Racist Cover-Up After Man Videos Himself Beating Disabled Nursing Home Patients

A 20-year-old African-American man was caught videoing himself beating up at least two disabled nursing home patients and posting the horrendous videos to his social media accounts. Astute social media users tracked down his personal information and informed the police, and even President Donald Trump was shocked on Twitter and was looking for additional information. Well, you won’t believe how this has now turned into a racial incident by the leftist media and their cohorts. Don’t miss this.

African-American suspect beats disabled nursing home resident (Photo Credit: Twitter/Screenshots)

Jaydon Hayden, 20, was identified as the very disturbed and violent individual who had been videoing himself beating up two white nursing home patients. Social media users on Twitter found Hayden on Facebook on Thursday where they confirmed he had posted these videos to his personal page.

Astute Twitter users also tracked down where the 20-year-old man lived in Michigan and informed the police. Actor James Woods was one of the first high profile accounts to publicize the video.

“This is a nursing home,” Woods tweeted along with the disturbing video. “Please someone explain why this is happening and unreported.”

About an hour later, Woods received additional information and added: “The Detroit Police have indicated there has been an arrest in this atrocity. No name, no picture, and no indication of the citizenship status of the arrestee. This video will remain pinned here until they offer that information. What are they hiding?”

“After punching the elderly male several times and drawing blood, the 20-year-old male can be heard cursing at the elderly nursing home patient. He also appears to wipe the blood from the elderly male in an attempt to hide his wounds. Both were apparently patients at the nursing home, according to The Detroit News. It’s unclear why the 20-year-old suspect was being treated there,” Daily Caller reports.

The Detroit police department said in a statement that they arrested a 20-year-old male in connection to the assault and battery of an elderly male inside Westwood Nursing Center on the northwest side of the city, according to The Detroit News.

However, for those of us on Twitter who spotted the video before police were informed, something very strange happened to the suspect’s information from Facebook. Screen images showing his name and other photos Hayden posted that identified him were gone. They were simply scrubbed from the internet.

As James Woods noted: “No name, no picture, and no indication of the citizenship status of the arrestee.”

Police are identifying him as an adult, so his name should be reported. What is going on? A total mainstream media blackout is going on due to the alleged racism by the mentally ill suspect.

“Additional unconfirmed videos of the suspect assaulting other elderly individuals have surfaced across social media. It appears the assault was racially motivated,” Daily Caller adds.

Then, President Trump weighed in response to the infamous video: “Is this even possible to believe? Can this be for real? Where is this nursing home, how is the victim doing?”

Based on the suspect’s Facebook page and the additional video of the African-American man beating a disabled female patient, several sources stated that his motivation was racism.

“He was found on Facebook last night as well as a YouTube channel. He beats elderly white people for sport. Today his Facebook page is down. Many of us sent his information to the Detroit Police and FBI. His name is Jaydon Hayden,” reports “MeanAngryVet” on Bitchute.

“It’s amazing how the hate crime of the decade: disabled senior citizens getting punched in the face hundreds of times, isn’t being reported on CNN or MSNBC. Because the senior citizens are White men & women and the person punching them all is Black. Jaydon Hayden is a monster,” tweeted Phillip Anderson.

We all know how the legacy media jump all over any story that involves neo-Nazis or “white on black” crime. They love to pin any racially charged incident on supporters of President Trump.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig is a huge political activist who was excoriated by the conservative media after he ordered his officers to “escort” neo-Nazis to the Motor City Pride parade in 2019. Chief Craig appeared to be setting up a racially charged incident. What other explanation can there be?

“They wanted something even more substantive than Charlottesville,” Craig said. 

Indeed, that’s what almost happened.

“A day of fun and celebration took a dark turn when armed neo-Nazis crashed Pride celebrations in Detroit and shouted insults while tearing up a rainbow flag. One man even appears to have urinated on an Israeli flag. And, in a move that angered many, that was all made possible by police who escorted the small group of neo-Nazis while they disrupted the celebrations and insulted those in attendance,” Slate reports. 

Chief Craig is responsible for the censorship of this suspect who has been identified as Jaydon Hayden. His tactics of trying to cover-up his alleged hate crime isn’t working. Americans want equal justice for all racially charged crimes, and it does the country no good to attempt a cover-up based on the race of the perpetrator.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 548 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.