Rob Reiner: Trump OK If His Cult Followers Die At Tulsa Rally — Gets Epic Smackdown

Rob Reiner is claiming he is really worried about the supporters of President Donald Trump. The actor who spent thousands on a website devoted to proving “Trump-Russia collusion” is now issuing a warning to rallygoers. “Trump’s OK if his cult followers in Tulsa die,” he said, adding that the president is a “sociopath.” Well, that’s when poor Rob got an epic smackdown. You’ll love this.

Rob Reiner (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshot)

Hollywood director and crazed anti-Trump activist Rob Reiner is making the outlandish claim that President Donald Trump doesn’t care about the health of his supporters who will attend his upcoming rally in Oklahoma, alleging that the president is “OK if his cult followers in Tulsa die.”

But Reiner himself is apparently “OK” with #BlackLivesMatter protests that have seen hundreds and sometimes thousands of individuals crammed together in the streets in blatant disregard of COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.

Rob Reiner made his latest allegation against President Trump in a tweet in which he called the president a “sociopath.”

“Feeling Americans are devastated by the heartbreaking loss of life from the dual viruses of racism and corona,” he wrote. “Our President, a sociopath, doesn’t care. He’s even ok if his cult followers in Tulsa die. Nov. 3 can’t come soon enough.”

Reiner was referring to President Trump’s planned campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, set for Saturday at the Bank of Oklahoma Center.  The Trump campaign has stated that it will make masks available for attendees and will also provide hand sanitizers. The campaign said it will also take temperatures of attendees.

Maybe it’s the overwhelming support by Trump voters that is making Reiner so upset.

Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, publicized that one million requests have been made by Trump supporters to attend the Tulsa rally that can only accommodate around 20,000. Parscale also made it clear that precautions against COVID are being taken.

Mainstream media outlets have tried to portray the rally as a potential COVID-19 risk, even though many of the same outlets issued no similar warnings about the recent #BlackLivesMatter protests in cities across the country.

Rob Reiner, who has endorsed Joe Biden for the presidency, has supported the BLM protests, recently retweeting a video of a May 30 event in Denver where thousands of protestors gathered in tight conditions to chant “I can’t breathe.”

Americans gave ole Rob a rude awakening. No one is believing that “Meathead” is now scared of COVID after supporting the protests. 

“@robreiner HYPOCRITE! LET’S JUST CALL IT… ALL IN THE FAMILY, MEATHEAD! FRAUD! #CancelRobReiner,” tweeted “C Hopp.”

“Is this a #threat or #sinister #warning against #MAGA supporters @robreiner??? Because we sure know you don’t give a [crap] about humanity or children. Archie was right, you are a #MeatHead!!!” tweeted “Lailapolooza.”

“Technically, the Democrat Party represents the characteristics of a ‘cult.’ They love to enslave and keep you dependent on them, never truly being free,” tweeted George Reeve.

“Reiner knows that the COVID hoax has run its course and no one is paying attention to them…” tweeted Luana H.

“And you are too. So what’s the problem? Oh, that’s right. Maybe, just maybe, they won’t die. Right? Good luck trying to drive a wedge between Trump & his supporters. Must be tiring after four years now,” tweeted “New Republitarian.”

“By that rationale. I guess Reiner is okay with all the Black lives matters protestors dying,” tweeted Luana H.

It makes no sense that Rob Reiner is making such a big deal out of this phantom threat of COVID when for the last three weeks he has been supporting the so-called protests nationwide.

Reiner is sounding this false alarm because he is scared. 

He is scared because he knows his guy, Joe Biden, will be utterly destroyed by President Trump in debates. He knows the Trump rallies draw hundreds of thousands in each city which will counteract the unreliable polls that are now claiming Biden is ahead by 15 points.

So, brace yourselves for the new COVID scare. Reiner is only doing the Democrats’ bidding. Once Trump restarts his rallies nationwide, Democrats will start to report it’s just too dangerous to attend. It’s the only card they have left to play. But they have already fooled us once with the lockdowns, and we won’t be fooled again.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 942 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.