Fauci Caught ‘Thanking’ ABC Reporter Who Invited Chinese Journo To Attack Trump

ABC’s Jon Karl is the current rotating head of the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA). That means he is responsible for what agencies get a seat at the pressers held by President Donald Trump. On Monday, Karl brought in a Chinese Communist Party “journalist” who proceeded to attack the president. However, more disturbing is Dr. Anthony Fauci who was caught signaling the ABC reporter as the presser ended. Don’t miss this.

Chinese Reporter (left), Dr. Anthony Fauci (right) (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

ABC News chief Washington DC narrative engineer Jonathan Karl is the current rotating head of the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA). The WHCA has a customary and traditional role of selecting the journalists who will participate in the White House daily briefing.

“Remember when President Trump said the U.S. media were the enemy of the American people? Well, consider this… In another clear example of how the U.S. media will do anything in their effort to undermine President Trump, yesterday they held hands with Chinese communists,” Conservative Treehouse reports.

Yesterday, WHCA head Jonathan Karl invited a known propagandist for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into the briefing room to question President Trump. However, President Trump immediately pegged the CCP propagandist and asked her directly:

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reporter lied after the president asked if she works for China.

President Trump asked a reporter at his April 6th press event if she was working for the government of China, following a hostile question.

She replied that her company – Phoenix Media – is “privately” owned.

She’s lying. The Hong Kong/Cayman Islands-based Phoenix Media is actually owned in part by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and by a former CCP propaganda officer, according to public records.

Trump called out the hostile CCP so-called journalist.

That said, the bigger question should be asked of Jonathan Karl: Why did the White House Correspondents Association intentionally invite a communist propagandist to attend the briefing to ask questions about a crisis the Chinese communists created?

Perhaps more disturbing, and clearly exhibiting his political alignment with the effort; Dr. Fauci signals his approval for Jonathan Karl’s efforts as he exited the briefing. WATCH:

After Fauci deliberately ensured he was the last person to exit the stage, he attempted the sly signal of a ‘job well done’ in return to the salute he received from Jonathan Karl.

Again, here is a different angle of the “salute” from ABC’s Jon Karl to Dr. Fauci. Karl is seated in the front row with the bald-spot.

“(1) Fauci intentionally positions himself to exit last. (2) ABC’s Jonathan Karl salutes Fauci. (3) Fauci returns gesture w/ ‘good job’ signal. Seems like Fauci & Karl were coordinating the antagonism toward @realDonaldTrump today,” tweeted “the Last Refuge” with the video evidence:

Dr. Fauci has been opposed to the efficacy of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine to fight coronavirus and seems to be very protective of the World Health Organization (WHO).

WHO is a Chinese-run organization that helped the CCP dupe the world into believing COVID-19 would not develop into a worldwide pandemic. Fauci refused to condemn WHO during an interview on NPR. He also refused to acknowledge hydroxychloroquine by name as a possible treatment, then he claimed we need the long process of a “proper trial.”

“Well, the treatments that are out there now are unproven,” Fauci said. “There is some anecdotal information that they may have some benefit, but the only way you can really prove that a therapeutic intervention is safe and effective is if you do a proper trial.”

Dr. Mehmet Oz, the noted cardiothoracic surgeon told Sean Hannity on Monday night that the evidence for these anti-malarial drugs is no longer “anecdotal.”

“Dr. Didier Raoult, who is the preeminent expert on infectious diseases in the world just finished a series with 1000 patients,” Oz said. “Out of 1000, 7 died and 20 ended up in the ICU. The rest recovered.”

There are several different studies that also back up Dr. Oz’s claim.

Fauci also was against Trump’s China Travel ban. 

According to Axios, at a meeting behind the scenes, Trump adviser Peter Narvarro and Fauci were at odds after Navarro brought a ton of data on the anti-malarial drugs to present to the task force. Fauci downplayed the data.

“You were the one who early on objected to the travel restrictions with China, saying that travel restrictions don’t work,” Navarro said to Fauci.

More and more Americans are starting to question why Dr. Fauci is at odds with certain treatments like hydroxychloroquine which could limit the economic shutdown. Why can’t he condemn WHO? Why doesn’t he admit the models he was relying on have been proven to be bogus?

And why is he signaling ABC’s Jon Karl after he invited a CCP agent into the White House presser? 

Fauci was also caught by Wikileaks sending Hillary Clinton gushing emails back in 2012 while she was testifying before Congress on Benghazi. His political motives appear to be coming to light as this pandemic ravages our economy.

Back when Hillary Clinton was before Congress over the Benghazi killings, Fauci wrote in an email to Hillary’s aide Cheryl Mills: “Wow! Very rarely does a speech bring me to tears, but this one did it. Please tell the Secretary that I love her more than ever you guys too, of course.”

In another email, Fauci wrote: “Anyone who had any doubts about the Secretary’s stamina and capability following her illness had those doubts washed away by today’s performance before the Senate and the House. She faced extremely difficult circumstances at the Hearings and still she hit it right out of the park. Please tell her that we all love her and are very proud to know her.”

As this virus starts to plateau, the big question we all need to have answered is when can the country go back to work? Dr. Anthony Fauci is not the man we can trust to make that decision. In fact, what we are learning about him proves to all Americans there is a political agenda at work, and we should be wary if he advises keeping us all in lockdown past April 30.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.