Californians living in Orange County aren’t accepting the state going back to another lockdown. In fact, those living in Huntington Beach, California, also called “Surf City USA,” took the fight right to Gov. Gavin Newsom by voting to reopen their school district. But that’s not all they are doing which is causing the Democrats to go nuts. You’ll love this.

If it wasn’t for Los Angeles and San Franciso, California would be a red state. Most people see California as one huge Democrat state, populated by radicals supporting Nancy Pelosi and the Green New Deal. However, in Orange County, you’ll be hard-pressed to find anything but Trump supporters.
Democrats are going nuts after the school board in Orange County voted overwhelmingly this week to reopen schools.
“The Orange County Board of Education…on Monday voted 4-1 to issue a document saying students should return to traditional classrooms, without masks, when local schools resume next month,” The Orange County Register reported.
Right away, Democrats blasted the decision.
“We are deeply concerned by the Board’s decision to not address the health threats that COVID-19 poses to our community with its recommendations to reopen schools without the use of face masks, social distancing or reduced class sizes,” wrote California Democrat House members Linda T. Sanchez, Harley Rouda, Katie Porter, Alan Lowenthal, Gilbert Cisneros, Lou Correa, and Mike Levin.
The ultimate decisions on reopening will be made by individual school districts. Parents tend to favor reopening, while teachers’ unions are opposed.
President Donald Trump has encouraged school districts to reopen, and pediatricians including the American Board of Pediatrics have also recommended reopening, saying that the threat of coronavirus to children is small.
Another indication of the mood in Orange County is shown in a video that is going viral. Huntington Beach, the affluent bedroom community which lies in the heart of the county, was visited by two video makers who were attempting to lampoon how no one was wearing masks on the beach.
They attempted to “give out free masks,” and were met with almost 100 percent rejection. These citizens are done with Newsom’s lockdown and are ready to get back to their lives.
“Are you pro-mask dude?” asked the videomaker.
“Nah, its all fake dude,” said a middle-aged man on a bike.
“Nah I’m good, man. I like freedom, dawg!” said another man walking by. “To shut down the f*cking country? That’s bullsh*t, man.”
“But does wearing a mask shut down the country?” asked the videomaker.
“When you close down half the economy, yeah!” said the man continuing to walk by.
“But can’t we open it up quicker if we all wear masks?” the videomaker responded.
“Nah, dude. That’s a talking point on the TV bro,” the man added.
Another middle-aged man was ready to fight the videomakers. A man wearing a black t-shirt in a crosswalk was also very hostile. These citizens are angry. They believe they have been duped by the mainstream media and their own governor who are not basing their reports or the new lockdown on data or science.
While most of Europe is going back to normal, blue states in America with no data to support them are going back to lockdowns.
In fact, if we exclude New York and New Jersey from the data, the death toll in the United States would be at the level of a really bad flu season which is around 80,000. As of this writing, New York is reporting 32,000 deaths from COVID, and New Jersey is reporting 15,000.
We know both states placed high-risk patients in nursing homes and that is why the death toll is so high.
Peter Navarro, White House Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, blasted Dr. Anthiny Fauci on Wednesday in an op-ed.
“Dr. Anthony Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public, but he has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on,” Navarro wrote.
He added: “In late January, when I was making the case on behalf of the president to take down the flights from China, Fauci fought against the president’s courageous decision — which might well have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.”
When I was working feverishly on behalf of the president in February to help engineer the fastest industrial mobilization of the health care sector in our history, Fauci was still telling the public the China virus was low risk.
When we were building new mask capacity in record time, Fauci was flip-flopping on the use of masks.
Navarro goes on to blast Fauci on hydroxychloroquine saying the infectious disease expert refused to acknowledge the evidence that the anti-malarial drug was safe and could save lives.
“Now Fauci says a falling mortality rate doesn’t matter when it is the single most important statistic to help guide the pace of our economic reopening. The lower the mortality rate, the faster and more we can open,” Navarro declares. “So when you ask me whether I listen to Dr. Fauci’s advice, my answer is: only with skepticism and caution.”
Americans are sick and tired of the leftists telling us we will never go back to normal. They say we must accept that life in America will never be the same. However, after George Floyd’s death, Democrat politicians like L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti were joining protesters who were not wearing masks.
We heard nothing about COVID during the weeks the Black Lives Matter supporters were out in the streets. This is political. The death rate is falling nationwide, and it’s time we act like Americans and go back to school and work—not cower in our homes. This is just another Democrat scheme hoping to affect the November election.