Kathy Griffin In COVID-19 Isolation Ward & Blames Trump – But It’s A Big Hoax

Kathy Griffin claims she has been hospitalized in a “COVID-19 isolation ward” after what she describes as having “unbearably painful symptoms.” However, Griffin’s big beef is that she did not get tested for coronavirus. She then goes on to say the president is “lying,” and “this is all his fault.” Well, poor Kathy got a reality check after she’s caught in an alleged hoax. You’re going to love this.

Here’s the deal. Just because you have “unbearably painful symptoms” does not mean you have the coronavirus or need to be tested. Well, that’s the lesson Kathy Griffin is learning the hard way.

On Thursday, Griffin took to social media from her alleged hospital bed, where she made wild accusations against President Donald and Vice-President Mike Pence.

He’s lying. I was sent to the #COVID19 isolation ward room in a major hospital ER from a separate urgent care facility after showing UNBEARABLY PAINFUL symptoms. The hospital couldn’t test me for #coronavirus because of CDC (Pence task force) restrictions. #TESTTESTTEST,” she tweeted along with pics from the hospital. 

It sure is strange that Kathy Griffin seems to be very vague about her “unbearably painful symptoms.” It’s almost like Griffin is trying to use this situation to trash Trump and Pence for no real reason. Well, you would have to be a pretty sick individual to do something like that.

In fact, Kathy Griffin would not be put in an isolation ward with COVID-19 patients unless she has tested positive. The legal liability for the hospital would be off the charts if they isolated people without testing them. They would be exposing them to the coronavirus. So, right away her claims are highly suspect.

One eagle-eyed Twitter user found Griffin is not even wearing a hospital gown. If she was admitted as an inpatient, she would be dressed in a hospital gown. We have no reason to doubt Kathy Griffin is experiencing some symptoms, but something isn’t adding up.

“I just realized that she’s wearing corduroy pants. Those are her spread legs. She’s not even in a hospital gown or under a blanket,” posted Twitter user Carlos Osweda.

Then, there are Griffin’s other accusations about testing.

So, is this Trump’s fault? Would ER doctors chance getting sued for malpractice and deny Kathy Griffin a test if she really needed it? Or did Griffin’s doctors most probably explain to her why she is not getting tested?

We don’t have to guess. Kathy Griffin is full of it. 

“This week, New York City and Los Angeles County [where Kathy Griffin is hospitalized] laid out guidelines for testing, recommending that doctors avoid testing patients except in cases where a test result would significantly change the course of treatment,” CNN reports.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s niece had a fever and flu-like symptoms. Yet he told his sister “there’s no reason for a test” since her daughter hadn’t traveled to a coronavirus hot spot or been in contact with anyone who had tested positive for the virus.

Across the United States, physicians are sending the same message: Not everyone who wants a test will get a test.

“The test isn’t going to change what we do for you,” said Walensky, a professor at Harvard Medical School. Now, that is the message Kathy Griffin got from her doctors. However, she is choosing to lie and make this about President Trump.

Griffin is hospitalized in Los Angeles County where they have instituted strict guidelines on testing. That means doctors must follow those guidelines. This has nothing to do with the Trump administration.

A news release from the Los Angeles Department of Public Health this week advised doctors not to test those experiencing only mild respiratory symptoms unless “a diagnostic result will change clinical management or inform public health response.”

Americans had no sympathy for Kathy Griffins and her COVID-19 hoax. 

“If you’re in the hospital and aren’t being tested it’s because the doctors see no need to test you,” tweeted Rosie’s Memos.

Awwww….your head hurts. Gee…that’s too bad. #karmavirus,” tweeted “@IrishMaga.” 

“Filmed on set of ‘My TDS Life.’ Fact check: Cell phones not in ‘isolation’ wards. You either have longest arms in the world or someone took that photo..no one but the medical staff allowed. How do you know you have COVID-19 ‘without a test’? Frankly, you belong in a mental ward,” tweeted Chelene Nightingale.

“Sit down disgraceful human. I’ve been on front lines 28 days straight. 1) no one clearly in distress from covid19 can TWEET 2) if you need a test due to ACTUAL symptoms you will get one 3) Governors are responsible for ordering enuff supplies & tests,” tweeted “@Real_EllieBrown.”

Kathy Griffin is a washed-up comedian who is dying for some attention. 

She sure isn’t dying from the coronavirus. America has the best doctors and medical centers in the world. In fact, Kathy Griffin lives where we find some of the best medical centers in the country: Los Angeles County.

So, we really don’t have any sympathy for the Hollywood Trump-hater. We have no doubt Griffin is receiving excellent care. That’s why her lies are so disgusting. When this pandemic is over, Americans won’t forget who supported our president and who made things worse. Kathy Griffin is one of those selfish individuals who put scoring political points with this alleged hoax over the truth.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.