Joy Behar Gets ‘Nasty Surprise’ After Leaving The View Over Coronavirus Scare

Joy Behar has officially left The View. In fact, the 77-year-old Trump hater is claiming the coronavirus is the reason. Unfortunately, poor Joy had no way of knowing that her departure would spark a “nasty surprise” she never saw coming. You’ll love this.

Joy Behar (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

If there is a silver lining to the coronavirus scare, it’s definitely Joy Behar leaving The View.

“Joy Behar is reportedly taking a leave of absence from ABC’s popular daytime chat show as a precautionary measure against the coronavirus,” Breitbart reports. 

Variety reported late Thursday that Behar, 77, announced her decision during a pre-taped episode of The View that will air Friday. While neither she nor any of the show’s staff has tested positive for the coronavirus,  Behar is heeding the entreaties of her daughter to stay at home for the time being.

Behar is expected to be absent from the show all next week and will evaluate her situation after that.

“I’m in a higher risk group because of my age, but I’m perfectly healthy,” Behar says on the episode, according to Variety. “I don’t look my age, but I’m actually up there. The number makes me dizzy.”

The View tapes in New York, which declared a state of emergency earlier today in response to the spread of the coronavirus. The virus has infected 95 people in the city, but Mayor Bill de Blasio said he expects that number to skyrocket to 1,000 cases by next week.

Co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain, and Sunny Hostin are expected to stay on the show next week, according to Variety.

Behar had been ratcheting up panic over COVID-19. She also spread misinformation about President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus. 

On Wednesday’s show, big mouth Behar snapped at former co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck after she praised Trump’s response to the virus.

“We’ve had deaths and yes, those are serious and not to be taken lightly at all,” the 42-year-old Hasselbeck said. “But we shouldn’t be in a state of panic— because with all we are doing and taking cues from our president who is taking strong, bold, actions to keep this at bay— as much as we possibly can right now.”

“So, I feel comfortable and confident that because of strong leadership, and because of—” Hasselbeck adds as Joy Behar rudely cuts her off.

“Where’s the strong leadership?” Joy asks. “[Trump] has told us nothing of any importance.”

Fox News reports on Thursday Joy-less was back at it. “Joy Behar panned President Trump’s response to the coronavirus on Thursday, likening him to the slow-witted movie character Forrest Gump,” they report. 

“Don’t you think that this is a good time for him to resign?” Behar asked. “I do not feel any confidence with this guy. He has been incompetent from the giddy-up.”

“He does not inspire confidence. I could hear him breathing. Could you?” Joy added. “Is there a microphone in his nostrils, do you think? It speaks of somebody who’s not in great health, and he’s been so exposed to a few people now who have had the coronavirus.”

After Behar announced she was leaving The View, Americans gave her a “nasty surprise.” 

“‘Don’t worry Joy. I know an amazing doctor.’ -Whoopi Goldberg,” tweeted Twitter user “In Pursuit of Truth.” They are referring to Goldberg’s gaffe of claiming Dr. Jill Biden would make an amazing Surgeon General. Joe Biden’s wife isn’t a medical doctor, she has a doctorate in education.

“SEE?…..Every Cloud Does Have A Silver Lining! Report: Joy Behar Taking Leave of Absence from ‘The View’ Due to Coronavirus,” tweeted “Rose.”

“Thank God… America Won’t Miss That Hate America Hate Trump Loser! Is She Moving To Canada? Please Tell Her Trudeau’s wife has Coronavirus! GodBlessUSA,” tweeted “Anna Loves Trump.”

“And The World Said!!! Thank You,” tweeted Rip Torn.

“Who knew some good would come from this disease,” tweeted Twitter user “Chiz.”

“Wow, I agree with Joy for once. Her self quarantine will help calm her 7 viewers because she won’t be lying on air for a while,” tweeted “ReaganRepublican.”

Proof once again in every tragedy Americans can find some little acts of kindness – In this case, America won’t be subjected to @JoyVBehar‘s nonsensical bullsh*t for at least 14 days. Too bad the show didn’t go on permanent hiatus,” tweeted Rick Weaver.

Behar has been a reliably vocal antagonist of President Trump, using her pulpit on the long-running daytime talk show to engage in her highly agitated brand of mockery.

Now, poor Joy will be self-quarantining without her TV platform to trash Trump. While no one wishes her ill-will, there is a type of justice to her absence. She’s done enough damage by spreading misinformation and causing low information voters to believe the president is doing nothing in the face of COVID-19. No one is going to miss her lies, and thankfully it’s one less voice causing panic on TV.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.