Video Shows Omar Allies In Alleged Voter Fraud Scheme, They Get Rude Awakening

With less than six weeks left until Election Day, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s allies have been allegedly caught redhanded in a voter fraud scheme on video. In fact, one Somali community leader is also directly implicating the Minnesota Congresswoman. That’s why President Donald Trump made sure Omar and her cohorts got a rude awakening. Don’t miss this.

Liban Mohamed, Rep. Ilhan Omar (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot, YouTube/Screenshot)

Democratic Party operative Liban Mohamed is at the epicenter of this Minnesota voter fraud scheme uncovered by Project Veritas, who released video proof.

In the video posted by Project Veritas late Sunday, Liban Mohamed, who is the brother of Minneapolis City Council member Jamal Osman, is shown with ballots filling his car’s dashboard.

“Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman,” Mohamed says in the video posted on July 1, according to the report. “I have 300 ballots in my car right now. … Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. … Look, all these are for Jamal Osman.”

“Ballot harvesting” is illegal in most states, and Minnesota law allows a third party to collect no more than three ballots.

Omar Jamal, a Minneapolis community leader, implicated Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), saying Mohamed is “one of” her “many people.”

Jamal called Rep. Omar’s alleged ballot harvesting an “open secret” and also discussed an alleged cash-for-votes scheme organized by staffers of Rep. Omar.

“She [Ilhan Omar] will do anything that she can do to get elected and she [Ilhan Omar] has hundreds of people on the streets doing that,” said Jamal.

James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said, “Ballot harvesting is real, and it has become a big business. Our investigation into this ballot harvesting ring demonstrates clearly how these unscrupulous operators exploit the elderly and immigrant communities — and have turned the sacred ballot box into a commodities trading desk.”

O’Keefe said, “We are showing Americans what is really going on in one of our great cities — but, it is not me saying — we have the operatives on tape saying it all themselves.”

Project Veritas said its investigation found three locations inside Ward 6, a ballot harvesting triangle, where the alleged scheme operates: The Riverside Plaza apartments, the senior citizen community at Horn Towers, and the Minneapolis Elections and Voter Services office at 980 E. Hennepin Ave., which also functions as a voting location and ballot drop-off site.

Jared Edge, the chief legal officer for Project Veritas, said that Mohamed and other ballot harvesters could face heavy penalties for their alleged violations of the law.

“The federal laws, 18 USC §597 and 52 USC §10307(c), are quite clear,” he said. “In the case of 18 USC §597, it is punishable by up to two years in prison and in the case of 52 USC §10307 it’s punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and up to five years in prison.”

The Minnesota statute 211B.13(1) prohibits paying a person or receiving money to register to vote or to vote, he said. “This is a state felony punishable by more than one-year imprisonment.”

Beyond paying voters, there are also state and federal laws regarding the intimidation of voters, he said.

“The federal laws 52 USC §20511, 18 USC §594, and 52 USC §10307(b) and the Minnesota statue 211B.07 prohibit anyone from using undue influence, threats, intimidation, or fraud to influence a person’s vote or to influence them to vote at all,” he said.

“It is also a violation of federal law for anyone who votes for others illegally,” he said.

Well, President Donald Trump gave the alleged voter fraud schemers a big reality check. 

“This is totally illegal. Hope that the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota has this, and other of her many misdeeds, under serious review??? If not, why not??? We will win Minnesota because of her, and law enforcement. Saved Minneapolis & Iron O Range!” Trump tweeted.

According to Daily Mail, the president also has indicated “he wants own Justice Department to investigate House Rep. Ilhan Omar.”

That makes perfect sense since Minnesota’s attorney general is none other than radical leftist Keith Ellison, who is a longtime friend of Ilhan Omar.

The video evidence is quite damning. Besides implicating Ilhan Omar, Liban Mohamed also incriminates the Democratic Party as being part of this ballot harvesting scheme, who he claims is hellbent on winning Minnesota for their presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

You can expect the Trump campaign to flood Minnesota and other swing states with a team of attorneys who will contest the election if it appears the voting numbers are out of whack. Right now, in polls that can be trusted, the president is leading Joe Biden in all swing states.

Trump is also kicking Biden’s butt with African-American and Latino voters in battleground states.

“Only 34 percent of Hispanics and 48 percent of blacks think Biden will win the election,” American Greatness reports. Those same polls showed Hillary Clinton getting between 80-90 percent in 2016.

It’s well -known by all seasoned pollsters that the Democrats must have the vast majority of black and Hispanic voters if they have a chance at winning the presidency. No wonder Democrats are “allegedly” running ballot harvesting schemes in overdrive. They really have no clean way to win in 2020.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.