CNN’s Cuomo: Trump’s Racist, That’s Why He Supports You — McCloskey Torches Him

CNN’s Chris Cuomo attempted a “gotcha interview” with the St. Louis homeowner who made headlines over the weekend for protecting his residence from hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters. Cuomo came off as combative and downright rude, claiming Mark McCloskey and his wife were just “racists” and not fearful of the BLM protesters. Cuomo added that President Donald Trump was only supporting the McCloskeys because they are “the face of white resistance.” Well, that’s when Mr. McCloskey utterly torched Chris Cuomo.

Chris Cuomo, Mark McCloskey (left), Mark & Patricia McCloskey (right) (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Mark and Patricia McCloskey didn’t ask to be thrust into the limelight over the fearful incident that happened at their St. Louis home over the weekend. They were not busy videoing the event when an estimated 300 Black Lives Matter protesters broke down the iron gates of their neighborhood.

They feared for their lives. They called 911 as the mob started threatening them. When they realized no police were coming, they did what every other American would do: they armed themselves to defend everything they held dear.

Of course, Chris Cuomo and the leftwing media are livid that the McCloskeys have become heroes to the vast majority of Americans who are sick and tired of watching the mob pillage communities night after night. The McCloskeys’ crime is arming themselves against BLM, proving they are not peaceful.

Chris Cuomo was out to destroy Mark McCloskey with lies and innuendos. 

“CNN’s Chris Cuomo immediately deemed the St. Louis couple that faced off with Black Lives Matters protesters encroaching on their property as a racial incident in a gotcha-style interview with Mark McCloskey, the husband, on Tuesday’s edition of his CNN program,” Real Clear Politics reports. 

“How do you feel about becoming the face of political resistance to the Black Lives Matter movement? Cuomo spewed.

“First of all, that’s a completely ridiculous statement,” McCloskey responded. “I’m not the face of anything opposing to Black Lives Matters movement. I was a person scared for my life who was protecting my wife, my home, my hearth, my livelihood. I was a victim of a mob that came through the gate. I didn’t care what color they were. I didn’t care what their motivation was. I was frightened. I was assaulted and I was in imminent fear that they would run me over, kill me, burn my house.”

McCloskey then related the utter mayhem BLM had ravaged on St. Louis. He reminded Cuomo of what CNN failed to report night after night. These “protesters” are not all peaceful.

“On June 2nd, I watched the city burn, I watched the 7-11 get smashed in, looted and burned for 40 minutes on live television with nobody showing up to do anything,” McCloskey declared.

“I realized at that time, we’re on our own, when bad things happen, they unpredictably turn really bad, really fast,” he added. “That same night, retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn was murdered. These things get very bad very quickly. And when those people came through the gate, when it was a mob, I didn’t take the time to see their birth certificates or anything else, I was defending my life, my house, my wife and what I spent 32 years building there.”

“I understand what you said your rationale was, to be clear, did anything happen to you or your property?” Cuomo asked sarcastically.

“Did anything happen? Yeah. My life has been ruined,” McCloskey declared.

“No, no, no. We’ll get to that, Mr. McCloskey, I don’t mean to cut you off. But I’m saying that night, did anything happen to you, your family, or your property?” Cuomo said.

“Yeah, it’s called social intimidation, it’s called terrorism. Chris, what’s the definition of terrorism? To use violence and intimidation to frighten the public, that’s what happened to me. And that’s the damage I suffered,” McCloskey said.

Cuomo also called McCloskey the “face” of “white resistance” to the anti-Black Lives Matter movement, even if he doesn’t see it himself. Cuomo later demanded McCloskey to explain why President Donald Trump would retweet the video of the encounter.

“This isn’t about right or wrong,” Cuomo said. “That’s why the president tweeted his tweet. You know it. He retweeted it because he liked the image of white resistance to this movement. But we know that’s why he did it.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re a mind reader because no one else thinks you are,” McCloskey declared.

McCloskey fought back against Cuomo’s accusations and asserted he was in his right to defend his property from the threat of “terrorism” that the mob of several hundred people presented. The St. Louis homeowner also called out the utter hypocrisy of CNN and said the treatment from Cuomo is why he was reluctant to come on the host’s show.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey are now being destroyed by the leftwing media in this country. Making matters worse for the married couple is Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, a radical BLM supporter who has been funded by George Soros.

“I am alarmed at the events that happened over the weekend, where peaceful protestors were met by guns and a violent assault. We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated,” Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner said in a statement Monday.

Well, lots of luck with that. Missouri has a “Castle Doctrine” that says when homeowners are threatened in any way they have a right to defend their property with deadly force. The McCloskeys are squarely within their Constitutional rights.

Chris Cuomo and all the other clowns in the leftwing media are digging their own grave by attacking the McCloskeys. Americans rallied to support them in record numbers on social media. Americans have made a real connection with the couple.

“There but for the grace of God, go I.”

That’s what many of us were thinking as we were watching the video of the incident. That could have been me or my family in that situation. This just goes to show how totally tone deaf Chris Cuomo and his CNN comrades truly are. This has nothing to do with race or racism and everything to do with facing true evil in our society today.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.