On Thursday night, the National Football League launched its grand return to primetime. However, it was the fans who were making the headlines after the NFL orchestrated a “social justice” show of unity they described as “a moment of silence dedicated to the ongoing fight for equality in our country.” Some of the 17,000 fans the NFL had in attendance gave them a huge reality check. You’ll love this.

The NFL should really stick to football. That’s the lesson they learned the hard way on Thursday night. The pre-game festivities were centered on a Black Lives Matter theme of “social justice.” The problem is there is no such thing as “social justice,” there is only “justice.”
Americans know when they are being manipulated by race-baiters. So, when the singing duo of Chloe and Halle sang the national anthem, fans looked on in disgust while the two wore shirts with the faces of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, raising their right fists in a “black power” sign for the final moment.
There was no unity during the national anthem, though, with the teams engaging in separate reactions to the songs.
The Chiefs took the field and linked arms during both the national anthem and the so-called “black national anthem,” titled “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”
The team remained standing except for Alex Okafor who took a knee during the national anthem. On the other hand, the Texans stayed in the locker for both the national anthem and “black national anthem.” It sure seems like the Texans were not going to be goaded into reacting to this leftwing political pandering.
That’s when this “a moment of silence dedicated to the ongoing fight for equality in our country” happened.
“But the 17,000 fans allowed to populate the stands seemed to have a unity of their own as they loudly booed the players and their show of unity,” Breitbart reports.
The fans in attendance had seen enough:
A moment of silence dedicated to the ongoing fight for equality in our country. #ItTakesAllOfUs pic.twitter.com/srC0SlnWdh
— NFL (@NFL) September 11, 2020
The Chiefs fans, whose numbers at Arrowhead were diminished with the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, were still loud enough for the booing to be very audible. They are sick and tired of being lectured to by these overgrown athletes who have made millions playing a game. That’s the American dream, and they spit on it.
This shocked the senses of BLM activists on social media. How dare those fans boo the leftwing show of unity. They must be racists.
“They’re not booing; they’re yelling ‘we’re racists’,” tweeted Josh Malina.
They're not booing; they're yelling "we're racists."
— (((Josh Malina))) (@JoshMalina) September 11, 2020
“What’s worse than a milquetoast, inoffensive ‘moment of unity’? People booing that milquetoast, inoffensive ‘moment of unity,'” complained Dave Zirin.
What’s worse than a milquetoast, inoffensive “moment of unity”? People booing that milquetoast, inoffensive “moment of unity.”
— Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) September 11, 2020
The other big blow to the NFL was the ratings.
“Though, the league’s social justice-themed season opener was evidently deemed non-essential as fans chose to quarantine themselves on other channels,” Breitbart added.
According to Deadline Hollywood, “…the Kansas City Chiefs pummeled the Houston Texans 34-20, and the ratings were down — a lot. In early numbers, the primetime NBC game scored a 5.2 among adults 18-49 and 16.4 million viewers between 8-11 p.m. ET.
“Now, those numbers for the 8:25-11:30 p.m. ET game will certainly be adjusted upward later, but right now they mark a 16.1% drop over the spectacle of the September 5, 2019 season opener in the advertiser-rich demographic,” they add.
“In an America and an NFL still adjusting to the new normal of live sports in the era of COVID-19, last night’s game also fell 16.1% in total sets of eyeballs from last year’s fast affiliate results,” they explained.
The ratings dive amounts to a 10-year low for the NFL and NBC.
“On a field bordered with the words ‘End Racism’ and fans booing as players from both teams linked arms before kickoff in a sign of solidarity with those fighting social injustice, the ratings and viewership decline could be an ominous sign for a league and the networks,” Deadline adds.
Does the NFL employ anyone with common sense? Their fans are middle-class Americans who have jobs and decide to spend their hard-earned money to go to a game. These NFL big wigs hate their own fans. There is no other explanation.
Or are they so scared of a Marxist organization that they would risk destroying the NFL? Whatever the reason, it’s shaping up to be too late to turn back now, and they have no one to blame but themselves.