Meghan & Harry Blasted For US Election Meddling: ‘Make America Great By Leaving’

Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry are getting blasted by a senior Trump adviser for interfering in the presidential election. British royals are prohibited from engaging in politics or backing a politician. It was one thing when Meghan made calls urging Americans to vote for Joe Biden, but now Harry has been caught interfering in the American election himself. That did not end well for him. You’ll love this.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski teed off on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after they recorded a video plug urging Americans to register to vote and Harry urged Americans to “reject hate speech.”

“As we approach this November, it’s vital that we reject hate speech, misinformation, and online negativity,” said Harry – in a line some observers in Britain and the U.S. immediately took to be a plug for Joe Biden and a slap at President Trump.

It’s well known Meghan and Harry despise President Trump. 

“Meghan made her stance on the 2020 presidential race clear when she addressed viewers at the When All Women Vote Couch Party — an online event organized by non-profit organization When We All Vote, which was founded by ‘her friend’ Michelle Obama,” Daily Mail reports.

Harry was caught getting duped by Russian pranksters. He thought he was speaking with climate kid Greta Thunberg. However, what he said about Trump says it all.

The British prince said President Trump has “blood on his hands” for pushing the interests of the coal industry, adding: “Trump will want to meet you to make him look better but he won’t want to have a discussion about climate change with you because you will outsmart him.”

The disgraced royals have made themselves front and center when it comes to the 2020 election. 

That’s why Trump adviser Corey Lewandowski had enough when the British press confronted him about the fame-seeking pair.

“They made Britain great again by leaving, I hope they do the same for us,” Lewandowski, now a senior 2020 advisor to the Trump campaign, told the Daily Mail on Wednesday after Harry and Meghan’s comments in a Time 100 video message made waves on both sides of the Atlantic.

Lewandowski wasn’t the only one who thought Meghan and Harry were interfering with an election.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle “crossed a line” by speaking out about the US election and “effectively telling Americans to vote against Trump,” royal insiders told the Daily Mail. 

Royal experts told Mail Online that the couple should give up their titles and sever their links to the monarchy for good if they wanted to comment on US politics, while insiders told The Times that palace aides would be concerned about their intervention.

“Prince Harry poking his woke nose into the US election and effectively telling Americans to vote against President Trump is completely unacceptable behavior for a member of the Royal Family,” said Daily Mail editor Piers Morgan.

Markle and her husband live on taxpayer Britsh pounds, and part of living off the taxpayers is staying out of politics. If Meghan and Harry want to get political, then they should stop taking monies from the British Royal Family.

Markle also hitched her wagon to Michelle Obama’s so-called voter registration effort. The former D-list actress was a “special guest” at a virtual voter registration event in August held by Michelle Obama’s nonpartisan organization When We All Vote.

“Markle’s participation is noteworthy because members of the British royal family are reportedly expected not to discuss politics,” Forbes Magazine noted. 

Americans also blasted the disgraced royals on social media. 

“Prince, hero, formerly much loved former military man turned soy boy should take a look at cuckold Jerry Falwell, Jr. and get a clue,” tweeted Laura Wood.

“So now we have a world-class gold-digger and her foreign national patsy preaching to us about non-existent hate speech and imaginary misinformation. The clowning continues,” tweeted Christopher Anderson.

“We fought a bloody war so we wouldn’t have to listen to members of the Royal Lucky Sperm set,” tweeted Kerry Dougherty.

“Sorry but here USA we don’t admit people from other country’s to tell us what to do we are old enough to make our own mistakes Harry Megan so live us alone thank you,” tweeted “Joselynne.”

“What they said isn’t necessarily controversial but they’ve built up so much bad will from their positions of ACTUAL privilege that we, the American people, don’t want anything to do with them. And as a British Royal, Harry should know not to comment on American politics,” tweeted “Thoa.”

“A has-been actress and a British exile! Yeah let’s take their advice!” tweeted “The Joker.”

Markle made the decision to marry into the British Royal Family, which came with a ton of perks and lifestyle elevation. However, it also meant she would keep out of politics.

As for Harry, he is way out of bounds. We have to agree with the majority of British citizens who are calling for the Queen to immediately strip them of all royal titles and monies.

Maybe only then will these entitled brats learn if they want to engage in politics, they’ll have to forgo the taxpayer monies and become totally self-sufficient. Until then, they need to shut their traps about our election.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.