Actress and leftwing activist Rose McGowan, who is known as one of Harvey Weinstein’s first victims to speak out, has been blown away by what she is witnessing. “The Democrats and the media are a cult,” McGowan declared. The Hollywood starlet realized how the Democrats and the media work to undermine the truth, saying: “F*ck you fake ass Oprah.” But she was just getting started. You’ll love this.

Actress and #MeToo activist Rose McGowan called the Democrats and the media a “cult” and said “this is deeper than a cover-up,” likely alluding to a majority of the elite press and those Democrat lawmakers who’ve ignored or rebuked allegations made by Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who claims Joe Biden sexually assaulted her nearly three decades ago.
“I’m really sad, and I’m really tired. I normally share thoughts, but tonight it’s emotion,” McGowan captioned a tweet on Wednesday that was accompanied by a letter in which she detailed having lost faith in Democrats and left-wing media outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Rose looked exhausted and devastated. Waking up to the brutal reality that the Democrats and the media are all in cahoots can do that to a person:
I’m really sad, and I’m really tired. I normally share thoughts, but tonight it’s emotion.
— rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) April 29, 2020
Rose relates her story of being a dedicated Democrat and believing they were the “good guys.”
“I used to be a proud Democrat. I used to be a proud America. I would have died for this damned country and its ideals. I was raised to be a proud Democrat. When my youngest brother graduated as a fighter pilot at the Air Force academy, I wore a Vote John Kerry pin (lol,) got into verbal altercation with big men who were mad I was a Democrat,” the Charmed actress said in her lengthy letter.
“And I was always told it was the Democratic Party that were the good guys, that our papers were New York Times & the Washington Post and we as a family loved listing to All Things Considered and we’d talk about how much we loved Ira Glass’ voice,” McGowan explained.
“But now I know too much. And I feel really quite a sense of loss tonight,” she adds.
“I am not a cynical person, but America goddamn,” Rose McGowan continued. “Republicans have always been painted as the bad guys, and I’ve always seen them more as a cult, but now I realize so are the Democrats and the media. Macro and micro. This is deeper than a cover-up. And I’m sad because there’s death around all corners and shadows in the daytime. It hurts.”
McGowan’s epiphany comes after she spent the last few days calling for Joe Biden to end his campaign or answer the charges by Tara Reade. McGowan couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that her beloved Democrats, especially the women, were totally ignoring the credible charges by Reade.
And as Reade’s claims continued to become clearer, McGowan’s public shaming of Democrats, the media, and feminist groups grew louder.
“F*ck you to the silent media, f*ck you to women’s groups, Gloria Steinem, & f*cking fake ass Oprah, f*ck you,” McGown said last week. “All of you crow about your bravery yet you do nothing.”
Libertarian Dave Rubin, who appears on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s show often, tweeted to McGowan: “You’re almost there Rose. Lemme know when you wanna chat…”
You’re almost there Rose. Lemme know when you wanna chat…
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) April 30, 2020
“I’ve been in your shoes. Trust me, it gets better on the other side. Talk to @BrandonStraka. Come over to our team. #WalkAway people are the most accepting and welcoming bunch you’ll find anywhere. You don’t need to vote a certain way to be accepted. Just have an open mind,” tweeted Dr. Karlyn Borensko, who just left the Democrats and became a Trump supporter.
I’ve been in your shoes. Trust me, it gets better on the other side. Talk to @BrandonStraka. Come over to our team. #WalkAway people are the most accepting and welcoming bunch you’ll find anywhere. You don’t need to vote a certain way to be accepted. Just have an open mind.
— Dr. Karlyn Borysenko (@DrKarlynB) April 30, 2020
Brandon Straka, who founded the #WalkAway movement, also reached out to the actress: “Hey @rosemcgowan-I read ur post & identified w so many of your feelings bc I went through so many of the same feelings a few yrs ago. I walked away from the Dem Party-& it was a very painful decision at the time. Now I know it was exactly the right choice. Would love to talk 2 u.”
Hey @rosemcgowan-I read ur post & identified w so many of your feelings bc I went through so many of the same feelings a few yrs ago. I walked away from the Dem Party-& it was a very painful decision at the time. Now I know it was exactly the right choice.Would love to talk 2 u❤️
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) April 30, 2020
Most people can relate to waking up to hard truths you did not want to face. It takes a very brave and strong person to admit that what they believed as the Gospel truth and those they supported for years are not worthy of admiration.
Making matter worse for McGowan is that her acting profession will be irrevocably harmed by calling out the Democrats and the media and taking on their queen Oprah Winfrey. Rose McGowan knows this, and still, she could not look away. For that, all Americans should salute her bravery.