Kimmel Caught Using ‘N-Word’ In 1996 Video, ‘Woke Mob’ Brutally Attacks Him

Jimmy Kimmel was just busted by leftwing activists for using the “N-word” several times in one 1996 video. Kimmel was attempting to impersonate a famous rapper. The Trump-hater’s career is now in jeopardy as he was brutally attacked by the same “woke mob” he has been trying to defend. You’ll love this.

Jimmy Kimmel, Black Lives Matter activists (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

There’s a saying: “the revolution eats its own.” This is exactly what is happening to Jimmy Kimmel, who has been a staunch supporter of Black Lives Matter and Antifa’s antics the last several weeks. Now, the late-night host is finding out the hard way you can never please the “mob.”

Kimmel admitted in 2013 to using the “N-word” several times as he imitated rapper Snoop Dogg for a track on a 1996 Christmas album. And now Fox News has provided audio of Kimmel purportedly using the racist slur.

Kimmel’s admission to using the “N-word” came during a 2013 podcast, which was obtained by Fox News. During the podcast, Kimmel altered his voice to sound like comedian George Wallace, who is black. Adam Corolla, the podcast host, referred to Kimmel’s change in tone as his “crazy black voice.”

The Christmas album, titled “A Family Christmas In Your A**,” was released from the “Kevin & Bean” radio show in California that aired on KROQ-FM. Kimmel’s Snoop Dogg imitation was performed during “Christmastime in the LBC,” a song on the album. Throughout the track, lyrics like a “fat n*gga in a sleigh giving sh*t away,” which referenced Santa Claus, and “n*gga in the manger” could be heard.

“I told that motherf*cker Santa, bring a pick for my afro,” the singer stated, according to Fox News’ audio. The “three wise men” were said to be “bringing gifts and sh*t for baby boo in the hay.”

“Me and my n*gga down in LBC, we’ll smoke that motherf*cking Christmas tree,” Jimmy Kimmel said in the song according to Fox News.

The backlash against Kimmel was immediate and brutal.

The “woke crowd” on social media started a “#CancelKimmel” campaign that went viral. They are demanding he be scrubbed as the upcoming host of the Emmy’s and that ABC fire him from his talk show. Remember, Jimmy has already apologized for this video. But the “woke mob” does not care. He must be obliterated.

“Jimmy Kimmel is a RACIST fraud who used the N-word multiple times in a recently released video. Let’s give Jimmy a taste of his own medicine and cancel his awful show! #CancelKimmel,” tweeted Nick Adams.

“Guys we have to hold EVERYONE accountable! Even if we thought it was one of our own 100% and this isn’t jimmy first second or third offensive #CancelKimmel,” tweeted “Space Force 1.”

Americans like Donald Trump Jr. celebrated Jimmy Kimmel getting busted by the “woke mob.” 

“To be clear, I’m 100% against punishing comedians for jokes, even bad jokes from unfunny hack comedians like Jimmy Kimmel…but according to the left’s own woke rules that @jimmykimmel wants to force others to live by, it’s hard to see how @ABCNetwork allows him to keep his show,” tweeted Don Jr.

“Folks, Jimmy Kimmel is getting hit so hard by the #TrumpCurse I almost feel sorry for him…Just kidding, I’m lovin’ it,” tweeted radio host Wayne DuPree.

“I hate cancel culture but seeing #cancelkimmel gives me a satisfaction b/c I always thought him to be douche since his Man Show days & him being a hardcore advocate of cancel culture… Well it’s satisfying when SJWs eat their own,” tweeted Twitter user “Nina.”

“#CancelKimmel #Kimmel This’ll be Jimmy on tonight’s show crying like a wittle, wittle baby!!! Most likely, he will blame the President and everyone else that intimidates him for his actions though. Maybe Mickey Mouse will call him into the Board Room and say ‘You’re FIRED!!!”‘ tweeted “One Positive American.”

“Jimmy Kimmel is a racist. Uses n-word. Does Disney support this? Time to start contacting advertisers!” tweeted Mike Cervonich.

“Jimmy Kimmel is under fire for using the N- Word and wearing black face but ‘KKK Kimmel’ said President Trump is a racist and claim trump used the N Word. If Black Lives Matter then ABC should #CancelKimmel and replace him with a real comedian! Maybe ME? What you think?” tweeted Terrence K. Williams.

“So we have evidence that @jimmykimmel used blackface to impersonate Karl Malone and now this. According to cancel culture and @ABCNetwork standards his show needs to be canceled, right? I mean they canceled @therealroseanne for the EXACT same reason! #CancelKimmel #LibHypocrisy,” tweeted “AZ Patriot79.”

Kimmel, who is set to host the Emmy Awards this year, announced last week that he would take a rare hiatus from his show to spend time with his family.

His announcement comes amid a blackface controversy during his time as co-host of Comedy Central’s The Man Show in which he impersonated then-NBA star Karl Malone.

Unlike coups or political revolutions, cultural revolutions don’t just change governments or leaders. Instead, they try to redefine entire societies. Their leaders call them “holistic” and “systematic.” And in the end, they all end up eating their own.

So, just sit back and watch as the “woke crowd” starts turning on each other. Jimmy Kimmel will just be one small casualty of this latest BLM “revolution.”

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.