Lego Pulls Cops, Firefighters, White House Promos From Stores – Goes All Wrong

After many nights of riots and mayhem across the country, the LEGO group decided to appease the rioters and looters by asking retailers to pull all police officer, firefighter, and White House promos. Well, what they did not count on was the vast majority of Americans who are sick and tired of the civil unrest, and that’s why this politically correct stunt backfired, big time. You’ll love this.

LEGO police & firefighter figures, Riots in Minneapolis (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

When are those big companies who service Americans going to understand that the vast majority of Americans are not out in the streets causing mayhem and destruction? Over 70 percent of Americans polled said they want their elected officials to bring in the National Guard and stop the civil unrest.

“A new poll by Morning Consult found that 71 percent of American voters, including a majority of Democrat supporters, back use of the National Guard to address the riots and protests tearing apart cities around the nation,” American Priority reports.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans in the same poll support bringing in the American military to quell the violence. 

So, one has to wonder why a company like LEGO would kowtow to the thugs in Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Well, that is exactly what they did, which makes no sense at all. We all know you cannot appease terrorists.

“The Danish toymaker LEGO has asked retailers to pull promotional materials for some play figures in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, including all police figures, firefighters, and accessories, and even the White House,” Breitbart reports.

According to an email sent to affiliate marketers, the LEGO group “requests the removal of product listings and features for more than 30 LEGO building sets, Minifigures, and accessories that include representation of police officers, firefighters, criminals, emergency vehicles, and buildings. Sets include the LEGO City Police Station, Fire Station, Police Dog Unit, Patrol Car, Fire Plane, Mobile Command Center, Police Highway Arrest, and many more.”

Even the LEGO City Donut Shop Opening set — which includes Police Officer “Duke DeTain” and “Crook” Minifigures — roleplay items including a Police Handcuffs & Badge Set, and the adult builder LEGO Creator version of The White House made the removal list.

LEGO group then put out a statement that treats “Black Lives Matter” as some charitable organization that is doing great work in communities across the country. In fact, LEGO then stated they are donating $4 million dollars “to fight racism and educate kids about equality.”

Well, Americans were rightly outraged. They blasted the toymaker and promised a huge boycott was underway. 

“Please help boycott LEGO. They just pulled down its Policeman and Firefighter pieces. Also pulled down all their Whitehouse pieces. At some point we have to stand up and have some guts in our country. #BoycottLEGO,” tweeted Randy Ross.

“Toymaker Lego Asks Retailers to Pull Promos for Police, Firefighters, White House Figures. LEGO = Banned for life. Who’s next?” tweeted “Catturd.”

“Thowing out all my grandson’s Legos and never buying anything with that logo or affiliation ever again.. Toymaker Lego Asks Retailers to Pull Promos for Police, WH Figures,” tweeted NC DEPLORABLES.

“What a bunch of sniveling a**hats you are! Well if a crime is committed in one of your stores or homes, don’t call the police, hope they stand down!!” tweeted Twitter user Claudia.

“My grandson is going to be upset no longer getting LEGO’s from grandma,” tweeted “Marie.”

“So much for Legos. No monies from these grandparents to an organization who funds reeducation camps & programming of children to follow their ‘party line,'” tweeted “Hearthwench.”

“My child will never own @LEGO_Group products. Their anti-police attitude makes me an anti-LEGO dad! #BoycottLego,” tweeted “NoMoreWhoresDC.”

“All I can say is I will NEVER spend a penny on anything @LEGO_Group again. That is an outright attack on the men and women who risk their lives to protect and serve. A bad cop’s actions doesn’t wipe out the good ones!! #BoycottLego,” tweeted “SlikVik.”

That’s just a sample of thousands of posts as the hashtag “Boycott Lego” was trending Thursday night. 

Making matter worse, Lego stores were among those businesses attacked and looted in New York earlier this week. When will these companies learn you can never appease terrorists? Whatever you do, it will never be enough, and once you start giving in to their crazy demands, it never ends.

The LEGO group are just realizing they have now alienated the vast majority of consumers who won’t soon forget they groveled at the feet of domestic terrorists.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.