Black Lives Matter: Millions Have Been Donated To ‘Defund the Police’

***CORRECTION: ActBlue is a non-profit tech platform that facilitates online fundraising for political campaigns and organizations, including Black Lives Matter, but they pass the donations on to those groups. The original article with errors is below. We are embarrassed by and apologize for the mistake.***

Joe Biden’s campaign noted that the majority of Americans are not on board with lawlessness across America, and that’s why he came out and stated he is against the “Defund the Police” movement sponsored by Black Lives Matter. However, poor Joe’s got a huge problem. He will be beholden to “defund the police” if elected after his campaign was caught in an alleged money-laundering scheme taking millions from BLM. Don’t miss this.

President Donald Trump, Joe Biden (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

It all started after Black Lives Matters managing director, Kailee Scales, conducted a disastrous virtual town hall. She was hard-pressed to disclose where and how exactly the money received from donations to BLM was being used.

Internet sleuths began looking into BLM’s donation page. Strangely, BLM’s donation page has an ActBlue internet address. Which means those millions of dollars in donations following George Floyd’s death, and during the riots and mayhem, went to ActBlue.

What’s ActBlue? “A web-based platform that’s funneling an unprecedented amount of cash from individual donors to Democratic candidates,” MinnPost reports. 

But it gets better. When users reach BLM’s homepage, it features a “Defund the Police” petition front and center, and if they chose to donate, it goes to ActBlue, who then routes the cash to the Democratic Party.

Candace Owens is exposing this scheme: “100 million dollar question that leftists are refusing to answer: To what organization do the funds raised on the Black Lives Matter website go? BLM raised 40 million dollars in 48 hours because of George Floyd’s death. But WHO did Act Blue direct that funding to?” she tweeted.

Who is the top beneficiary of ActBlue’s fundraising efforts? Well, Joe Biden, of course. 

“While the Biden campaign insists it doesn’t support efforts to defund the police, it may happily profit from Black Lives Matter (BLM) efforts, and is complicit in taking money from an organization partnered with those spearheading the dangerous policy,” National Pulse reports.

Some would call this a money-laundering scheme. As of May 21st, the ActBlue organization has donated $119,253,857 to the “Biden for President” effort.

ActBlue contributions comprise 99.64 percent of all funds raised for the “Biden for President” entity, and the total is nearly 773 times greater than the group with the second-highest donation sum.

Biden for President

The fine print in ActBlue’s website also makes for some really interesting reading. 

“Contributions to social welfare organizations which are similarly not cashed or are affirmatively refused will be kept by ActBlue and used generally to support its social welfare activities,” ActBlue states. 

In the event that a campaign or committee (a) fails for 60 days to cash a check from ActBlue which includes your contribution (after ActBlue makes repeated attempts to work with the campaign to ensure all checks are cashed), or (b) affirmatively refuses a contribution earmarked through ActBlue, your contribution will be re-designated as a contribution to ActBlue.

Considering that Black Lives Matter is receiving millions of dollars worth of donations from corporations and from people all around the globe, this seems to suggest that the organization is merely a front to launder campaign funds to Progressive grassroots campaigns, as well as Democrat campaign fundraising.

If this is in fact what is going on, all they have to do is let the 60-day period elapse, and those donations would be free for ActBlue to handle as they see fit. The money would then theoretically end up in the coffers of said Democrat and Progressive campaigns.

This is extremely unethical, especially when taking into account FEC (Federal Election Commission) regulations on who can and who can’t donate money to American political campaigns. These regulations explicitly detail — amongst other things — that donations from non-US citizens and Corporations to political campaigns are disallowed.

Facebook and Amazon are on the record donating $10 million each to BLM and like causes. 

“Iconic American brands, from Facebook to Apple, have pledged financial support for the #BlackLivesMatter movement in response to the death of George Floyd — but many companies have yet to clarify where the money will go and how much they will donate,” NBC News reports.

If all this is true, and it sure looks like it is, then the Democrats are getting campaign funds not only from BLM but also from corporations, all of which is illegal. What a sweet deal. We bet the Democrats thought this was a really slick way to rake in millions.

So, my fellow Americans, do we want to elect a man who is beholden to defunding the police? Even the most hardened anti-Trump voters do not want to defund the police. That’s why we must ensure that all Americans find out the truth about Joe Biden’s campaign.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.