLMNYC ie.. hawk newsome,” tweeted “52yearschiefsfan.”
I just watched your piece on fox… love the hat… not for sale, because you already were bought. As far as burn it down… bring it big boy… your 15 minutes of fame is up… you are the racist and you know it @BLMNYC ie.. hawk newsome
— 52yearschiefsfan (@52yearschiefsf1) June 25, 2020
Meanwhile, GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy exposed how Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats care nothing about “police reform.”
“Democrats just blocked police reform. They would rather keep the radical left mob stirred up and angry than lift a finger to fix the problem. Pure politics,” McCarthy said.
Democrats just blocked police reform.
They would rather keep the radical left mob stirred up and angry than lift a finger to fix the problem. Pure politics.
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) June 24, 2020
It’s blatantly clear BLM is just an arm of the Democrat Party, and they have no desire to address the so-called issue these people have been screaming about: police reform. At this point, it’s also clear the Democrats are willing to see BLM “burn it down.”
This is why it’s also become crystal clear the only way to stop this madness is to vote out all Democrats. They have chosen lawlessness and anarchy. No patriotic American, regardless of party affiliation, can back BLM. Make sure everyone you know understands the stakes are high. We must stop these BLM terrorists.