Upcoming Debate Moderator’s Deep Democrat Ties – Deletes Twitter Account, Then Later Restores It

The upcoming presidential debate on Thursday night is scheduled to be moderated by NBC’s Kirsten Welker. She was previously caught on live television “tipping off” the Clinton campaign in 2016, but that’s not all. Welker more recently tried to play damage control when her deep Democrat ties were exposed by deleting her Twitter account, but it was too late. Don’t miss this.

It should matter that the moderators of presidential debates are totally biased. We saw it with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, and the second debate moderator was caught favoring Joe Biden on social media.

Steve Scully from C-Span was caught conversing with Trump hater Anthony Scaramucci about how to handle the president. Scully’s background of working as a Joe Biden aide and making pro-Democrat remarks had been put into question by President Donald Trump on Twitter.

Scully was then caught asking advice from Scaramucci on Twitter: “@Scaramucci should I respond to Trump.” Scully made the huge mistake of claiming his account was “hacked.” He finally told the truth and was placed on “administrative leave” by C-Span.

Now, the third debate moderator, NBC’s Kirsten Welker, is running into her own problems. 

Welker is in charge of questioning during this week’s debate, scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. Thursday at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Welker is a reporter for the most left-leaning of the major broadcast networks in an era where White House correspondents are expected to behave in the combative mold of Jim Acosta. What are the odds she turns out to be less partisan?

Welker decided to delete her Twitter account after the New York Post ran a piece on Friday: “Kristen Welker, upcoming presidential debate moderator, has deep Democrat ties.”

Welker comes from an established Democratic family — who have poured cash into party coffers, and to Trump opponents, for years.

“Her mother, Julie Welker, a prominent real estate broker in Philadelphia, and father, Harvey Welker, a consulting engineer, have donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates and close to $20,000 to Barack Obama alone,” the New York Post reports.

The NBC correspondent proudly displayed on Facebook a picture of herself and the Obamas at the White House Christmas party.

Welker was caught “tipping off” the Hillary Clinton campaign. 

“In March 2016 Welker was busted on live television tipping off Hillary Clinton’s Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri about at least one question she planned to ask her during a post-debate interview in Michigan. At the time Clinton was locked in a fierce fight for the Democratic nomination against Sen. Bernie Sanders,” New York Post adds.

“I’m going to ask you about Flint,” Welker said of the Michigan city’s infamous water crisis. This was giving the Clinton campaign “a heads up” at its worst.

Even The Sun had this headline: “UNBIASED? Trump-Biden debate moderator Kristen Welker caught on hot mic tipping off Hillary campaign to questions in 2016.”

If Kirsten Welker was caught tipping off the Clinton campaign in 2016, can we trust her to not do the same for the Biden campaign in 2020? 

“Anyone who’s ever dealt with Welker knows she’s an activist, not a reporter. The White House press team views her the same way they would AOC or Pelosi if they walked in the office,” a senior White House official told The Post.

We wouldn’t be shocked to learn that Welker or someone on her behalf is colluding with the Biden campaign to help Joe out in the upcoming debate. We have no proof to suggest this is taking place. We only have her history to go on.

Actor James Woods tweeted: “The Democrat operative in the red dress will be the debate moderator next week. Of course, she won’t be biased….”

Throughout Welker’s tenure as a White House correspondent, she has earned a reputation for a scathing style of questioning.

“Mr. President, yes or no. … have you ever worked for Russia. Yes or no?” she demanded during a confrontation in January 2019.

The treatment stands in stark contrast to her handling of Democratic politicos. Welker knows she is being watched, and that’s why she temporarily deleted her Twitter account.

That’s why President Trump ends up debating not only the Democrat candidate but also the moderator. This happened in 2016, and it’s happening again.

The Democrats have so many advantages when running a campaign with those like Kirsten Welker on board poised to help out any way they can. Get the word out, Americans. The upcoming debate moderator is a huge Democrat sycophant.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.