Pelosi Busted Taking Paycheck Inside Mansion As Millions Of Americans Go Broke

President Donald Trump busted Nancy Pelosi as it was discovered she is still taking her paycheck inside her lavish San Francisco mansion as millions of Americans go broke. Trump exposed how Pelosi is ditching her job while American workers are losing everything. Don’t miss this.

Nancy Pelosi, President Donald Trump (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

Nancy Pelosi is continuing to play games from inside her lavish San Fransico mansion. As we reported last Friday, Pelosi abandoned her post as Hosue Speaker on April 13 by instituting a “full pay” leave for herself and her cohorts until May 4. Then, she flaunted flying her family in a private jet from New York to her San Francisco mansion which we bet doesn’t come under “essential travel.”

The small business loan money ran out last week at the same time the Democrats abandoned Capitol Hill.

The Democrats under Pelosi’s leadership abandoned Capitol Hill and will not come back to work until May 4. However, they don’t have to come back to work to pass the GOP legislation to extend the small business loan program. They can vote by phone.

According to USA Today, eighty percent of restaurants in America say they may never reopen and are struggling to pay their bills. “[I]ndependent restaurateurs nationwide – who collectively employ more than 11 million workers at 500,000 restaurants – looking to the federal government for assistance to stay afloat,” they report.

Nearly all are hurting, with restaurants accounting for 60% of the 16.8 million jobs lost in a three-week stretch.

While Nancy was making a cringe-worthy appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden where she dazzled the country showing off her two $24,000 dollar industrial-sized refrigerators full of $13 dollar a pint ice cream, at least 20,000 business applications went unprocessed.

Instead of making the calls needed to get the PPP Loan program for small businesses passed, she was busy showing off her lavish kitchen appliances stocked full of high-end foods. She also claimed she was in “prayer and reflection” when it was found she was frantically scrubbing social media posts of her “Chinatown” video.

“Nancy Pelosi has deleted the video from February 24th encouraging people to come to Chinatown. Good thing the internet is forever,” tweeted Courtney Holland on Apri 15:

On Sunday, April 19, Pelosi appeared on ABC’s “This Week” from inside her mansion trashing the president hoping to make Americans forget she is the one making millions as workers go broke.

“I’m afraid [Trump] is going to act on the set basis that he’s acted on it before — [COVID-19’s] a hoax, it’s magically going to disappear,” Pelosi told George Stephanopoulos. “That’s why I sent the letter I did after Easter. Easter gave me a time for reflection and prayerfulness. He failed. He failed in the testing and the rest, and it’s a hoax, and it’s going to magically disappear, that’s not based on science.”

“This isn’t magical. This is scientific. So I said if he continues to predicate the action that we take on a false premise, then we’re in further danger,” she added.

President Donald Trump put Nancy Pelosi in her place.

Today, Nancy Pelosi is appearing on Fox News Sunday. When the #PaycheckProtectionProgram ran out of funding, she decided playing politics was more important than saving #SmallBiz. It is time for the Democrats to be held accountable for putting millions in financial limbo,” Trump retweeted.

Nervous Nancy is an inherently ‘dumb’ person. She wasted all of her time on the Impeachment Hoax. She will be overthrown, either by inside or out, just like her last time as “Speaker”. Wallace & @FoxNews are on a bad path, watch!” the president added.

GOP Rep. Mike Johnson also exposed the Speaker: “In the last 4 hours, over 20,000 #PPPloans went unprocessed because @SpeakerPelosi & @SenSchumer are blocking more funding. We are fighting to save jobs & small businesses. What have they fought for? … Prohibiting states from requiring an ID to vote.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy excoriated Nancy Pelosi on Monday.

“Well, what it would do is something that we’ve been requesting for the last two weeks — more funding for the small business program,” he said. “This business program has worked very well. More than 1.6 million businesses requested the money to pay their employees, to pay their rent.”

“Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi has held that up for the last two weeks,” McCarthy added. “What we have watched and the one question I have watching her on the Sunday show, name me one productive thing Speaker Pelosi has accomplished in this pandemic. When President Trump on January 31, put in the ban from China, February 24, she asked people to gather together in San Francisco.”

If Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat cohorts believe Americans are going to thank them for hiding out inside their extensive homes during this pandemic, they better think again. Pelosi can talk all the smack she wants about Trump, but in the end, We the People will judge our representatives by their actions. All poor Pelosi will be remembered for doing is showing off her lavish mansion while Americans suffered and lost everything they had.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.