Meghan & Harry: U.S. Pay For Our Security, Trump Gives Them ‘Rude Awakening’

Meghan Markle and her husband Harry took a private jet to Los Angeles after it was reported the US-Canadian border was going to be shut down due to the pandemic. The dastardly duo was expected to request American taxpayers to foot their security costs. Well, that’s when President Donald Trump gave them a “rude awakening.” He wasn’t the only one blasting them. Don’t miss this.

Harry and Meghan Markle, President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Meghan and Harry have become one of the most cringe-worthy couples in the news today. By far, Americans are totally fed-up with their shenanigans. While the pandemic is causing many Americans to lose their jobs and be on the brink of financial ruin, leave it to Meghan Markle to “sneak” into the United States with Harry who has been exposed to COVID-19.

As we previously reported, Harry was in contact with at least two people who were exposed or tested positive for COVID-19. 

Now, sources inside the White House claim President Trump was livid after he heard the disgraced former royals had foregone the COVID-19 screening process of those coming into the U.S. from aboard. Their trip to relocate to Los Angeles did not fall into the category of “essential travel.” Well, rules don’t matter to the entitled couple.

The president was also flooded with messages from Americans who made it crystal clear their taxes would not be used to pay for the million-dollar security details for the D-list actress and her husband, who told a recent audience to “just call me Harry.”

That’s when Trump gave them a “rude awakening.”

“I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom,” the president tweeted. “It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!”

“As of March 31, Harry and Meghan lose their status of being ‘internationally protected’ because of Megxit. Had they remained part of the British royal family, they would have been entitled to protection from armed US Secret Service agents during their time in America,” Page Six reports.

This also means on March 31, the dastardly duo will be cut off from the Royal Family purse. Well, they said they wanted to be “financially independent,” a term which most people see as ridiculous. That’s right, being an adult means you have to pay your own way in life. This is “terrifying” to Meghan Markle.

“A royal insider claimed Meghan is terrified because of the financial pressure they are now under and suggested the Duchess has ordered Prince Harry to find a job,” The Express reports. 

This debt is a blow to their ambitious plan to become freewheeling billionaires in the world,” said a source close to the couple. “Meghan is terrified that her dreams of being a Hollywood queen will be destroyed by this financial nightmare and she is insisting that Harry make a move and resolve the crisis.”

The insider, however, noted the lack of previous working experience could make the search for a new job difficult for the [former] Duke of Sussex. It’s not any brighter for Meghan, who is nearing 40-years-old. Her so-called acting career was mediocre at best in her 20s.

Americans and Brits blasted the pompous pair in overwhelming numbers on social media. 

“With all the struggle and pain in this country as we are possibly headed into a second Great Depression, this has GOT to be a joke. We are NOT using average American taxpayer dollars to pay for their security detail. Why isn’t this England’s problem?” tweeted The View’s Meghan McCain.

British journalist Katie Hopkins did a Meghan parody. “Meghan Markle is very cross @realDonaldTrump will not pay for her security. Who even is this b*tch #Corona? #MeghanMarkle,” Hopkins tweeted.

Did that twit Meghan think we would pay for her security and her whipped husband formerly known as prince? She said she would not live in U.S. with Trump as @potus,” tweeted “Seaside Folley.”

NO! NO! NO! #MeghanMarkle and Dimwit don’t deserve their security paid for by US taxpayers. Markle snubbed @POTUS on his visit, said she wouldn’t live in the US while he was President, and Dimwit blamed global warming on him. Rise up America and protest. #Trump,” tweeted “Rule Brittania.” 

No one gives a sh*t! America is fighting a pandemic, losing their jobs, can’t pay rent or medical insurance and yet we have to pay the security costs for dimwit Harry and a hustler Meghan Markle? This is BS, take them back or send them to Africa. #megxit,” tweeted Darla Goss.

The Markles issued a denial a little too late. 

According to Fox News, the newly financially independent couple are now claiming they never asked Trump for help. “[The Markles] said they never had plans to ask the United States government to pay for their personal security amid their reported move to Los Angeles.”

However, we know sources inside the White House beg to differ. Reports claim back channels from the couple were “exploring” if Trump was open to funding their security in any way.

Well, the president has spoken, and so have Americans. These entitled brats sneak into the U.S. during a pandemic, foregoing screening, while our country is in the middle of a national emergency that has shut most of America down.

Not only are we not paying for their security, but we also don’t want them here at all. It’s only a matter of time that they find out paying their own way in life is really difficult when you have no real skills. They caused undue distress to the 93-year-old British Monarch, and President Trump is making it clear he will be a constant thorn in their formerly royal backsides as long as they stay in America.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.