Whoopi Goldberg and her crew are freaking out over kids returning to school this fall. Armed with misinformation and spewing unhinged rants about President Donald Trump, Goldberg, who wore a crown, did her best to scare her viewers into believing kids will die going back to school this fall. Well, that’s when she and her crew got trashed by the truth. You’ll love this.

Now that most of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests are winding down, the Democrats and their cohorts need to make sure Americans continue to be off-balance and believe that things will never return to “normal.”
That’s where the shrews of The View come in.
Being extra sarcastic, Whoopi Goldberg claimed the Trump administration is “acting dangerously” by encouraging schools to open across the country this fall.
“Where are you with all this Sunny? Are you ready to get your daughter into school?” Goldberg asked after showing a clip of Betsy De Vos on CNN saying that all school districts should use common sense when opening up schools.
“Well, no. Especially when you hear from someone like Betsy De Vos say there is no federal plan,” Sunny Hostin said. “Just look at the numbers. I think Florida hit an all-time high over the weekend.”
Hostin then rattled off numbers claiming there are 15,000 new cases in Florida.
“How can a mother in Florida feel comfortable putting her daughter or her son in a classroom?” she asked.
She continued to harp on a “federal plan,” which makes no sense at all.
They all trashed President Trump’s handling of the pandemic. They want a “federal plan.” This is an utterly ignorant take on handling COVID. Not only are they asking Trump to be a dictator, but a one-size-fits-all approach also doesn’t work.
BETSY DEVOS SAYS KIDS MUST GET BACK TO SCHOOL: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos urged schools to reopen in September despite rising coronavirus cases across the country – the co-hosts discuss if it’s safe for children to return to the classroom. https://t.co/e4O1tWIGcT pic.twitter.com/6hIA0KdbAv
— The View (@TheView) July 13, 2020
Every state and every city has had a very different experience with the virus. That’s why the president followed the Constitution by allowing each region’s own elected officials to formulate their own plans.
Opening the schools in the fall is much the same.
Education Secretary Betsy De Vos is recommending schools reopen but with the caveat that everyone uses common sense.
It is not only De Vos who is recommending this. The American Board of Pediatrics is saying the same thing — which makes the shrews of The View look like idiots.
“The [American Board of Pediatrics] organization is strongly advocating that children be in the classroom come fall. And, according to recently-published guidance and pediatrician Nicole Corrigan-Garrett, it’s for more than just educational reasons,” CBS News reports.
“We have more benefits of our children going to school for social, emotional, and academic stability than staying home,” said Dr. Corrigan-Garrett, who practices at Pediatric Associates of Dallas. “We know that kids tend to be less symptomatic when they have Covid, and a lot of them are asymptomatic completely, and the early data is showing they’re less contagious because of that.”
The guidance says there is already evidence of the negative impacts of remote learning this spring, including social isolation, depression, abuse, lack of food security, and lack of physical activity.
Other countries have opened up their schools safely.
Many countries have reopened schools safely following closures during the coronavirus pandemic, said Dr. William Schaffner, M.D., a professor of medicine at the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University and the medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.
Children “are not as severely affected” by COVID-19 and “don’t nearly as often get sick” with the condition, he noted.
“But do [children] get infected and do they spread it?” asked Schaffner. “Of course, that [question] is important to the teachers and everybody else who works in the school. We don’t know that, and if we look at the international community, there are lots of countries that have opened up schools safely, but that was in the context of their having suppressed the virus being spread generally, whereas we’re here with the virus really out of control, so that’s a different circumstance.”
All the data thus far proves “fatalities are rare” in kids from COVID. Although Whoopi and her crew love to claim cases are going up nationwide, what they fail to mention is the death rate is not going up.
We know the coronavirus hits the elderly and those with high-risk conditions like heart disease and diabetes. The sad fact is many of those patients that succumbed to the virus did not have long to live.
The biggest consideration for the kids going back to school is who they come in contact with. The elderly and those with high risks should not be around school kids. That’s using common sense.
However, keeping kids in lockdown is not common sense. That’s using our American kids as pawns in the continued politicization of this virus. So, Whoopi and her crew can spew their leftwing rhetoric, but the American Board of Pediatrics isn’t on board and says it’s time for kids to go back to school.
Funny how The View’s ABC producers missed that information when getting ready to inform Americans on Monday morning’s show. It’s almost like they are promoting a political agenda and care nothing about making sure their viewers get all the facts they need.