Michelle Gets Throttled, Told Citizens To Stay Home But Barack Went Golfing

Michelle Obama is getting throttled after she told residents in Washington D.C. to “stay at home.” It was soon discovered Barack Obama wasn’t following those orders at all. He was caught golfing and having a great time in the outdoors. Don’t miss this.

Michelle Obama, Barack Obama (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Former First Lady Michelle Obama and former President Barack Obama do not appear to be on the same page regarding stay-at-home orders. Michelle recorded a message urging Americans to stay home, even though her husband was caught golfing in Virginia at a private country club.

“Hi everybody, it’s Michelle Obama. Our communities are among the hardest hit by the coronavirus, and we’ve got to do everything we can to keep each other safe,” says the former first lady in the 30-second PSA. “And that means staying home because even if we are not showing any symptoms, we can still spread the virus to others. Let’s keep each other safe by just staying home. Thank you so much and God bless.”

On Sunday, Politico’s Playbook shared a photo of former President Obama playing golf Saturday in Virginia.

Obama is a member of the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Gainesville, Virginia, where some golf courses remain open, despite Maryland and Washington, DC, closing off their facilities.

Reports of the obvious discrepancy skyrocketed after Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out the Obamas on his show Wednesday.

“It didn’t seem to occur to her that those standards might also apply to her family,” Carlson said. “And that’s why she didn’t mention essential trips to your country club.”

Americans blasted Michelle for lecturing the rest of us while Barack went golfing. 

“Quarantine for thee; but not for me: Barack Obama Goes Golfing After Michelle tells us to stay at home,” tweeted “ForthRight Strategy.”

“Oh yeah, that mask and social distancing thing, it doesn’t apply to us….” tweeted Twitter user “Randy.”

“Michelle Obama has filmed TV announcements telling us we should all stay home. So how does Barack Obama get away with violating the quarantine and going 45 minutes from home to play golf in Virginia?” tweeted “AM 590 The Answer.”

“Isn’t that the way it always is, I didn’t mean me, I meant everyone else..whether it refers to laws or restrictions and everything else,” tweeted Muriel Morse.

“More hypocrisy from the left. Obummer thinks he’s better than the rest of us. No surprise…he’s a renegade,” tweeted “Embracing Change.”

@BarackObama goes golfing the same day his wife makes a robocall telling everyone else to DC to stay home. I guess he had no problem getting a tee time. Presidential golf round chronicler @markknollercould not be reached for comment,” tweeted “Trainwriter.”

@MichelleObama so YOU SAY TO THE REST OF ‘STAY INSIDE AND ONLY MANDATORY ACTIVITIES’. Then @BarackObama goes golfing on a GOLF COURSE THAT IS OFF LIMITS TO THE REST OF US… This, Right here@GOP, @HouseGOP, @SenateGOP is why you better start crushing these Liberal Pricks NOW!” tweeted “Never Made In China Again.”

Barry (@BarackObama) is such an ass – goes golfing while telling everyone else to stay home. His wife is a piece of work as well,” tweeted “Joshua.”

The Robert Trent Jones Golf Club is a private, member-owned golf club and is at least a 45-minute drive from the Obamas’ home in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

Membership at the club is by invitation only, according to its website. When Obama joined the club in 2017, an anonymous source told CNN that annual membership fees and dues to the club are about $15,000—though every former U.S. president reportedly has an honorary membership and those fees are waived.

Meanwhile, the rest of us little people are under threat of arrest and/or fines for nonessential travel or for violating social distancing practices.

It’s not surprising that the Obamas are typical Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Liberals, but come on! A day after Michelle says “stay home” to be safe, Barack goes out golfing? Seriously?

Of course, this is the same guy who went golfing the same day that his administration declared the H1N1 a public health emergency, so I guess it makes sense. But, seriously, imagine if Donald Trump did what Obama did. He’d never hear the end of it. Barack Obama needs to be called out for his blatant disregard for, as Michelle Obama would say, not “keeping us safe.”

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.