Nancy’s Dirty Secret: Tanked Coronavirus Funding To Help Democrat Candidates

Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat cohorts are all complaining that President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus has been detrimental to the American people. In fact, they are making the wild accusation that Trump called the virus a “hoax.” Meanwhile, Nancy was keeping a dirty secret she didn’t want anyone to know. Don’t miss how she tanked the coronavirus funding to help the Democrat candidates.

Nancy Pelosi, President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) refused to call Congress for an emergency session so they could approve the funds needed to handle the coronavirus. The irony is that it’s the Democrats who claim Trump isn’t taking the virus “seriously.”

“House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Tuesday blasted the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) for running ads against Republican House members over the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus, accusing Democrats of playing politics as the U.S. faces a potential health crisis,” The Hill reports.

“The California Republican argued that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) should have brought a supplemental funding bill to address the looming pandemic to the floor last week. He added that Republicans don’t have control of the floor and, therefore, should not be subjected to attacks on the matter,” The Hill added.

Pelosi puts politics before Americans. 

“We are not in the majority, we cannot determine the floor so Speaker Pelosi left and had us leave Congress. This week, we hope we’re able to bring it up,” he told reporters at a press conference on Tuesday.

“And why now is … the DCCC running ads against seven Republicans on something they could not vote on?” he added. “Are they playing politics and holding the money up so their political arm can attack Republicans on this issue? Can they for one time put people before politics?”

McCarthy also called on Pelosi to issue an apology and for the DCCC to refrain from running the ads, adding that GOP lawmakers are working to make sure the resources needed to combat the virus from spreading are available.

Pelosi owes all Americans an apology. 

“I think they owe the American public an apology. I think the Speaker needs to apologize, Cheri Bustos needs to take those ads down and stop playing politics with this. America is nervous, we’ve been preparing for years in advance,” he said, referring to the DCCC chairwoman, a Democratic representative from Illinois.

“We’ve got to make sure we have all the needed resources there so bring the bill to the floor. You’ve seen Republicans in every single meeting, trying to work through this to get this done now. You do not see ads coming out for Republicans, but we do see from the Democratic Congressional Committee,” he added. “I don’t believe anybody should be a part of [these] attacks … it’s not a partisan issue.”

Democrats have no come back. Instead, they point to drug prices — but do not deny Pelosi has the power to get the funds approved and has not done so. 

“Leader McCarthy should be embarrassed that he cares about more his political fortunes than ensuring working Americans can afford an eventual coronavirus vaccine,” Robyn Patterson, a DCCC spokesperson said in a statement.

“Washington Republicans are already blocking bipartisan House-passed legislation to bring down the cost of prescription drugs,” Patterson added. “It’s disgraceful that their obedience to drug manufacturers is holding up the government’s response to a virus that threatens millions of Americans.”

Although there is some truth to the allegations about the GOP holding up a reduction in drug pricing, there is enough GOP support to get it through. The deadline isn’t until May 2020, and all indications are Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell knows he must get it done if the GOP wants to retain certain seats in Congress.

Kevin McCarthy sounded off on Nancy’s dirty secret of withholding coronavirus funding. 

“What a scam—Speaker Pelosi held up the vote on coronavirus funding so that her campaign team could run ads against Republicans for Super Tuesday. Instead of putting America first, she is putting politics first,” tweeted Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

We expect politicians to play politics. But Nancy Pelosi is playing games with the coronavirus while blaming President Trump.

You bet Nancy Pelosi would waste no time in calling an emergency session of Congress if it meant impeaching President Trump. However, when it comes to funding the coronavirus, something she and Chuck Schumer have griped about, we discover she’s playing games with the American people. This is exactly why Americans are advocating for family and friends when voting this time around, vote all red.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.