The Democrats and the leftwing media are raving about their new darling: Kristin Urquiza, who gave a virtual speech at Monday night’s convention. The Latina made the claim that her family members were supporters of Donald Trump and that their support cost her father his life. Well, that’s when the truth came out that the Democrats hope you never know. Don’t miss this.

Kristin Urquiza has a certain charisma, but when you look deeper, it all falls apart. Being hailed as the “new Democrat darling” who will help the Democrats change the minds of Trump voters, her story had to be investigated.
During her convention speech, Urquiza said that her father at first heeded the lockdown edicts in Arizona, but when state officials ended the orders, he thought it was all clear to return to normal life because, she said, he had faith in Trump.
“He had faith in Donald Trump,” she said emphatically on Monday night.
“He voted for him, listened to him, believed him and his mouthpieces when they said that coronavirus was under control and going to disappear, that it was OK to end social distancing rules before it was safe, and that if you had no underlying health conditions you’d probably be fine,” she said.
In late May, after Arizona’s stay-at-home order ended, her father went to a karaoke bar with his friends, Urquiza said. He tested positive for COVID-19 on June 11 and his condition declined, eventually being placed on a ventilator. He died on June 30 at the age of 65.
“He died alone, in the ICU, with a nurse holding his hand,” she said. “One of the last things that my father said to me was that he felt betrayed by the likes of Donald Trump,” she added. “And so when I cast my vote for Joe Biden, I will do it for my dad.”
Really? Well, that’s not what she said according to a Seattle Times piece that was written not long after her father’s death.
Citing the original obituary Kristin claims to have written, nowhere does she name President Donald Trump or his administration.
She did say: “His death is due to the carelessness of the politicians who continue to jeopardize the health of brown bodies through a clear lack of leadership, refusal to acknowledge the severity of this crisis, and inability and unwillingness to give clear and decisive direction on how to minimize risk.”
It’s only later that she blames Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and makes her first mention of “the Trump administration.”
“Among the leaders whom Kristin Urquiza feels disregarded her father, a Mexican American Phoenix resident who worked in manufacturing, are Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, and the Trump administration. Ducey, she said, ‘has blood on his hands’ for beginning to reopen the state in early May, roughly three weeks before new infections started to rise quickly,” Seattle Times reports on July 11.
Well, if your father’s dying words blamed someone for his death, you’d think that would be something that would stick in your mind, forever. It would be one of the most important things to convey in his obituary.
Working as a Registered Nurse in ICU for years, I can attest family members always ask about final words if they were not in attendance when their loved one died. “Did my dad say anything before he died?” or “Did you hear my mom’s last words?”
Patients on ventilators rarely regain consciousness. They are put into a medically induced coma while on a respirator for a variety of medical reasons. If the vent was sustaining Mr. Urquiza’s life, then he probably passed away minutes after it was disconnected.
It wasn’t until the DNC contacted Kristin Urquiza that her story changed and all the blame was on Trump including this bit about her father’s final words.
We also did some digging into Kristin Urquiza. We found her Twitter page which matches a directory listing for “Goldman School of Public Policy.” An article from Arizona Central mentions she “lives in San Francisco and studied public policy.”
The new Democrat darling has much in common with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Both of them are hardcore far-leftists hellbent on bringing radical policy changes based on “global warming.”
“I’ve known my primary mission on this planet since I was nine years old: to protect Mother Earth,” Kristin writes. “I can remember looking up at the carbon cycle diagram on the chalkboard and realizing I understood what I heard on television about global warming.”
“Immediately, I felt a calling to do something about it, and I have. I have dedicated my career to working with environmental groups focused on stopping the climate crisis and protecting nature,” she adds.
The new leftwing star also is focused on the radical LGBTQ agenda.
“I am a trailblazer in the environmental movement for others like me — brown, queer, community-focused, ethically-minded changemakers; future leaders who are not benefiting from the current status quo and are ready to upend our current systems of oppression and privilege,” Kristin claims.
Kristin Urquiza changed her story to fit the Democrat narrative. At first, she was focused on blaming “politicians” and then directly blames the Arizona governor and mentions “the Trump administration” only after the leftwing media outlets came calling.
By the time of the convention Monday night, Kristin Urquiza showed her true colors. For the limelight, she had no problem changing the circumstances of her father’s death. While we in no way blame her father for his own death, we have to ask the question: was it wise for a 65-year-old to go to a karaoke bar right after the lockdown was lifted?
We all have been warned time and time again that older Americans are at the highest risk for death due to the virus. We live in a nation where we are free. That freedom to make our own decisions comes at a price. And turning your grief into a weapon to meet your own radical political agenda is something we should expect from the Democrats who have to rely on lies to help Joe Biden get elected.