Democrats Caught Running Scared After Key Debate Poll Declares Trump The Winner

The mainstream media and their Democrat cohorts all declared Joe Biden the winner of Tuesday night’s debate. However, behind the scenes, Democrat leaders and their big-named supporters are caught running scared after one extremely important poll declared President Donald Trump the winner. But that’s not all we uncovered. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump, Joe Biden (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

President Donald Trump fought off two opponents at Tuesday night’s debate. Conservative pundits and most Americans at home clearly witnessed moderator Chris Wallace on Team Biden. The president had to debate both Biden and Wallace, with the Fox News anchor promoting lies about Trump.

Wallace claimed Biden started his campaign over Trump declaring neo-Nazis “very fine people” at the Charlottesville riots. Instead of correcting this as a lie perpetrated by the mainstream media, Wallace acted as if there was no question that Trump had praised neo-Nazis.

“Both moderator Chris Wallace and Democrat nominee Joe Biden claimed that President Trump in response to riots in Charlottesville in 2017 that neo-Nazis were ‘very fine people,'” Breitbart reports. “Biden has repeated this hoax since the beginning of his campaign. Wallace knows better.”

Even the leftwing PolitiFact conceded this was not true and the full context of Trump’s remarks proved this. Breitbart News noted: “As to ‘very fine people,’ Trump had been referring to peaceful protests both for and against the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.”

That is just one of many examples of Wallace and Biden indulging in lies against Trump. In fact, breaking down the debate pundits found Biden had some very big problems.

Biden lied about his son Hunter Biden not receiving $3.5 million dollars from the “mayor of Moscow’s wife.” Biden lied claiming he never told servicemen “shut up, you stupid bastards.” The former vice-president lied claiming “Antifa is an idea, not an organization.”

Those are just a few examples. Biden couldn’t name one law enforcement agency that endorsed his campaign. Trump hammered Joe on “law and order,” and this clearly had an impact on one segment of Democrat voters Biden desperately needs if he is to win this election.

One of the most shocking poll results came from Telemundo right after the debate. 

Newsweek’s headline said it all: “66 Percent of Spanish-Speaking Americans in Telemundo Poll Think Trump Just Won the Debate.”

“A Telemundo poll of the network’s Spanish-speaking viewers found that two-thirds thought President Donald Trump won the first debate on Tuesday night against former Vice President Joe Biden,” The Federalist reports.

A photo of the poll during Telemundo’s post-debate coverage shows 66 percent thought Trump won, while only 34 percent chose Biden as the winner:

Biden also threw his base of supporters under the bus. 

Most of all, Trump got Biden to repudiate the Green New Deal (something Biden’s own website says he supports), which will hurt him with the radical socialists he needs on the left.

He got Biden to dismiss Bernie Sanders. Huge error. Huge.

He also got Biden to admit he’s going to raise taxes on the middle class.

“That’s why I’m going to eliminate the Trump tax cuts. And I’m going to eliminate those tax cuts.”

This caused Democratic Party leaders and their mainstream media cohorts to freak out.

The former vice-president threw the radical leftwing supporters of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez under the bus, which is a nice chunk of Biden’s base, and lost the Hispanic vote. It was an utter catastrophe.

Biden can’t afford to lose any minority support, period. This Telemundo poll, unlike other skewed polls by the legacy media, really shook up leftists to their core. The Democrats losing the Latino vote to Trump? What an unprecedented disaster.

CNN’s Jake Tapper called Biden’s debate performance “flat.” Grabien Media founder Tom Elliot put together a montage of elite Democrats urging the Biden campaign:

Trump Senior Adviser Jason Miller hit the nail on the head, posting: “You know you lost bad when one side says no more debates…”

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski tried to sugarcoat Biden’s disaster by saying: “No more debates. Because that was not a debate. Biden was great by the way.”

Trump-hating actor George Takei was clearly defeated. He declared: “No more debates. We’re hurting enough.”

Leftwing activist and Huffington Post founder Ariana Huffington sensed Biden can’t afford another debate: “There should be no more debates. As Jake Tapper said, ‘a hot mess inside a dumpster fire.'”

Then, there is “RINO” Micheal Steele, who is a good buddy of Mitt Romney. Steele is an astute political strategist and is also urging the Biden camp to stop Joe from getting on another debate stage.

“As I earlier tonight, there is no need for any further national humiliation: this was the first and should be the last #PresidentialDebate. What on this blessed earth makes you believe the next two debates will be better than this? Let’s just #VOTE,” Steele tweeted.

President Donald Trump knew Chris Wallace would stand in Biden’s corner to help hold him up, would ask questions of Trump that put Trump on defense and questions of Biden that would allow Biden to look like a moderate, so Trump did what he had to do to remind voters Biden is a racist, a liar, and a dummy.

Our president is clearly fighting for all Americans. He was up on that stage deflecting the barrage of slings and arrows coming at him from the debate moderator while Biden laughed like a big goofball.

Well, not only did the majority of Spanish-speaking voters see right through this attack, but so did the majority of Americans. We may be wrong, but it sure seems as if something big changed the hearts and minds of those voters that the Democratic Party has taken for granted for decades.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.