The Democrats and their cohorts want Americans to believe it’s supporters of President Donald Trump who are out of control and violent. They claim Trump supports are dangerous “white nationalists” who are akin to Nazis. Well, the truth is there is a real danger from those on the left like this crazed man who was caught on video by “Students for Trump.” He was threatening to “slash Trump’s throat and every Republican.” He was made to regret it. Don’t miss this.

A man threatened to “slash the throat” of “Trump and every Republican” to the Arizona State Students For Trump chapter while they were tabling on the campus.
The video was posted to the ASU Students For Trump Twitter account and went viral on Wednesday, gaining over 3 million views.
It shows a man coming up to the Students For Trump members and screaming, “In the town square, slash his throat. Every f**kin Republican, suck my f**kin balls. Slash Republican throats. Slash fascist throats.”
As he was walking away, one of the members of the club said, “Have a nice day.”
Chapter president Osama Alani said in a statement to the Daily Caller, “We stood prepared to defend each other against the potential threat but thankfully, the situation de-escalated as he left and everyone was safe at the end of the day.”
Chapter member Blayke Heaton, who told the individual to “have a nice day,” also said “this happens frequently and we’re trying to show that Trump supporters will not be silenced by the left no matter how threatening and spiteful they are towards us. It makes us stronger!”
Arizona State campus police later tweeted that they are aware of the video and are working with the University to “address the matter.” This man will be identified and will be made to regret it, make no mistake about that. This is a criminal offense.
The viral video shows the unhinged radical leftist.
“Watch as a tolerant leftist threatens to ‘slash the throat’ of @realDonaldTrump and every Republican. We will NOT let the left silence us! @TrumpStudents #KeepAmericaGreat,” tweeted Students for Trump at ASU.
Watch as a tolerant leftist threatens to “slash the throat” of @realDonaldTrump and every Republican.
We will NOT let the left silence us! @TrumpStudents #KeepAmericaGreat
— Students for Trump at ASU (@sft_asu) February 6, 2020
This isn’t the only example of crazed leftists. Two weeks ago, a leader of a Democrat caucus was caught with Antifa yelling at folks to die.
A Democratic official yelled, “die in a fire” to a racially diverse group of conservatives as they marched on Martin Luther King Jr Day, according to a conservative activist who caught the exchange on cell phone video.
“Chase Cross, who is listed as the first Vice-Chair of the 37th Legislative Democrats and serves as the Events Director for the King County Young Democrats, is seen next to masked Antifa protesters on January 20 heckling a MAGA March put on by the Patriots of Washington,” 770KTTH radio reports.
According to the Facebook event page, the goal of the event is to “celebrate the message of Dr. Martin Luther King. Say No to Antifa, Supremacist, and bigotry of all stripes. Value the content of one’s character above all else.”
In a video of the Antifa counter-protest, Cross shouts obscenities at the group, telling them to “get the [expletive] out of here” and to “die in a fire.” Cross has confirmed it is him in the video after the Post Millennial’s Andy Ngo highlighted the video, shot by conservative activist Katie Daviscourt.
“A King County Democrats official, Chase Cross, is seen here in an unhinged shouting fit, telling Seattle conservatives to die. More details Friday at 3 pm on @770ktth,” tweeted Jason Rantz.
A King County Democrats official, Chase Cross, is seen here in an unhinged shouting fit, telling Seattle conservatives to die. More details Friday at 3pm on @770ktth.
— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) January 24, 2020
While Cross and the King County Young Democrats (KCYD) celebrate the conduct on Twitter, it’s important to know what this activist and his organizations stand for.
It’s not about shaming Cross or the groups he represents. They’re incapable of shame.
This is about highlighting how far to the left these groups have devolved. With harmless names like KCYD or the 37th Legislative District Democrats, you might think they stand for mainstream views representative of the Democrat Party.
That’s the point. The Democrat Party embracing far-left socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez now own this behavior as part of their party. They seem to have convinced themselves that any and all conservatives are literal Nazis, which justifies the violence they engage in at rallies here and elsewhere. That’s what makes them dangerous, and that’s why every Democrat must be voted out of office in 2020.