Omar Releases Memoir ‘Journey From Refugee To Congresswoman,’ It Goes All Wrong

Rep. Ilhan Omar just released a memoir titled, “My Journey from Refugee to Congresswoman—This is What America Looks Like.” She is hoping to divert attention away from her multiple scandals. It is a self-aggrandized puff piece in which Omar portrays herself as this “trailblazing civil rights icon who is fighting for justice.” Well, the launch of her book went all wrong, and she got utterly humiliated. Don’t miss this.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Ilhan Omar is pandering to her leftwing socialist base who are just fine with her many alleged crimes in her new book: “My Journey from Refugee to Congresswoman—This is What America Looks Like.” It’s along the lines of Barack Obama’s puff piece: “Dreams from My Father.”

With little to no truth in Omar’s memoir, she re-writes her own history, leaving out how half of her family ended up in the United Kingdom and the many scandals which are now under investigation. It also leaves out new revelations that have just come to light of her dirty deeds with Turkey in 2017.

“But one of their own darlings, Rep. Ilhan Omar, has inarguably colluded with an unsavory Islamist regime: Turkey’s,” New York Post reports. 

“In fall 2017, Omar, then a state representative, attended a closed meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. According to a report since deleted from a Somali-language periodical, Omar and the Islamist strongman discussed ‘issues involving Omar’s native Somalia and issues for Somalis in Minnesota. … The meeting ended with Erdogan asking Omar to voice her support for Turkey,” The Post adds.

A month later, Omar would take to Twitter to praise Turkey for providing airlifts for Somalis injured in a Mogadishu truck bombing.

Turkey buys Omar’s vote to deny the Armenian Genocide and continue her anti-Israel activities. 

In April 2019, a pro-Erdogan Turkish newspaper ran an article soliciting campaign contributions for Omar, which was reprinted in other publications. The article defended Omar’s infamous comments about the “Israel Lobby” and argued that “donating money to Omar’s campaign fund would be an adequate way of denying powerful organizations the power to censor alternative voices.”

Last October brought news that Halil Mutlu, co-chairman of the pro-Ankara Turkish American Steering Committee, had donated $1,500 to Omar’s campaign. TASC lobbied against a 2019 House resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

As it happens, Omar was one of only two House Democrats not to support the resolution.

Omar similarly bucked her party in voting against sanctions on Turkey over its incursion into northern Syria against Syrian Kurds, which passed the House with overwhelming support. All of this should be alarming.

Omar sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and co-chairs Democratic front-runner Bernie Sanders’ campaign in Minnesota. If Bernie wins, Omar would help him take U.S. foreign affairs into a very bad place.

Well, Americans utterly humiliated Omar on social media over her fact-challenged memoir.

“Will there be a chapter about your friendship with BFF Erdogan?” tweeted Aaron Ostrovsky.

“Which chapter is ‘I Got Away Marrying My Brother For Immigration Fraud’, ‘That Time I Did Bigamy While Still Married To My Brother’, ‘Antisemitism For Islam 101’, ‘How To Get Away With Campaign Finance Violations’… and more,” tweeted “Matthewswj.”

“They all come out with these book deals to verify the sudden influx of cash.. Meantime.. no one is buying it,” tweeted Mary Clare.

“Will there be a chapter about your Antisemitism?” tweeted Aaron Ostrovsky.

“Epilogue: In 2021, Omar was convicted of immigration fraud, tax fraud, marriage fraud, identity fraud, and campaign finance fraud, and was summarily deported,” tweeted “Rightwired.”

“OMG, I’m so excited to hear about the part where you committed immigration fraud by marrying your brother while being married to another man, and then had an affair with another married man and committed campaign finance fraud! I hope it’s as good as Fifty Shades!!” tweeted “Sly Bee.”

One Twitter account came out with a scathing video correcting Omar’s memoir. They give the real version of what the Minnesota Congresswoman left out:

Ilan Omar can publish as many memoirs as she likes. It’s not going to change the truth one bit. 

The truth has a funny way of coming back to bite those who are trying to hide it. Ilhan Omar is knee-deep in investigations into campaign finance fraud, bigamy, immigration fraud, and tax evasion. She may be able to fool some of the people some of the time, but she sure isn’t fooling the majority of Americans anymore.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.