Amy Coney Barrett was ready to take on the demented Senate Democrats on Tuesday morning. The Democrat staffers glimpsed the nominee’s notes and were aghast at what they saw. Senator Dianne Feinstein was also aghast as “those notes” prove she and her cohorts don’t stand a chance. You’ll love this.

Early during the Senate hearings, a camera caught a glimpse of Amy Coney Barrett’s notes. Immediately, the internet was ablaze with what people saw. Usually, a Supreme Court nominee brings binders of notes on the different cases they have decided, just in case their memory fails them.
Amy Coney Barrett isn’t just any Supreme Court nominee. In fact, her notes went viral. Why? Well, Amy Coney Barrett needs no notes. Her notes are blank. The mother of seven is so brilliant and her memory so sharp that whatever the Senate Democrats are going to throw at her, she feels no need to refer to notes or take notes.
Which brings us to Senator Dianne Feinstein. The 87-year-old Democrat begins by asking Barrett to introduce her family. Then, Feinstein starts her questioning about abortion. She talks about seeing people go to Mexico in college to have abortions in the 1950s when abortion was illegal.
Amy Coney Barrett did not need notes to set Feinstein’s hair on fire over abortion. In fact, she used Barack Obama’s own Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, to shut down the Senator from California.
“[Elena Kagan] said that she was not going to grade precedent or give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down,” Barrett said. “I think in an area where precedent continues to be pressed and litigated, as is true of case, it would be particularly–it would actually be wrong and a violation of the canon for me to do that as a sitting judge.”
“If I express a view on a precedent one way or another, whether I say I love it or I hate it, it signals to litigants that I might tilt one way or another in a pending case,” Coney Barrett said.
Feinstein said it is distressing for women not to have a clear answer on how Barrett would approach the question.
“I completely understand why you are asking the question but again, I can’t pre-commit or say, ‘Yes I’m going in with some agenda,'” Barrett said. “Because I’m not.”
Feinstein asked a third time, framing the question around Barrett’s personal beliefs about Roe v. Wade. Barrett refused to take the bait.
“I think my answer is the same because that’s a case that is litigated and its contours could come up again, And in fact, they do come up. They came up last term before the court,” Barrett said. “I know why it would be comforting to you to have an answer but I can’t express views on cases or pre-commit to approaching a case in any particular way.”
If that answer was good enough for a Democrat nominee like Elena Kagan, then it’s good enough for Amy Coney Barrett.
Feinstein to Barrett after she declines to say if Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided: “On something that is really a major cause with major effect on over half of the population of this country, who are women … it’s distressing not to get a straight answer.”
— ABC News (@ABC) October 13, 2020
That’s when her notes, or the fact she has no notes, came up in the hearing.
GOP Senator John Coryn got word that the nominee came with no notes and that she was relying on her own memory for anything the Democrats would throw at her.
“You know most of us have notebooks and multiple notes, and things like that in front of us,” Coryn said. “Can you hold up what you’ve been referring to when answering our questions?”
Coney Barrett smiled and held up the blank page as many in the room reacted with giggles and gasps.
“Is there anything on it?” Coryn asked.
“Ah, the letterhead that says ‘United States Senate,”‘ Coney Barrett replied.
Sen. Cornyn just asked Amy Coney Barrett to hold up her notes she brought with her.
She held up a blank piece of paper. She isn't taking notes. She's that smart.
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) October 13, 2020
Well, that shut up the Democrats and their cohorts.
“Answering questions with no notes… – For hours on end …From many who want to actively see you fail …On national TV …For the culmination of your professional life …is objectively impressive,” tweeted Matt Gorman, who is a Never-Trumper.
Answering questions with no notes…
– For hours on end
…From many who want to actively see you fail
…On national TV
…For the culmination of your professional life…is objectively impressive.
— Matt Gorman (@mattsgorman) October 13, 2020
“Owning tha Libs,” is the caption one Twitter user wrote on ACB’s blank notes.
— 🇺🇸MoultriePatriot (@MoultriePatriot) October 13, 2020
“Legend,” tweeted Matt Whitlock, who is a Senior Advisor to the GOP Senate.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) October 13, 2020
Amy Coney Barrett has to be that good. She has to be a “legend.”
She is a conservative woman who has been nominated by President Donald Trump, and we all know the Democrats’ hatred of Trump will be taken out on Amy Coney Barrett. That’s why she is that good. She is that brilliant.
Trump and the GOP knew the only way a conservative woman judge could withstand the backlash and the Senate hearings was to ensure she is simply the best our country has to offer. Amy Coney Barrett needs no notes, and she needs no luck. The Senate Democrats never stood a chance against the best legal mind we have in America today.