Maxine Waters is pushing the new Democrat talking points that suggest President Donald Trump is only sending in the federal agents to cities out of control as a trial run to stay in power if he loses the election. “This is what you see in third world countries where dictators who have paramilitary that they can call anytime they want,” she said. Well, poor Maxine was quickly made to regret it. You’ll love this.

Most conservatives across the country know the mainstream media stopped reporting the facts a long time ago. However, the blatant lies coming from the legacy media today are shaping the actual talking points Democrats like Maxine Waters are espousing.
Antifa is well organized. The riots that are persisting in Democrat cities across the country are not spontaneous events. These aren’t regular Americans who just happen to be leftists. These are hardcore militarized operators who have been trained to cause mayhem.
California Rep. Maxine Waters suggested Wednesday that President Donald Trump is sending federal agents to American cities so that he can cling to power if not reelected in November.
“As a matter of fact, it has been suggested that this is a trial run of the president of the United States who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election if he’s not elected,” the 81-year-old congresswoman told MSNBC.
“We have these paramilitary police officers or whomever they are, officers or agents of some kind that’s been organized by the president of the United States. He did not contact the local mayors. He did not contact the governors. He just sent them in. Who are these people?” Waters asked.
Waters also referenced some rioters in Portland, Oregon reportedly being pulled off the street in an aggressive and random way.
Most of those rioters in Portland are not citizens of Oregon. They are allegedly paid by Antifa’s organizers to destroy federal buildings and police precincts. They have been “occupying” Portland for 56 days and counting. Like clockwork every night they destroy property and set fires.
Then, we have an increase in violent crime in those Democrat cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Chicago’s crime rate has gone up 48 percent and drive-by shootings are out of control.
That’s why President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he was increasing the number of federal law officials under Operation Legend to help quell rising violent crime in America’s major cities.
These men and women are no secret police or “paramilitary” units, and Maxine Waters knows it.
“We just started this process, and frankly, we have no choice but to get involved,” Trump said during a broadcast on live TV.
Operation Legend was named after LeGend Taliferro, a four-year-old boy who was fatally shot in June while sleeping in his Kansas City apartment. The operation was launched by the Justice Department in July in Kansas City.
Trump welcomed some of the Americans who lost loved ones to the White House and promised to act quickly to reinforce the law. One of those he welcomed was Charron Powell who is the mother of LeGend Taliferro, and her comments on live TV shamed Democrats like Maxine Waters.
Holding back tears, Ms. Powell spoke about Operation Legend.
“Operation Legend is not to harass, it’s not to harm, it’s not to hurt,” LeGend’s mother said, recalling her son’s life. “I want it to be successful. This is personal to us. We want justice for our son and others. We have to take a stand in our communities to ensure this operation is successful.”
“My one and only child who fought through open-heart surgery at four months is gone due to senseless gun violence,” she added.
“After listening to Charron Powell, the mother of #LeGendTaliferro, there is no doubt that Pres. @realDonaldTrump is doing the right thing by expanding #OperationLegend Communities are suffering because Democrat leaders won’t act. The Trump Administration is stepping up to help!” tweeted Paris Dennard along with the video of Charron Powell.
After listening to Charron Powell, the mother of #LeGendTaliferro, there is no doubt that Pres. @realDonaldTrump is doing the right thing by expanding #OperationLegend
Communities are suffering because Democrat leaders won’t act. The Trump Administration is stepping up to help!
— PARIS (@PARISDENNARD) July 22, 2020
The Democrats are making a huge mistake by demonizing the federal agents who are putting their lives on the line to restore law and order.
Those who live in communities that are being over-run by violent crime are relieved to see the president doing something to help them. The Democrats are hoping you don’t hear about them.
However, on Wednesday night Fox News’ Tucker Carlson showed a video of African-Americans in Chicago who shocked ABC News by saying they fully support Trump’s decision to send in “troops.”
Maxine Waters and her Democrat cohorts might want to get on the right side of history. Criminals running amok without any consequences and gang members doing drive-by shootings in broad daylight are loathed by all Americans. This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with restoring a peaceful nation where little kids like LeGend Taliferro aren’t murdered by random violence while sleeping in their own beds.