Maxine Forbids ‘Bogus’ Trump To Sign Stimulus Checks While On ‘Full Pay’ Leave

Maxine Waters is enjoying her extended “full pay” leave from Capitol Hill, while the president works endless hours daily to get us through this pandemic. From her California mansion, Waters is busy bashing the Commander in Chief and forbidding him to sign the stimulus checks. She claims he’s a “bogus” president. Well, Americans blasted Waters for making things more difficult during this crisis. Don’t miss this.

Maxine Waters, President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

There are over 16 million Americans out of work in the last three weeks, and as that number grows larger and larger, Nancy Pelosi issued a directive that put the House on “full pay” leave until May 4.

The GOP congressmen were livid and many stayed on Capitol Hill to fulfill their commitment to President Donald Trump and the American people.

But not Maxine Waters. In fact, instead of laying low inside her California mansion, the 81-year-old Democrat has been busy trashing the one man who is really helping the American people: President Donald Trump.

“Whaaaat? Don’t dirty up the economic impact payments w/ Don the Con’s name on the checks that are being sent to American families to get thru the crisis. People may think it’s a BOGUS check from a BOGUS president!” tweeted Mad Maxine.

The Washington Post, citing several “senior IRS officials,” reported on Tuesday that The Treasury Department “has ordered” Trump’s name be printed on stimulus checks the Internal Revenue Service is rushing to send to tens of millions of Americans, a process that could slow their delivery by a few days.”

However, the Trump administration pushed back on that report claiming The Post was once again being deceptive. Buried deeper within the piece is confirmation that the checks will not be delayed.

Donald Trump Jr. also pointed this out: Fact Check: Stimulus Checks Not Being Held up for Donald Trump‘s Name.” 

That’s not all Mad Maxine was pushing.

On April 5, she warned Americans Trump was against a national lockdown. She also told Americans to not listen to the president when it comes to hydroxychloroquine. Well, that tweet did not age well.

Do not listen to 45 when he suggests untested #Hydroxychloroquine to treat #COVID19 – listen to Fauci. Don’t listen to 45 when he says heat will kill the virus; or he won’t wear a mask; or when he calls hospital workers thieves, or refuses natl lockdown! 45 just can’t be trusted!” Waters posted.

Americans blasted Maxine Waters for her ridiculous remarks on social media.

“Well, gosh darn it, Maxi pants, Democrats should just rip those checks up and throw them in the garbage!’ tweeted Carla Coon.

“Do 12 year olds run Maxine Waters Twitter account, or something?” tweeted Mindy Robinson.

“Maxine must be drinking with Pelosi tonight,” tweeted Joey Saladino.

That’s awesome! I’m donating mine to the #Trump2020 campaign!!” tweeted D Clark.

“More people every day realize who the real bogus people are out there. Mad Max might head the list…” tweeted Tom Herr.

“Desperation of leftists to continue their hate campaign is showing. Their time is almost up… this person is a traitor to The People,” tweeted Twitter user “Believer.”

Maxine Waters lives in a mini-mansion outside her own gang-infested district.

Maxine Waters’ constituents are sick and tired of her antics. Known as the “poverty pimp,” Waters district encompasses areas that are infested with deadly gangs, and it’s so bad that she lives outside of her district.

Nicknamed “Auntie Maxine” by the liberals, in her interview with Huffington Post she went on a rant, glorifying violence.

Waters claimed the L.A. riots were “a milestone in the history of black people demanding justice. These were people who had been basically forgotten. And because of Rodney King’s beating and the current emotion that was stirring in that, it was like people were saying, ‘We’re here. You can’t do this to us. Look what you’re doing, look how you’ve been.’”

Before she was singled out by the leftists for her “Impeach 45” campaign, Waters was well-known in California as one of the most corrupt politicians. Her shady dealings in the 2008 recession allowed Mad Maxine to allegedly illegally capitalize on getting her husband’s bank a major windfall from the federal government.

After 32 years in Congress, her legacy is making her own district a worse place to live. She will be remembered for her big mouth and her ignorant statements. Waters can always be counted on for comedy relief, and she isn’t disappointing anyone during this pandemic.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.