‘F*ck Goya Beans’: Chrissy Teigen Led Boycott, Then Gets Caught As ‘Big Hypocrite’

Chrissy Teigen, the noted Trump-hater and wife of musician John Legend, is in hot water after leading the boycott against Goya Beans. Teigen was one of the first celebrities to say she was done with Goya products after the company’s CEO praised President Donald Trump during a White House ceremony in July. Now, poor Chrissy is being mocked as one of the “biggest hypocrites” out there. You’ll love this.

Chrissy Teigen (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

On July 9, just hours after Goya’s CEO praised President Donald Trump saying we are all “blessed” to have him as our president, Chrissy Teigen immediately took to Twitter to issue a boycott.

“We are all truly blessed to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder,” Goya CEO Bob Unanue said in a brief speech at the White House’s Rose Garden.

“F*******CK. A shame. Don’t care how good the beans taste though. Bye-bye,” the former super-model posted.

“The next step republicans will do (mark my words, they did this with my equinox tweets as well) is say you aren’t supporting the workers if you boycott. You ARE. They should never feel they have to work for someone who agrees Mexicans are vile rapists – F*CK this guy,” she added.

Unanue was at the White House for an event with Hispanic-American leaders at which Trump signed an executive order to expand business and educational opportunities for Hispanics. Unanue and New Mexico Lt. Gov. John Sanchez, were named a co-chair of the effort.

Unanue pledged more than one million pounds of food for food banks nationwide that have been inundated with demand during the coronavirus pandemic. But that didn’t stop ole Chrissy from alerting her 13 million followers to boycott Goya.

You’d think during this time of crisis Hollywood celebrities would know it’s their patriotic duty to support those who are coming to the aid of suffering Americans, regardless of their politics. Teigen, who is known for her foul-mouth, has made a name for herself as an internet “influencer.”

And influence she did. Notable Latinos like Lin-Manuel Miranda, who wrote and directed the Broadway musical “Hamilton,” and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, joined Teigen’s boycott by posting their own tweets.

Trump and his supporters lashed back by promoting Goya’s products. The president posed in the Oval Office holding Goya bean cans, and Ivanka Trump sent out a tweet too: “If it’s Goya, it has to be good. Si es Goya, tiene que ser bueno,” Trump’s daughter posted.

This brings us to Chrissy Teigen getting mocked as the “biggest hypocrite.” The Trump-hater was caught over the weekend using Goya products via a video she posted. 

Teigen posted a cooking lesson for oxtail stew to her Instagram Story account on Thursday. In one of her photos, a can of Goya pigeon peas can be seen in the background, alongside a can of Grace coconut milk and a bottle of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce.

@chrissyteigen biggest hypocrite…Why tho?” tweeted Twitter user “Nelichka.”

Teigen had also mocked Ivanka Trump for promoting Goya.

“[H]ad it with anyone who EVER defends this woman or puts her as the ‘sane’ one in this family. what a repulsive trolling of the people. also (in the SEA of illegal sh*t this family does) is this even ethically ok or legal??” Chrissy posted.

After she was caught using the Hispanic food products, internet users trashed her.

“Hypocrite. This was 11hrs ago,” tweeted Ernest Johnson.

“Remember when Chrissy Teigen was screaming from the rooftops to boycott Goya? And then last night made a recipe with Goya beans? Lol I love a hypocrite,” tweeted Erin Bonner.

“It’s 4 am and I still can’t stand Chrissy .. All that hype about canceling Goya yet you’re using it lol” tweeted Nicole Quidnunc.

Teigen was also part of raising money to bail out the so-called “protesters.” 

The 34-year-old does not appear to understand that she is giving money, in many cases, to individuals responsible for wreaking havoc and destruction across American towns and cities, and in many cases against black-owned businesses and communities.

In fact, one fund called the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) received $35 million dollars— much of it coming from celebrities.

Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice-convicted sex offender, according to court records reviewed by the FOX 9 Investigators.

Chrissy Teigen is just a foul-mouth celebrity who cares nothing about learning the truth behind world events. She uses her status and huge internet following to promote causes she clearly knows nothing about, and now she is officially known as one of the biggest hypocrites out there.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.