Oprah: ‘Whiteness Gives You Advantage No Matter What’ — NY POST Trashes Her

Oprah Winfrey isn’t accustomed to getting bad publicity. This is why the billionaire media mogul must be freaking out after the New York Post took her to task for claiming that “whiteness” and “white privilege” afford unspecified benefits to white people in the “caste system” of America. Oprah’s racist accusations got trashed badly and it exposed her blatant hypocrisy. You’ll love this.

Oprah Winfrey (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey declared in an episode of her eponymous series, The Oprah Conversation, that “whiteness” and “white privilege” afford unspecified benefits to white people in the “caste system” of America.

In an episode entitled “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man: Part 1” — featuring former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho and drawing its name from Acho’s YouTube series of the same name — Oprah Winfrey invited several white people to discuss “racism,” “white privilege,” and “whiteness.” Oprah praised her white guests for accusing themselves of being “racist.”

Oprah said:

There are white people who are not as powerful as the system of white people — the caste system that’s been put in place — but they still, no matter where they are on the rung, or the ladder of success, they still have their whiteness.

[Whites have a] leg up. You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term “white privilege” is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.

“Twitter critics have a billion-dollar bone to pick with Oprah Winfrey,” New York Post reports. “The 66-year-old media mogul has been labeled a hypocritical ‘fraud’ following the latest installment of her Apple TV+ series, The Oprah Conversation.”

One guest noted its not a good idea to group all white people as one monolith.

“Not all white people have power,” the guest said. “There’s plenty of poor, working-class white people. But I think that when we group all of white people together and we don’t recognize the fact that there’s a lot of white people that struggle, and it’s a different struggle as you mentioned because they’re not streaming upstream let’s call it …”

They continued, “I think that if we’re gonna come together and really attack racism and the inequities that are in this country and are in this world, that it’s important not to group all white people.”

Well, Oprah wasn’t buying that. For the billionaire, all whites are the same, and all whites have an advantage in life, no matter what.

“There are white people who are not as powerful as the system of white people — the caste system that’s been put in place. But they still, no matter where they are on the rung or ladder of success, they still have their whiteness,” Oprah responded.

The veteran broadcaster also said white people have a “leg up.”

“You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,” she said.

The New York Post noted: “Winfrey’s current net worth stands at $2.6 billion, according to Forbes, and conservative pundits were quick to weaponize that fact on Twitter following her show.”

“And now why is Oprah, maybe the richest black woman in the world, trying to shame white people as privileged? Miss Winfrey, you are the personification of WHITE PRIVILEGE!,” said Irene Armendariz-Jackson, a Republican congressional candidate from Texas.

Columnist Wayne Depree said, “Billionaire Oprah is now shaming white people for all their ‘easy success’ in life.”

Conservative media head Todd Starnes said, “I pray for the day that America becomes a nation where someone like Oprah will be able to become a billionaire.”

Sen. Ted Cruz called the discussion “utter, racist BS.”

2A activist JT Lewis asked, “How did Oprah make 2.6 billion dollars if America is so racist?”

Oprah’s staff were so taken aback by the harsh criticism: “Representatives for Winfrey have not returned The Post’s request for comment.”

Poor Oprah is having a bad summer. “Despite her billions, it was announced in July that the monthly print edition of “O” Magazine would come to an end after a 20-year run on newsstands, as a result of poor sales following the onset of the coronavirus pandemic,” The Post noted.

It’s true that the New York Post runs more to the right on the political scale, but it is a widely read publication by all Americans. The editors had the guts to take on the “Queen of Talk,” by exposing her blatant hypocrisy that flies in the face of black icons like Martin Luther King, Jr.

Oprah and her Black Lives Matter buddies want all of us to judge people based on their skin color: all whites are racists and have the advantage of “white privilege.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. realized during the Jim Crow days that poor whites had no privilege and that poverty was also as bad as racism. Affirmative action is “race-based discrimination” that has no place in a society that aspires to judge individuals by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin.

It’s been 60 years since affirmative action became prevalent in America. During those years, it can be said minorities received special considerations not given to whites in America. Oprah Winfrey and BLM is making MLK turn over in his grave. His “dream” is being spat on by this black billionaire who achieved her own dreams thanks to his untimely assassination that led to momentous changes in civil rights.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.