Kamala Launched Political Career With $120K ‘Patronage’ Job From Lover Willie Brown

Most people don’t know about how former San Fransico Mayor Willie Brown enriched his 30-year-old lover, Kamala Harris, in a money scheme. It’s the one dirty secret the Harris campaign is hoping to keep under wraps. Now that CNN suggested Joe could “step aside” for Kamala if they win, Americans must know the truth. Don’t miss this.

Former San Fransico Mayor Willie Brown, and Kamala Harris (Photo Credit: Washington Examiner/ Screenshot)

CNN editor-at-large Chris Cilizza suggested Tuesday that former Vice President Joe Biden would “step aside” to elevate his new running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, all but conceding that Biden will not finish his presidential term, if elected.

“I’ve decided that Kamala Harris is the best person to help me take this fight to Donald Trump and Mike Pence and then to lead this nation starting in January 2021,” Biden wrote in an email to supporters on Tuesday.

So, who is Kamala Harris, and how is she qualified to be the president of the United States? She is a power-hungry grifter who would do and say anything to gain more personal political control.

The dirty secret the Harris campaign is trying to keep hidden goes well beyond her affair with the married former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

“Kamala Harris’ first significant political role was an appointment by her powerful then-boyfriend Willie Brown, three decades her senior, to a California medical board that has been criticized as a landing spot for patronage jobs and kickbacks,” Washington Examiner reports. 

Then 30, Harris was having an affair with 60-year-old Willie Brown, at the time the Democratic speaker of the California State Assembly, when he placed her on the California Medical Assistance Commission in 1994.

The position paid over $70,000 per year, $120,700 in current money, and Harris served on the board until 1998.

The medical commission met twice a month, and Harris missed about 20 percent of the meetings each year, according to commission records obtained by the Washington Examiner. The seven-member board was largely comprised of late-career former state officials who were semi-retired or biding time before retirement.

At 30 years old, Harris was the youngest appointee by some three decades. In fact, Harris left her job as a deputy prosecutor at the district attorney’s office in Alameda County, to join this board with old-timers who were all there in a scam to enrich themselves and rarely attended the meetings. In essence, there was no job, it was just a money scheme.

The board appointments were Willie Brown’s way of repaying his “political debts.”

Brown, in a letter to Harris, wrote that he was “pleased to appoint” her to the board, which oversaw the payment of insurance providers for state-subsidized MediCal recipients. “I am confident that your knowledge and experience will contribute significantly to the important work of the Commission,” he wrote, per the Washington Examiner. 

Harris had no medical background, according to a copy of her resume that she submitted to Brown at the time. Her experience consisted of four years as a deputy prosecutor, a handful of summer jobs and internships, and a volunteer position at a hospital fundraising group.

According to state records at the time, members of the committee had to be “selected from persons with experience in management of hospital services, risk management insurance or prepaid health programs, the delivery of health services, the management of county health systems, and a representative of recipients of service.”

Brown’s decision to appoint Harris raised eyebrows in political circles.

“Both boards are reserved for political payback or occasionally for personal rewards for personal service,” said Brett Granlund, a former California Republican state assemblyman who worked closely with the commission while Harris was on the board.

“The boards are considered plumb appointments as they require no work, no policy credentials, and are paid the equivalent of a full-time [state] senator for arriving at a one- to two-hour meeting each month,” he added.

Granlund said the appointment seemed brazen at the time because of the relationship between Harris and Brown.

“Screwing the speaker has its rewards,” he said. “Stevie Wonder could have seen through that play.”

Harris knew Brown was “one of the most powerful politicians in California” when they began their relationship.

Brown also continued to aid Harris’s political career after their split, supporting her successful 2003 campaign for district attorney. But publicly, Harris attempted to distance herself from the San Francisco mayor.

She called Brown an “albatross hanging around my neck” in a 2003 San Francisco Weekly profile, which reported that the “mere mention of their former liaison makes her shoulders tense, her hands clench, and her eyes narrow.”

Well, Kamala Harris now wants Americans to trust she can take over the reins as president of the United States. The truth is Kamala Harris is dangerous. She had no problem raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars from California taxpayers for doing a fake job.

Kamala Harris has been vetted, and she is the epitome of a swamp creature. All Americans have a right to know what lengths she will go to get ahead. Our country is at stake, and Harris has no business getting anywhere near the Oval Office.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.