Debra Messing Crushed After Saying: Many MAGA Voters Will Die Over Trump Lies

Hollywood leftist Debra Messing is promoting a deceptively edited video of President Donald Trump which has been debunked by numerous media outlets. It’s the lie where these haters claim the president called COVID-19 “a hoax.” Then, Messing goes on to tell “MAGA voters” they are at risk of dying because they listen to Trump. She goes on to say maybe those left alive will vote him out. Well, that’s when she got crushed by the truth. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump, Debra Messing (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

While the world is in the grip of the deadly coronavirus, left-wing actress Debra Messing promoted a deceptively edited video claiming President Donald Trump called the coronavirus a “hoax” and asked if the supporters of the president, she says will die from the virus, realize now that he needs to be removed from office.

“LIAR-IN-CHIEF. #Maga have been unmoved by the 16500 lies 45 has made since elected. Now that innumerable people (including MAGA) will die, because of his lies and inaction, I wonder if MAGA will recognize that 45 must be voted out?” Debra Messing said in a tweet on Tuesday, which included a deceptively edited video promoted by a group called Fellow Americans.

Messing, like other Hollywood elites and left-wing media members, is promoting the lie that President Trump called the coronavirus a “hoax.” The president used the word “hoax” at a campaign rally to describe the Democrats’ attempts to politicize the coronavirus.

Even songwriter Richard Marx, a vocal Trump critic, noted that “this narrative that he called the actual virus a hoax is patently false.”

Spreading fake news and hating Trump supporters seems par for the course for the Will & Grace star, who backed Joe Biden for president earlier this month in a rambling video.

Messing claimed last month that President Trump “puts Americans in mortal danger.” The actor said this while tweeting a two-year-old Washington Post article about proposed budget cuts to the CDC that never happened.

Americans crushed Messing on social media for promoting hate and propaganda.

“Gee… Who knew that a virus hits a person depending on Party affiliation. This LibTard is 100% certifiably NUTS! Debra Messing Says Many MAGA Voters Will Die Because Trump Lies,” tweeted “Angry Americans United.”

More proof that liberalism is a mental disorder especially when Debra Messing speaks because she makes no sense whatsoever #NonFunctioningBrain,” tweeted “Woody.” 

So sad… she’s extremely NON-partisan. Can you see it??? Didn’t think so… #KeepAmericaGreat,” tweeted “US Army NC.” 

Who is @DebraMessing and why the hell do I care if she hopes I die? Typical Democrat proving she is a moron like the rest…end of story,” tweeted “Justin.”

“What gets me are the liberal lemmings who lack critical thinking and can’t believe a Bad B now C List actress whose series reboot was canceled actually believe her con,” tweeted Suze Michelini.

At the end of February, Messing got blasted for parroting another big lie about Trump and the coronavirus. 

“Debra Messing launched into an unhinged tirade Friday claiming that President Trump ‘puts Americans in mortal danger,’ citing a two-year-old Washington Post article about proposed budget cuts to the CDC,” Breitbart reports. 

“The Will & Grace star failed to mention that those cuts never went into effect and that Congress has actually increased funding to the CDC and National Institutes of Health,” they added.

It is the Hollywood crowd who are putting Americans into mortal danger. Messing has over 630,000 followers on Twitter. Rob Reiner who also is caught almost every other day posting propaganda has almost one million followers. Cher has 3.7 million followers and is constantly spewing lies on her Twitter feed.

When we were just dealing with a political battle, and not a deadly virus, their combined untruths were annoying at best. However, now that it’s critical for Americans to pull together and not panic, these Hollywood Trump-haters are dangerous.

Luckily, those of us who are being vigilant to their shenanigans are sending them a message loud and clear: now is not the time to trash your president. Now, is not the time to spread lies and misinformation. When this crisis is over, Americans will remember who was helping and who was hurting this nation. Those in Hollywood, by and large, will go down as traitors to the truth.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.