Nadler: Thousands Will Die As Trump Reopens Nation Just To Win Re-Election

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler is blasting President Donald Trump’s plan to “reopen America” claiming “thousands more will die” just so he can win re-election. Well, poor Jerry immediately got crushed for playing politics when so many Americans are hurting financially. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump, Rep. Jerry Nadler (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Wednesday on MSNBC, House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler said “thousands” more people will die if President Donald Trump is successful in his attempt at reopening the economy so it can rebound for his election.

“In terms of reopening, we have to be very, very careful. I know that the people are eager to reopen businesses, but there are several things to consider,” Nadler said. “You can’t reopen businesses until we have enough testing that has been done, and far from enough testing has been done to justify allowing people to reduce the social distancing requirements.”

This is a fallacy the Democrats are pushing. Mass testing is really only needed in New York and New Jersey where we have the bulk of the deaths. Most states did not have anywhere near an “epidemic” of cases or deaths.

“We know that President Trump is trying to for political reasons because he wants the economy to look good before his reelection,” Nadler added. “He’s trying to disregard the science and disregard the medical advice and get the businesses open again. If that happens, it’s going to lead predictably to a lot more people getting sick and to another surge of the virus.”

Trump listened to “medical experts.” He has not disregarded anything they have suggested he do. 

“The president is trying to impose artificial politically motivated deadlines so that the economy can look good before the third quarter for the election, but if that happens, we’ll simply get a lot — thousands and thousands of more people dead, and we can’t do that,” Nadler declared.

People will die regardless of what Trump does. On average, 740 people die every day just in the state of California. The point is COVID-19 never panned out to take 2 million Americans. Thankfully, it was not as deadly as the early models predicted.

Americans crushed Nadler for playing politics when we need our leaders pulling together to reopen the country. 

“Millions of Americans will die from existing conditions not treated because democrats fixated on coronavirus while locking people in their homes… High blood pressure. Depression. Poor diet. Drugs. Alcohol. Mental health. Domestic violence,” tweeted “Grim Dawn.”


“Not really sure what hole you just crawled out of to make this remark but go back! UR not missed!” tweeted “Arlo.”

“WELL, WELL, WELL LOOK WHO RESURFACED!!! Nadler: Thousands more will die if Trump rushes reopen to help in reelection. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS FOR “WE THE PEOPLE” NADLER AND IT IS BEING DONE IN PHASES…SO KEEP UP!!!” tweeted “Destiny RN BSN.”

“Understand what [Jerry Nadler] is saying. He KNOWS AMERICA doesnt want/need to be locked up. Unbelievable insanity. Some of America actually Trusts him. Ya WTF: Nadler: Thousands More Will Die If Trump Rushes Reopen to Help Win Reelection,” tweeted “Human Behavior.”

“Millions and millions will die from starvation worldwide if we don’t get our economies and the other economies of the world going ASAP!!” tweeted “LeRoy.”

“Stop politicizing a health crisis and do your job to save the many lives that being lost in NYC. Do something for the elderly who are dying in nursing homes due to neglect,” tweeted “Liz MAGA 2020.”

Noted historian Victor Davis Hanson tells Americans that it’s time we chose the path of our grandparents and great-grandparents who had to decide what to do after Pearl Harbor was bombed.

“We can wake up as we did on Dec. 8, 1941, to ensure that Americans control their own fundamentals of life — food, fuel, medicine and strategic industries — without dependency on illiberal regimes,” Hanson writes. “The military can refocus our defenses against nuclear missiles, cyberwarfare, and biological weapons. On the home front, diversity is fine, but in a national crisis as serious as this one, the unity that arises from confidence in shared American citizenship saves lives.”

Our other choice is to keep bickering and suffering amnesia, remaining as vulnerable as we were in the past.

We can scapegoat and play the blame game. We can talk not of an America in crisis, but of the virus’ effects on particular groups. We can decide that it is mean or even racist and xenophobic to hold the Chinese government accountable for its swath of viral destruction — and so we will not.

In other words, the choice is ours whether America awakens as a roaring giant or a crying baby. Follow President Trump, use common sense, and go back to work. That’s what Americans want and choose. We have been through worse, and we will not hide in our homes any longer.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.